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Anatomy 102
Answer Sheet
Session 1: Music of Anatomy, Muscle Machinery, Basics of Flexibility Training
Session 2: Body Actions Review
Session 3: Advanced Body Action Concepts
Session 4: Advanced Body Action Concepts (continued)
Session 5: “Music Theory”
Session 6: Names of Muscles, Actions of Muscles
Session 7: Names of Muscles, Actions of Muscles
Session 8: Names of Muscles, Actions of Muscles
Session 9: Names of Muscles, Actions of Muscles
Session 10: Names of Muscles, Actions of Muscles
Session 11: Practice Test
Session 12: Practice Test & Bony Landmarks Chart
Session 1: Music of Anatomy, Muscle Machinery, Basics of Flexibility Training
1. Familiarize yourself with muscle ____________ and you will know how a muscle moves.
2. Learn the muscles responsible for moving the body in _______ position first.
3. If you persevere in anatomy study, eventually you will be able to “hear’ the music of God’s
wonderful creation: the _______________________ _______________________
Prayer example: Lord, you have said that if we ask for wisdom, you will give it to us generously
and without reproach. I ask for knowledge of how You created the human body. Lord, please
draw near and lead me in this adventure. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
4. The four properties of muscle are: _______________________, _______________________,
_______________________ and _______________________.
5. Tendons connect muscle to _______________________.
6. Ligaments connect bone to _______________________.
7. Skeletal muscles are st_ _ _ _ ed.
8. “Voluntary Nerve Control” means that we _______________________ move the muscle by
using our brains.
9. Muscles work like le_ _ _ _.
10. We do not ____________
muscles, but use the whole body in a coordinated way.
11. Posture affects the whole _________ and starts at the _________ and continues upward.
12. If a muscle shortens on one side it ________ on the other side.
13. A _ _ _ _ _ t s move the body part.
14. In WholyFit we work to balance the muscles in countering pairs: we work the front then
back to prevent muscle _____________.
15. Working the muscles in countering pairs prevents muscle imbalances. This is called
16. Warmup is essential for effective _________ _________ .
17. The Golgi Tendon Organs sense _________.
18. In WholyFit we also balance ___________ with flexibility.
19. The rule is ____________ first, then stretch.
20. _________exercises help to relieve spasms
21. Proper stretching ___________ is vital, because of chain reaction function.
22. Rule 2: Stretch while consciously _________ the muscle to create stability.
Session 2: Body Actions Review
Directions: Using the Body Action terms describe the following postures in anatomical terms.
0. In this session, we will be describing the POSITION OF THE ___________ using terms
1. Posture: Belt, Level 1
„ Head-Neck
„ Arm-Shoulder
„ Hip-Leg
(Level: hard)
2. Posture: Butterfly Level 1a
„ Head-Neck
„ Arm-Shoulder
„ Hip-Leg
„ Spine
„ Elbow
„ Knee
„ Wrist
„ Ankle
„ Other
3. Posture: Shield Level 1
„ Head-Neck
„ Arm-Shoulder
„ Hip-Leg
„ Spine
„ Elbow
„ Knee
„ Wrist
„ Ankle
„ Wrist
4. Posture: Fire Exgtinguisher Level 2
„ Head-Neck
„ Arm-Shoulder
„ Hip-Leg
„ Spine
„ Elbow
„ Knee
„ Wrist
„ Ankle
„ Wrist
5. Posture: Fire Exgtinguisher Level 3
„ Head-Neck
„ Arm-Shoulder
6. Posture: Shield Level 2
„ Head-Neck
„ Arm-Shoulder
„ Hip-Leg
„ Spine
„ Elbow
„ Knee
„ Wrist
„ Ankle
„ Wrist
7. Posture: Shield Level 3
„ Head-Neck
„ Arm-Shoulder
„ Hip-Leg
„ Spine
„ Elbow
„ Knee
„ Wrist
„ Ankle
„ Wrist
Session 3:
1. On inspiration the diaphragm ___________.
2. On expiration the diaphragm __________.
3. Transverse abdominus attaches to the spine and pelvic bones, thus influencing _______.
4. During inhalation the ribs move upward. This is ________.
5. In Overcomer Extended, rib elevation on the top side of the body is the “tattle tale” for
unwanted lateral spinal __________.
Session 4:
1. The ASIS stands for the __________________ _________of the Illium.
2. Pelvis orientation is about movements of the ______, not the hip-leg joint.
3. Anteversion = anterior tilt=_______Rotation
4. Retroversion=________tilt= Posterior Rotation
5. The Sacroiliac joint is a “________” joint capable of limited movement.
6. The expert, French orthopedist I.A. Kapandji calls this slight slippage of the SI joint and its
effects ______ and counternutation.
7. In wide angle, the advanced practitioner initiates sacral nutation by rolling forward over the
sitz bones, aiming the ASIS _____ and ________.
Session 5:
1. Exercise _______determines which muscles are responsible for what.
2. Mind-body focus is important in directing muscular energy even though you may not be able
to ________ it.
3. Eccentric contraction happens when the muscle ___________ while it works.
4. In WholyFit exercises are “________” – held in place to accomplish goals
5. The origin is the “__________” end of the muscle.
6. If the muscle crosses _______ joints, like Gastrocnemius does, it affects those two joints.
Sessions 6
1. We emphasize this abdominal muscle most in WholyFit: ____________
1.5 The Rectus Abdominus but it is one long muscle from the _____________ to the
2. The obliques must work together with the rectus abdominus in order to ___________ the
3. The Erector Spinae muscles extend the _______.
4. The QL’s are responsible for lateral spinal ______.
5. When the QL’s work together with the Erector Spinae, they _______ the spine.
6. The Illiopsoas is actually 2 muscles, the illiacus and the _______.
7. The illiopsoas causes hip _____________.
Session 7
1. The deltoid and supraspinatus muscles _____the arms.
2. The deltoids have three groups of fibers: _______, _______ and ________.
3. The supraspinatus is the most commonly ______of all the rotator cuff muscles.
4. The four muscles of the rotator cuff are: ________, __________, ______ ______, and
5. The coracobrachialis is ___________ to the corocoid process of the scapula.
6. Infraspinatus is a _______ muscle.
7. Pectoralis Major is the largest _____muscle.
8. Use your Lats to keep your back upper ______ during the “Fire Extinguisher”.
9. Teres Major has the same function as the Lats.
10. Use your Lats and Teres Major to pull the body forward for the ______ into “Fire
Session 8
1. The ______________ is the main muscle that flexes the elbow.
2. The biceps can ________ the forearm.
3. The tricep’s strongest action is extending the _________.
4. _______________ is named for its attachments.
5. The SCM muscles flex and _________ the neck.
6. Scalenes have same actions as SCM but also can laterally _______the neck.
7. Include lateral neck _______ in your stretching routines to maintain smooth scalenes.
8. Shoulder movements affect the __________too.
Session 9
1. A Spasm is also called a _________ ________.
2. ___________ look like a “Christmas Tree”
3. Iliocostalis thoracis attaches to all the ______.
4. ____________ is a scapula stabilizer.
5. Seratus anterior _________ can “take your breath away”.
6. Limber external rotators provide open _____.
7. Turn out starts in the _______ joint.
8. Open hips allows for greater ________ of the leg.
9. Gluteus ______ is the biggest of the external rotators.
10. Hip opening can prevent _______.
11. External and Internal rotation is largely ______
12. The gluteous minmus and medius are responsible for _________ most.
Session 10
1. In pure hip flexion, the back should be ________.
2. Study picture of Iliopsoas.
3. The rectus femoris is attached to the hip, the thigh bone and the _________.
4. Hamstring Muscles:
A. _________________
B. ___________________
C. ___________________
5. The ________ ___________ can do outward rotation.
6. The Gluteus medius is emphasized in the _________ front stance.
7. The Gluteus _______ abducts primarily.
8. TFL is a hip muscle responsible for ______________
9. __________reduction does not work.
10. The I.T. Band is the “rope” that the TFL pulls on to _______the leg.
11. The adductors can also do hip ______ because they cross the hip-leg joint.
12. The Gracilis is a ____________________(superficial or deep?) muscle.
13. The Sartorius is called the _________ muscle.
14. The four Quads are the ________, ________,________,& ________.
15. The Gastrocnemius is a _____muscle.
16. The Soleus is ________(deeper or more superficial?) than the Gastrocnemius?
Session 11
This is practical technique work to do at home.
Session 12
1-6 is practical technique work continued.
8. Know these landmarks:
Accromion process
Coracoid process
Superior border of scapula
Inferior angle of the Scapula
Vertebral border of the Scapula
Olecranon process
Medial epicondyle of the humerous
Styloid process
Sitz bones
Summary of Important Muscles for WholyFit
Practice Playing the “Classics”!
Look up the highlighted muscles and review their classic actions which only happen in
anatomical position:
Abdomen Compressors: External and Internal Abdominal Obliques, Rectus Abdominus,
Transverse Abdominus
Arm-shoulder Abductors: Deltoid, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus
Arm-shoulder Adductors: Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major and Minor, Coracobrachialis, Anterior
and Posterior Deltoid, Infraspinatus, Pectoralis Major, Triceps Brachii, Subscapularis
Arm-shoulder Extensors: Posterior Deltoid, Latissimus Dorsi, Subscapularis, Teres Major &
Minor, Triceps Brachii
Arm-shoulder Super-extensors: Teres Minor and Major, Subscapularis, Latissimus Dorsi,
Posterior Deltoid, Triceps Brachii
Arm-shoulder Flexors: Coracobrachialis, Anterior Deltoid, Pectoralis Major, Biceps Brachii
Arm Horizontal Abductors: Infraspinatus, Posterior Deltoid, Teres Minor
Arm Horizontal Adductors: Coracobrachialis, Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid, Latissimus
Elbow Extensors: Anconeus, Triceps Brachii, Extensors (Carpi, Digiti)
Elbow Flexors: Biceps Brachii, Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Pronator Teres, Flexor Carpi radialis
and Ulnaris, Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Supinator, Palmaris Longus
Forearm Pronator: Pronators (Pronator Quadratus & Pronator Teres)
Forearm Supinator: Biceps Brachii, Brachioradialis, Supinator
Head-neck Extensors and Super-extensors: Longissimus Capitis, Obliquus Capitis superior,
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major and Minor, Spinalis Capitis, Splenius Capitis, Splenius Cervicis,
Head-neck Flexors: Longus Capitis, Rectus Capitis Anterior, Sternocleidomastoid
Head-neck Lateral Flexors: Longissimus Capitis, Obliquus Capitis Superior, Rectus Capitis
lateralis, Splenius Capitis, spleniuscervicis, Sternocleidomastoid, Spinalis Capitis, Trapezius
Hip-leg Abductors: Gluteus Medius and Minimus, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Sartorius
Hip-leg Adductors: Adductor Longus, Brevis and Magnus, Gracilis, Pectineus, Biceps Femoris,
Gluteus Maximus, Iliacus, Semimembransosus**, Semitendinosus**
Hip-leg Extensor: Biceps Femoris**, Gluteus Maximus, Semimembranosus**,
Semitendinosus**, Adductor Magnus, Gluteus Medius
Hip-leg Super-Extension: Semimembranosus**, Gluteus maximus, Biceps Femoris**,
Semitendinosus**, Gluteus medius, Adductor Magnus
Hip-leg Flexor: Gracilis, Iliacus, Pectineus, Psoas major and Minor, Sartorius, Tensor fasciae
Latae, Adductor Brevis, Longus and Magnus, Gluteus Medius and Minimus, Rectus Femoris*
Hip-leg Internal Rotators: Gluteus Medius and Minimus, Adductor Magnus,
Semimembranosus**, Semitendinosus**, Tensor Fasciae Latae
Hip-leg External Rotators: Adductor magnus, Biceps Femoris**, Gemillis (Gemellus inferior
and Superior), Gluteus maximus and medius, Quadratus Femoris, Sartorius, Obturator Externus
and internus, Piriformis, Adductor Brevis and Longus, Iliacus, Pectineus, Psoas major and
Minor, Gracilis
Knee Extensors: Quadriceps (Rectus Femoris*, Vastus Intermedius*, Lateralis* and Medialis*)
Knee Flexors: Hamstrings, 2. Popliteus, 3. Sartorius (1. Biceps Femoris**, 4.
Semimembranosus** and 5. Semitendinosus**), 6. Gastrocnemius, 7. Gracilis, 8. Plantaris
Large Spine (thoracic and lumbar) Extensors: Erector Spinae (see p. 69 Anatomy of Movement),
Multifidus, Quadratus Lumborum
Large spine (thoracic and lumbar) Super-Extensors: Rotatores, and the other extensors listed for
Spine Flexors: External and Internal Abdominal Oblique, Rectus Abdominus
Spinal Rotators : External and Internal Abdominal Oblique, Multifidus, Rotatores
Spine lateral flexors: Iliocostalis muscles of the Erector spinae group, Intertransverarii, Levator
Costarum, Quadratus Lumborum, External Obliques, (Latissimus Dorsi usually involved when
pulling shoulders down with mind-body focus)
Wrist Extensors: 12
Wrist Flexors: 8
Additional Notes on Learning to Hear the "Music":
Session 4 & 5:
1. Read page 88 and top of page 15 Anatomy of Movement (Optional Textbook). Take notes here:
2. On inspiration the diaphragm ___________.
3. Transverse abdominus attaches to the spine and pelvic bones, thus influencing _________.
4. During inhalation the ribs move upward. This is ________.
5. In Overcomer Extended, rib elevation on the top side of the body is the “tattle tale” for
unwanted lateral spinal __________.
6. The ASIS stands for the __________ __________ __________ of the Ilium.
7. Pelvis orientation is about movements of the ______, not the hip-leg joint.
8. Anteversion = anterior tilt =_______ Rotation
Retroversion =________ tilt = Posterior Rotation
10. The Sacroiliac joint is a “________” joint capable of limited movement.
11. The expert, French orthopedist I.A. Kapandji calls the slight slippage of the SI joint: ______
and counternutation.
12. In wide angle, the advanced practitioner initiates sacral nutation by rolling forward over the
sitz bones, aiming the ASIS _____ and ________.
Session 6: “Music Theory”
1. Exercise _______determines which muscles are responsible for what.
2. Mind-body focus is important in directing muscular energy even though you may not be able
to ________ it.
3. Eccentric contraction happens when the muscle ___________ while it works.
4. In WholyFit exercises are “________” – held in place to accomplish goals
5. The origin is the “__________” end of the muscle.
6. If the muscle crosses _______ joints, like Gastrocnemius does, it affects those two joints.
7. Fire Extinguisher
Elbows ______
Shoulders _______
Scapulae ________
Sessions 8, 9 & 10: Start Playing Your Own Music!
1. The muscles responsible for actions may be different than those stated in the chart because
WholyFit exercises are not being done in ______________ position.
2. The muscles responsible for actions may be different than those stated in the chart because of
the type of ______work.
3. The muscles responsible for actions may be different than those stated in the chart because of
we will ________ which muscles to emphasize depending our goals.
4. We will analyzse postures in the _______ position.
5. The muscular effort can be felt but not always ________.
6. Remember we are analyzing the static position of the Fire Extinguisher, not the “lowering”
______ from Shield.
7. Fire Extinguisher
Elbows ________.
Arm-Shoulders ________.
Scapulae ________.
Muscular Focus: ______
9. Even though the elbows are flexed, it is actually the elbow_______ that are doing the work.
10. The way to make level 3 Fire Exgtinguisher “float” is to use the ________ as much or more
than the arms.
11. Shield
Abdomen ________
Spine ________
Hip-legs flexed in level ________only
Knees ________ in level 1 & 2
Shoulders ________
12. Muscular focus: _____ and _____ extensors.
13. Yadah:
14. Muscular focus:
Concentric work of the ____________.
15. Peace Shoes Level 1:
Abdomen ___________
Spine ___________
Hip-legs __________
Legs __________
Head/neck ____________
16. Peace Shoes Level 1:
Eccentric Muscular Focus: _________ and __________
17. Peace Shoes Level 3:
Hip-legs _________
Spine ___________
Slight lumbar _______
Neck slight _______
Shoulders _______
Elbows _______
Wrists _______ _______
18. Peace Shoes Level Concentric Muscular Focus: _____ & hip flexors.
Session 11 & 12: Practical Pre-test
_____________________ of the wrist
(Flexion or extension?)
is a movement that takes the hand forward from the anatomical position, palm up.
2. Demonstrate:
• hip flexed position
3. A movement in a sagittal plane which takes a part of the body backward from anatomical
position is:
(Flexion or extension?)
4. Demonstrate:
• Bring arms back to anatomical position from a flexed position into neutral extension.
5. A movement which takes a part of the body towards the median plane is called:
(adduction or abduction?)
6. Demonstrate:
• Bring arms back to anatomical position from a flexed position.
7. A movement which takes a part of the body away from the median plane is called:
(adduction or abduction?)
8. Demonstrate:
• Abduct the right arm-shoulder from anatomical position
9. For the trunk or neck, movement in the frontal plane away from the median plane is called
“side-bending” or
Lateral ______________________
(flexion or extension?)
10. Demonstrate:
• Laterally Flex the spine in a standing position
11. A movement in the transverse plane which turns the arm or leg outward (laterally) is called
outward rotation or:
(inward or external?)
12. Demonstrate:
• Laterally (externally) rotate the leg from the hip-leg joint
13. A movement in a transverse plane which takes a part of the body inward in is called inward
rotation or
(external or medial?)
14. Demonstrate:
• Internally rotate the hip-leg joint
15. Know these landmarks
C2: cervical vertebra under the base of the skull
Sternum: breastplate
T9: Bra strap level (approx.)
L3: where you bend at the waist
Sacrum: broad, flat lower part of spine attached to tail bone
Clavical: horizontal bones on either side of neck
Coccyx: tail bone
Acromion process: bump at top of shoulder outside of clavicle
Spine of scapula: shoulder blade
Inferior angle of the Scapula- bottom point of the shoulder blades
patella: knee cap
ASIS: anterior superior illiac spine- the tops of the hip bones where front jeans pockets
Sitz bones: Ischial tuberosities
Olecranon Process: Elbow