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Qualification title: Level 3 Advanced Technicals in Animal Management
Test title: Unit 306 Biological systems of animals
Version: SAMPLE
Duration: 1 hr 30 minutes
Base mark: 60
1a. Describe the function of the three main types of blood vessels found in the rabbits circulatory
system (6 marks)
1 x mark awarded for type of vessel, 1 x mark awarded for function; maximum two marks
 Arteries (1) – function to carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the tissues of the body (1)
 Veins (1) – function to carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart (1)
 Capillaries (1) - function as site s of the transfer of oxygen and other nutrients from the blood
stream to other tissues of the body (1).
1b. Using the diagram below, label the following ten structures of the heart identified. (10
1 x mark for each of the following structures identified
1. four chambers; right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle
2. aorta
3. vena cava
Level 3 Advanced Technicals in Animal Management - Unit 306 Sample external test
pulmonary vein
pulmonary artery
bicuspid and tricuspid valves
chordae tendinae
sino atrial node
atrioventricular node
bundle of his and purkynje fibres
1c Explain the structure and function of each of the following in relation to the formation of the
heat beat. (9 marks)
 Left Atrium
 Aorta
 Tricuspid valve
Model answer:
1 x mark structure; 1 x mark brief explanation; 2 x marks for detailed explanation; maximum 3
Left atrium:
Structure - The upper left chamber of the heart.
Function - During the normal cardiac cycle the left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the
lungs through the pulmonary veins. Once full it contracts and the oxygenated blood from the
left atrium flows into the left ventricle through the open bicuspid (mitral) valve.
Structure – The main artery in the rabbits body originating from the left ventricle. Function –
to carry oxygenated blood to various parts of the rabbits’ body. Carries oxygenated blood
from the left ventricle to the various parts of the body.
Tricuspid valve:
Structure – One way valve forming the boundary between the right ventricle and right atrium.
Function - Keeps blood moving properly through the right atrium and right ventricle. When
open it allows the deoxygenated blood collected in the right atrium to flow into the right
Test spec reference: Unit 306, LO1
Total marks: 25 marks
2a Describe the function of two structures found within the lymphatic system (4 marks)
One mark for identifying structure; one mark for function
Any two from the following:
 Lymph vessels (1) – function is to carry lymph fluid away from tissues (1)
 Lymphatic tissues (1)– functions as part of the body’s immune system to help protect the
body against foreign invaders (1)
 Lymphatic ducts (1) – function is to drain lymph into the circulatory system (1)
 Lymphatic node (1) - function as part of the immune system and act as filters of foreign
particles (1)
 Lymphatic nodules (1) – function is to defend the body against foreign material (1)
2b Using the diagram below, locate the following structures; and indicate which region of the
brain they form part of. (3 marks)
 Cerebellum
Level 3 Advanced Technicals in Animal Management - Unit 306 Sample external test
Cerebral Cortex
Cerebral cortex – forebrain (1)
Hypothalamus – forebrain (1)
Cerebellum – hindbrain (1)
1 x mark for correct structure and region
2c Discuss the function of the hypothalamus in relation to its role in the endocrine system
(6 marks)
Model answer:
Band 1: 0-2 marks
Basic discussion, showing some understanding of the functions of the hypothalamus. There will
be little of no specialist terms. Answer may be disorganised and ambiguous.
Band 2: 3-4 marks
Some discussion, showing an understanding of the function of the hypothalamus. Can provide an
adequate understanding of the role in the endocrine system. There will be some use of specialist
terms, although they may not always be used appropriately. The information is presented mostly
in a structured format.
Band 3: 5-6 marks
Thorough discussion, showing a clear understanding of the functions of the hypothalamus. Can
provide a thorough understanding of the role in the endocrine system. Specialist terms will be
used correctly and appropriately. Information will be presented in a structured format.
Level 3 Advanced Technicals in Animal Management - Unit 306 Sample external test
Test spec reference: Unit 306, LO2 + LO3
Total marks: 13 marks
3a Describe the structure of the dog’s peripheral nervous system (2 marks)
The peripheral nervous system is part of the nervous system, consisting of the nerves and ganglia
outside the brain and spinal cord (1). The nerves of the PNS are sensory and motor nerves which
carry information to and from the CNS (1).
3b Explain the functions of two main divisions of the automatic nervous system. In your answer,
provide an example of the effects of each on the dogs’ body (6 marks).
Band 1: 0 – 2 marks
Basic discussion, showing limited understanding of the functions of the two main divisions sympathetic and parasympathetic. There will be little of no specialist terms. Answer may be
disorganised and ambiguous.
Band 2: 3 – 4 marks
Adequate discussion, showing some understanding of the functions of the two main divisions sympathetic and parasympathetic. Can provide an adequate understanding of the effects on the
dog’s body. There will be some use of specialist terms, although they may not always be used
appropriately. The information is presented mostly in a structured format.
Band 3: 5 – 6 marks
Thorough discussion, showing understanding of the functions of the two main divisions sympathetic and parasympathetic. Can provide a thorough understanding of the effects on the
dog’s body. Specialist terms will be used correctly and appropriately. Information will be
presented in a structured format.
Test spec reference: Unit 306 LO3
Total marks: 8 marks
4a Identify the structure and location of the 5 main senses in the cats’ body. (5 marks)
1 x mark for each identification of sense, structure and location
structure Location
 Sight/Vision – photoreceptors – eye (1)
 Hearing/audition – mechanoreceptors – inner ear (1)
 Taste/gustation – taste buds – tongue (1)
 Smell/olfaction – olfactory receptors – nose (1)
 Touch/somatosensation – neural receptors – skin and hair follicles (1)
4b Compare and contrast the 5 senses of cats to that of another animal species (9 marks)
Band 1: 0 – 3 marks
Basic discussion, showing some knowledge of the 5 senses of the cat and the 5 senses of another
animal. There will be little of no specialist terms. Answer may be disorganised and ambiguous.
Level 3 Advanced Technicals in Animal Management - Unit 306 Sample external test
Band 2: 4 – 6 marks
Some discussion, showing an understanding of the differences and similarities between the
senses of the cat and the senses of another animal. Can provide an adequate understanding of
the evolution and reasons for difference across species. There will be some use of specialist
terms, although they may not always be used appropriately. The information is presented mostly
in a structured format.
Band 3: 7 – 9 marks
Thorough discussion, showing a clear understanding of the similarities and differences in the 5
senses between the cat and another species. Can provide sound understanding of the evolution
and reasons for difference across species. Specialist terms will be used correctly and
appropriately. Information will be presented in a structured format.
Test spec reference: Unit 306 LO4
Level 3 Advanced Technicals in Animal Management - Unit 306 Sample external test
Total marks: 14 marks