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Practice Astronomy Exam
1) If something were to happen to the sun, it would take __________ for us to know about it.
a) 8 seconds
b) 8 minutes
c) 8 hours
d) 8 days
2) The amount of light energy that a star produces is called its...
a) brightness. b) temperature. c) luminosity. d) colour.
3) As best we can determine, galaxies in the universe are...
a) arranged in a fixed pattern.
b) moving through space away from each other.
c) moving towards each other.
d) being carried apart as space expands.
4) The apparent shift in the location of an object when viewed from different positions is called...
a) triangulation.
b) red shift.
c) base line.
d) parallax.
5) If a star is 5 times farther away than a similar star it will seem ________ times as bright.
a) 1 / 25
b) 1 / 5
c) 5
d) 25
6) Most stars start out as...
a) main sequence stars.
b) giant stars.
c) dwarf stars.
d) neutron stars.
7) The way in which a star ends its life is determined by its starting...
a) temperature.
b) diameter.
c) mass.
d) colour.
8) Clumps of matter in the disk of a collapsing nebula form...
a) planets.
b) comets.
c) asteroids.
d) all of the above.
9) The motion of celestial objects across the sky in a night is the result of the...
a) the revolution of the earth around the sun.
b) the rotation of the Earth.
c) the revolution of planets around the sun.
d) the rotation of the galaxy.
10) Our sun releases energy by...
a) burning hydrogen at its core.
c) fusing helium atoms at its core.
b) fusing hydrogen atoms at its core.
c) fusing hydrogen atoms at its surface.
11) Stars exist in a balance between...
a) gravity and rotation. b) gravity and fuel supply.
c) mass and diameter.
d) gravity and pressure.
12) Our Sun is about _________ years old and about _________ through its life span?
a) 5 billion years, half
b) 5 billion years, third
c) 10 billion years, third
d) 10 billion years, 90 percent
13) When the sun runs out of Hydrogen and starts fusing Helium it will...
a) shrink down to a very small size.
b) become much hotter.
c) swell up and engulf most of the inner planets.
d) become a super nova.
14) What type of star becomes a neutron star?
a) A star like our sun.
b) The most massive stars.
c) White dwarfs.
15) How are the distances to the edge of our galaxy and to other galaxies measured?
a) Triangulation
b) Parallax
c) Cepheid variables
d) Red dwarfs.
d) Radar
16) What stellar property could we not measure if it were not for solar systems with multiple stars?
a) Size
b) Temperature
c) Luminosity
d) Mass
17) Hubble’s Law states that...
a) nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
b) the farther away you look in space, the farther back in time you are looking.
c) if you look in any direction you will see your current location.
d) the greater the distance to a galaxy, the greater the red shift in its spectrum.
18) The Earth experiences different seasons because...
a) its orbit is not circular and its distance to the sun changes throughout the year.
b) the sun is a Cepheid variable and its luminosity changes regularly.
c) the Earth’s rotation axis is tilted relative to its orbit around the sun.
Questions 19 to 21 refer to the line spectra diagram.
19) What causes the lines in solar spectra?
a) Light given off by elements in the core.
b) Light given off by elements at the surface.
c) Light absorbed by elements at the surface.
d) Light absorbed by gases in nebula.
20) Of what elements is star B composed?
a) H and Hg
b) H and He
c) He and Ca d) Na and H
e) He and Hg
21) How are each of these two stars moving relative to us?
a) Both are moving away from us.
b) Both are moving towards us.
c) Star A is moving away from us and star B is moving towards us.
d) Star A is moving towards us and star B is moving away from us.
e) Neither star is moving relative to us.
Questions 22 to 34 refer to the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
22) Which would be the correct order of colours (from left to right) on the bottom of the Hertzsprung-Russell
a) White Blue Yellow Red
b) Red Yellow White Blue
c) Red Yellow Blue White
d) Blue White Yellow Red
e) Blue Green Yellow Red
23) The location of our sun in the Hertzsprung-Russell
diagram is...
a) between A and B.
b) B
c) between B and C
d) C
e) D
24) The main sequence on the diagram includes stars...
a) A, B, and C
b) D, B, and E
c) E only
d) D only
25) Over time, our sun will evolve through stages...
a) A, then E, and finally C
b) E then D
c) D then C
d) E, then A, and finally D
26) What type of star is A?
a) Blue Giant.
c) White Dwarf
d) Red Dwarf.
b) Red Giant
27) Which star will use up its fuel faster?
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
28) Which star is fusing Helium as fuel?
a) A
b) B
c) D
d) E
29) Which star is not consuming any fuel at all
a) B
b) C
c) D
e) E
30) Match the correct definition to each term. There are more definitions than terms.
____ planet
A) cloud of dust and gas
____ moon
B) a large ball of gas that releases energy from nuclear fusion
____ star
C) A star which pulsates in brightness at a rate proportional to its luminosity
____ comet
D) a small chunk of rock orbiting a star
____ asteroid
E) a group of stars, solar systems, and nebula that rotates in space
____ meteor
F) a gravitationally collapsed star
____ galaxy
G) a small chunk of rock that falls to earth
____ nebula
H) a large ball of rock, liquid, or gas that orbits a star
____ Cepheid variable
I) a small chunk of dirty ice that orbits a star
____ Black hole
J) a small chunk of rock that passes through earth’s atmosphere
K) a large ball of rock that orbits a planet
31) What does a planet appear to do as the earth passes it in its orbit around the sun?
a) It will seem to get larger.
b) It will seem to get brighter.
c) It will seem to move backwards against the stars.
d) Both “b” and “c” are correct.
e) “a” “b” and “c” all are correct.
32) What are the three steps in the process of triangulating the distance to a distant object?
a) Measure the angle between two ends of a baseline while at the distant object.
b) Measure the angles from a very short baseline (of known length) to the object at each end of the baseline.
c) Measure the angle from a baseline to the object at one end of the baseline and the length of the baseline.
b) Measure the angles from a very long baseline (of known length) to the object at each end of the baseline.
e) Measure the angles (at each end) of the longest baseline that can easily be measured between the the object and
the other end of the baseline.
Questions 34 to 37 relate to the diagram to the right.
34) a) What shape would the moon have in the sky?
35) What is the name of this shape?
a) crescent
b) half
c) gibbous
d) full
e) new
36) At what time of day the moon will be highest in the sky?
a) 3 AM
b) 9 AM
c) 3 PM
d) 9 PM
37) Which of the following terms describes this phase of the moon?
a) Waxing
b) Waning