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Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
Automobile Department
1st year student
During a short historical period radical transformations, affecting all spheres of
the society, took place in Ukraine. In spite of the difficulties which our state
confronted when getting its independence, an important consecutive stage of the
process of democratic transformations in the Ukrainian society, development of signs
of its independent state system was acceptance of the Constitution of Ukraine by the
Supreme Council of Ukraine. The Basic Law confirmed political intentions and
practical measures concerning realization of social, economic and political
transformations, consolidated really existing social, economic and political relations,
institutions as well as law-and-order formed at the moment of approving the
So, undoubtedly, the basic changes in the country took place in the political
sphere. However, the influence of political transformations in Ukraine in all other
spheres of the society – the spheres of communication, education, economy, all
industries – does not give rise to doubt. Fundamental principles of the economic
activity have changed, the relations of property have been transformed, structures and
functions of the economy control system have been reformed. There appeared new
directions of the economic activity.
Market reforms make us reconsider the idea of the bases of enterprises activity
organization including transport enterprises and, in particular, motor transport
enterprises. Organization of effective work became one of the primary tasks for
motor transport enterprises, as well as for the enterprises of other industries of
economy. It is undoubtedly connected with passing of Ukrainian economy to market
Speaking about the origin of transportation industry, it is necessary to mention
that it originates in ancient times. But goods and information delivery were
occasional at that time and the terms of delivery could be absolutely different in each
case. In the course of time, using achievements of science and technology people
have learned to transfer information and deliver goods in various ways. The services
which in ancient time were engaged in transferring information, in the course of time
suffered considerable changes and their basic role in the modern world is delivery of
freight from a consigner to a consignee. Nowadays there is a great number of various
transportation companies, firms carrying goods (both within one city or country and
on the international level), messenger services, etc. They deliver loads from one
destination to another. Freight is transported by all modes of transport – land
transport which includes motor cars and trucks of different carrying capacity and
railway transport; marine and river transport; air transport, etc.
Nowadays, in Ukraine there are many different companies which are engaged
in freight transportation both in Ukraine and on the international level. Among them
it is possible to mention such Ukrainian carriers as «Gyunsel», «Intrans» and many
others. All these companies have a well developed network of representative offices
on the territory of Ukraine (they are, mainly, regional centers, big cities, and also
cities which are situated at convenient traffic interchanges). Through their regional
offices these companies can offer a wide variety of services connected with goods
delivery (for example, from warehouse to warehouse, from door to warehouse, from
warehouse to door and from door to door, where a warehouse is a representative
office of the company in this or that city and a door is the address of both a consigner
and a consignee [1].
Let us consider basic principles of two well known transport enterprises
functioning – «Gyunsel» and «Intrans».
«Gyunsel» company was founded in 1997 and at first it provided passenger bus
transportation services but soon it managed to extend the list of its services. Due to
high professionalism of the staff, well-tried working schemes and presence of the upto-the-minute technological basis, the company took the leading place both in the
sphere of passenger and freight transportation. Moreover it also began to provide the
service of mail express delivery all across Ukraine. «Gyunsel» company carries out
freight transportation in Ukraine every day. It has more than 70 offices in 50 cities of
Ukraine. The company dispatches and receives parcels, valuable packages. Fragile
objects, objects of non-standard size and different kinds of bulk freight can be
delivered to the consignee within 24 hours. The company delivers load using the
following schemes: from warehouse to warehouse, from door to warehouse, from
warehouse to door and from door to door.
The leading enterprises of Ukraine cooperate with «Gyunsel» company. A
great number of enterprises became permanent clients of the company. The
individual approach to each client and maximum efficiency allowed the company to
become a leading specialist in the sphere of trucking industry. «Gyunsel» company
has more than once been awarded with diplomas and letters of commendation of the
Ministry of Transport of Ukraine and Ukrainian association of motor carriers for
development of transport infrastructure in Ukraine and high level of service. On the
whole, the services provided by the company include bus transportation of
passengers, express delivery of load, goods delivery to the company`s office, goods
following service, preliminary calculation of transportation and other costs, providing
information concerning the freight.
Transport and logistics company «Intrans» began its activity at the market of
freight transportation in 1998. The basic directions of the enterprise activity are
freight transportation both in Kiev and in Ukraine, providing forwarding services and
passenger transportation by comfortable minibuses. Special features of freight
transportation carried out by «Intrans» company include a high professional level of
providing services: speed, reliability, accuracy, the ability to solve various current
problems quickly.
Today, the company has at its disposal cars of the leading European brands of
different volume and carrying capacity from 1 to 10 tons, including «Gazelle» cars.
Such a wide spectrum of vehicles gives an opportunity to satisfy the needs of the
most demanding customers. Due to the gained experience the company acquired the
reputation of the enterprise that renders high quality, services at moderate prices [3].
So it is necessary to mention that the present period of development of
transportation industry in Ukraine is characterized by some incompleteness. On the
one hand, creation of modern normative and legal basis of trucking industry activity
is in progress, the new system of regulation of motor-car and other kinds of transport
appropriate to the market conditions is being formed. At the same time, as a result of
practical activity of thousands of independent enterprises and entrepreneurs at the
market of trucking industry, the process of creation of new practice of commercial
relations in the sphere of transport goes on, the applied methods of studying the
enterprise market, selection of its sphere of activity, advertising, choosing and
grounding prices, competitive activity are being worked through. Solving the task of
providing steady functioning of this industry requires elimination of many barriers
and coordinated work on behalf of the state and society and creation of a single
complex program of reforms directed at further development of trucking industry.