Download Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

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Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance
Estrogen Deficiency Symptoms:
Hot flashes
Dry skin
Night sweats
Sleep disturbances
Foggy thinking
Memory lapses
Heart palpitations
Estrogen Excess Symptoms:
Water retention
Heavy, irregular
Breast swelling and
Mood swings
Yeast infections
Painful intercourse
Low libido
Bone loss
Uterine fibroids
Craving for sweets
Low thyroid
Weight gain
Fibrocystic breasts
Progesterone Deficiency Symptoms:
Many of the symptoms of Estrogen Excess, plus :
Swollen breasts
Mood swings
Weight gain
Irregular menses
Low libido
Fuzzy thinking
Joint pain
Progesterone Excess Symptoms:
Many of the symptoms of Estrogen Deficiency, plus :
Mild depression
Breast swelling
Testosterone Deficiency Symptoms:
Fatigue, prolonged
Muscle weakness
Mental fuzziness
Diminished feeling of well being
Memory problems
Heart palpitations
Thinning skin
Decreased libido
Bone loss
Blunted motivation
Testosterone Excess Symptoms:
Clitoral enlargement
Male-pattern hair
Irritability/ modiness
Deepening of voice
Symptoms of Low and High Cortisol (Adrenal Fatigue):
Sleep disturbances
Cravings for sweets
 Irritability
Low libido
 Chemical Sensitivities
Hair loss
Vaginal dryness
General aches/pains
Loss of scalp hair
Symptoms of hypothyroidism
Symptoms of low progesterone
Bone Loss
Elevated triglycerides
Symptoms of Low Thyroid:
Fatigue (especially evening)
Low stamina
Cold extremities
Low body temperature
Low libido
Dry skin
Intolerance to cold
General aches and pains
Weight gain
Scalp hair loss
Swollen, puffy eyes
Brittle nails
Decreased sweating
Low pulse rate/blood pressure
 Poor concentration
 Memory lapses
 High cholesterol
 Heart palpitations
 Infertility
 Constipation
 Fibromyalgia
Symptoms of High Thyroid:
 Rapid heart rate
 Diarrhea
 Insomnia
 Weight loss
 Agitation
 Increased sweating
 Dry skin
 Heat intolerance
 Thinning skin
 Hair loss
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