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8/1/2012 Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science
FOSS MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY Clip art source: Microsoft Instructional Tools | Contributors: Steve Hecimovich, Susan Kruckenberg, Elizabeth Zylstra
Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B
Program Code: 62
CFDA 84.366B Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Instructional Tools In this packet you will find a set of instructional supports for science materials. These documents represent the work‐in‐progress of teachers in the Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Project, a Math Science Partnership through the Northwest Educational Service District in Washington State. While we encourage others to use the materials, please know the power of these tools lies in the collaborative discussion and analysis that occurs during their creation. We strongly suggest that anyone utilizing these tools make them your own, adjusting them to fit your teaching context and district priorities. Professional development tools to aid you in this process are available on the ALPS project web page For access to editable versions of these documents please contact Nancy Menard [email protected]. Overview of the Tools (not every unit tool‐set will include all of these tools) Unit Overview The unit overview grid lays out learning targets or important scientific ideas from Washington State Standards for each investigation in the module and clarifies the success criteria for each learning target. It also details the formative assessments that have been designed to assess each target in the investigation. Learning Progressions A learning progression is a graphical representation of the path students take toward mastery of a science “big idea”. The ALPS Learning Progression documents include a description of an important big idea from the Washington State Science Learning Standards and the progression of building‐block learning targets that students master on their way toward an understanding of that big idea. For each building‐block learning target the student success criteria is identified and one or more formative assessment tasks to elicit evidence of student understanding are suggested. Formative Assessment Tasks The suggested formative assessment tasks are examples of tools used by the teachers in the ALPS project to gather evidence of student understanding. The Assessment Task Cover Sheet details each assessment and gives administration tips and suggestions for instructional adjustments based on some of the common student struggles they encountered. Student Work Samples Selected student work samples from students in ALPS classrooms give a picture of the range of student responses gathered from sample formative assessments. The Student Work Sample Cover Sheet describes the student work samples and the teacher’s interpretation of student understanding. Assessing with Learning Progressions In Science Math Science Partnership File Name: Instructional tools cover page Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Inv. 3, Part 1 Advanced Connections Inv. 3, Part 2 Advanced Connections Systems Energy Energy Inv. 2, Part 3 Making Connections Energy Inv. 2, Part 3 Making Connections Energy Inv. 2, Part 2 Making Connections Systems Lesson Inv. 2, Part 1 Making Connections Learning Targets & Success Criteria
One defective part can cause a subsystem to malfunction, which in turn will affect the system as a whole. 4‐5 SYSD  I can identify a faulty component that is keeping an electrical circuit from operating properly. Systems contain subsystems.  I can identify a switch, light bulb, or battery as a subsystem of a light circuit. a) Teacher gives students a diagram of a complete circuit with a battery and a bulb and asks them what else could be wrong with the system. What is keeping the light bulb from lighting? (M&ESystems#3). a) Draw a complete circuit including a switch and light bulb. Label the parts, including the component(s) that are subsystems. (M&ESystems #1) Discuss in small groups which components (from the diagram drawn) are subsystems and why. No target or success criteria in the learning progression. No assessment available. No target or success criteria in the learning progression. No assessment available. No target or success criteria in the learning progression. No assessment available. No target or success criteria in the learning progression. No assessment available. Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_overview Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Magnetism and Electricity Unit Overview Learning Targets & Success Criteria
Energy Lesson Inv. 1, Part 1 The Force Magnets display forces of attraction and repulsion. 4‐5 PS3E  I can identify what materials are attracted to magnets and how the distance between two magnets affects force. Assessment
a) Give Foss worksheet #3 (Magnetic Observations) b) Teacher shows two pictures (M&EContent#1) and asks whether the attraction increases as the magnets move together or decreases. Students give thumbs up (increase) and thumbs down (decrease) to show their thinking. Inv. 1, Part 4 The Force Inv. 2, Part 1 Making Connections No target or success criteria in the learning progression. No assessment available. Energy Systems Energy Inv. 1, Part 3 The Force Energy Inv. 1, Part 2 The Force Systems can have inputs and outputs. Changes in inputs may change the outputs of a system.4‐5 SYSC  I can show how adding spacers affects the force in a system. No target or success criteria in the learning progression. a) Students use the data from the Investigation 1, Part 3 graph (Foss worksheet #5) and write a conclusion about the relationship between distance and force (M&E Systems #2). A circuit is a closed pathway through which electric current flows and produces energy.4‐5 PS3E  I can determine whether or not a circuit will operate an energy receiver. a) Teacher shows four possible circuits (M&E#2) and asks whether the circuit is open or closed. Students give thumbs up (closed) and thumbs down (open) to show their responses. Group discussions could follow. b) Give Foss worksheet #7 (The Flow of Electricity). This worksheet asks students to use arrows on a diagram to show how electricity flows and then to explain their thinking. Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_overview No assessment available. Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Learning Targets & Success Criteria
Energy Lesson Inv. 3, Part 3 Advanced Connections Inv. 5, Part 2 Click It Inv. 5, Part 3 Click It Systems Energy Inv. 5, Part 1 Click It A system can do things that none of its subsystems can do by themselves. 4‐5 SYSB.  I can show how an electromagnet is made of subsystems, which work together to form a system. The flow of electrical current and magnetism are closely related. 4‐5 PS3E  I can show how the electric current in an electromagnet can be changed to create stronger magnetism. No target or success criteria in the learning progression. a)Teacher shows a “defective” electromagnetic circuit and students describe how to repair it. Use the illustration in the teacher’s guide (page 10 of Investigation 4) or use the M&ESystems #4 document. a) Student worksheet (M&E#4) with the following information: You have a long length of thin wire, a long length of thicker (conducting) wire, a piece of shorter wire, an aluminum nail, a steel nail, and four D‐cells. Describe what you would do with these materials to make the strongest electromagnet possible. Draw a diagram and explain your thinking. No assessment available. Inv. 4, Part 3 Current Attractions a) Use Making Connections worksheet (M&E#3) for students to complete. This worksheet includes the following sections: 1) I can draw a circuit that can light two bulbs with one battery. 2) I can draw a circuit that can light two bulbs as brightly as possible with one battery. 3) I can draw a circuit that can light two bulbs using two batteries. 4) I can draw a circuit that can light two bulbs as brightly as possible using two batteries. No target or success criteria in the learning progression. No assessment available. No target or success criteria in the learning progression. No assessment available. Inv. 4, Part 2 Current Attractions Energy Inv. 4, Part 1 Current Attractions Assessment
Different circuits can be designed to produce observable change and variations of energy. 4‐5 PS3E  I can explain how different pathways and the addition or subtraction of components can make changes to a circuit. No target or success criteria in the learning progression. No assessment available. Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_overview Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Learning Progression FOSS Magnetism and Electricity ‐ Content ‐ Inv. 1, 2, 3, 4 Big Idea: There is always a force involved when something starts moving or changes its speed or direction of motion. Learning Target 1: Magnets display forces of attraction and repulsion. 4‐5 PS3E Inv. 1, Part 1 4‐5 PS3E Inv. 3, Part 3 Success Criteria: I can explain how different pathways and the addition or subtraction of components can make changes to a circuit. Success Criteria: I can identify what materials are attracted to magnets and how the distance between two magnets affects force. Formative Assessment: a) Give Foss worksheet #3 (Magnetic Observations) b) Teacher shows two pictures (M&EContent#1) and asks whether the attraction increases as the magnets move together or decreases. Students give thumbs up (increase) and thumbs down (decrease) to show their thinking. Give assessment DURING Investigation 1, Part 1. Success Criteria: I can determine whether or not a circuit will operate an energy receiver. Formative Assessment: a) Teacher shows four possible circuits (M&E#2) and asks whether the circuit is open or closed. Students give thumbs up (closed) and thumbs down (open) to show their responses. Group discussions could follow. b) Give Foss worksheet #7 (The Flow of Electricity). This worksheet asks students to use arrows on a diagram to show how electricity flows and then to explain their thinking. Give assessment AFTER Investigation 2, Part 1. Magnetic and electrical energy can be changed to other forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, and motion. 4‐5 PS3E The flow of electrical current and magnetism are closely related. 4‐5 PS3E Inv. 4, Part 3 Different circuits can be designed to produce observable change and variations of energy. A circuit is a closed pathway through which electric current flows and produces energy. 4‐5 PS3E Inv. 2, Part 1 Learning Target 3: Learning Target 2: Grades 2‐3 PS1B, PS3B Learning Target 4: Prerequisite skills: Heat, light, motion, electricity, and sounds are all forms of energy. Formative Assessment: a) Use Making Connections worksheet (M&E#3) for students to complete. This worksheet includes the following sections: 1) I can draw a circuit that can light two bulbs with one battery. 2) I can draw a circuit that can light two bulbs as brightly as possible with one battery. 3) I can draw a circuit that can light two bulbs using two batteries. 4) I can draw a circuit that can light two bulbs as brightly as possible using two batteries. Give assessment AFTER Investigation 3, Part 3 (Replace Foss Success Criteria: I can show how the electric current in an electromagnet can be changed to create stronger magnetism. Formative Assessment: a) Student worksheet (M&E#4) with the following information: You have a long length of thin wire, a long length of thicker (conducting) wire, a piece of shorter wire, an aluminum nail, a steel nail, and four D‐cells. Describe what you would do with these materials to make the strongest electromagnet possible. Draw a diagram and explain your thinking. Give assessment AFTER Investigation 4, Part 3. Later big ideas that build on this big idea include:  Energy from a variety of sources can be transformed into electrical energy, and then to almost any other form of energy. 
Electricity can also be distributed quickly to distant locations. Grades 6‐8 PS3E Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_energy Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Magnetism and Electricity Big Idea: Energy Magnetic and electrical energy can be changed to other forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, and motion. 4‐5 PS3E Formative Assessment Task Cover Sheet Learning Target 1a Assessment Task Details Teacher Background Brief Description of the Assessment Task: Foss worksheet #3 (Magnetic Observations) Administration Tips: Give assessment DURING Investigation 1, Part 1. Learning Target 1: Magnets display forces of attraction and repulsion. 4‐5 PS3E Suggestions for Instructional Adjustments: Success Criteria: I can identify what materials are attracted to magnets and how Key: Worksheet #3: Students know that magnets are the distance between two magnets affects force. Student Task Sheet Included: No Student Work Samples Included: No attracted to anything with iron. Learning Target 1b Assessment Task Details Teacher Background Brief Description of the Assessment Task: Teacher shows two pictures (M&EContent#1) and asks whether the attraction increases as the magnets move together or decreases. Students give thumbs up (increase) and thumbs down (decrease) to show their thinking. Learning Target 1: Magnets display forces of attraction and repulsion. 4‐5 PS3E Success Criteria: I can identify what materials are attracted to magnets and how the distance between two magnets affects force. Administration Tips: Give assessment DURING Investigation 1, Part 1. Suggestions for Instructional Adjustments: Key: Students are able to identify that the two magnets closer together have a stronger force. Student Task Sheet Included: Yes Student Work Samples Included: No Assessing with Learning Progressions In Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_energyACS Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Magnetism and Electricity Big Idea: Energy Magnetic and electrical energy can be changed to other forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, and motion. 4‐5 PS3E Learning Target 2a Assessment Task Details Teacher Background Brief Description of the Assessment Task: Teacher shows four possible Administration Tips: Give assessment AFTER Investigation 2, Part 1. circuits (M&E#2) and asks whether the circuit is open or closed. Students give thumbs up (closed) and thumbs down (open) to show their responses. Group Suggestions for Instructional Adjustments: discussions could follow. Learning Target 2: A circuit is a closed Key: The third illustration is the only diagram that shows a pathway through which electric complete circuit. current flows and produces energy. 4‐
5 PS3E Success Criteria: I can determine whether or not a circuit will operate an energy receiver. Student Task Sheet Included: Yes Student Work Samples Included: No Learning Target 2b Assessment Task Details Teacher Background Brief Description of the Assessment Task: Give Foss worksheet #7 (The Flow Administration Tips: Give assessment AFTER Investigation 2, Part 1. Suggestions for Instructional Adjustments: Key: Worksheet #7: Students are able to make a complete of Electricity). This worksheet asks students to use arrows on a diagram to show how electricity flows and then to explain their thinking. Learning Target A circuit is a closed pathway through which electric current flows and produces energy. 4‐5 PS3E Success Criteria: I can determine whether or not a circuit will operate an energy receiver. Student Task Sheet Included: No Student Work Samples Included: Yes circuit (one wire from battery to the metal bulb/tip of the bulb and another wire from the battery to the metal threaded base of the bulb…see page 11 in Investigation 2 of teacher’s guide) and correctly show the direction (with same‐size arrows) of the flow (from the bottom of the battery, which is negative, to the top of the battery, which is positive.) In the reflection piece, students are able to describe in words what their diagram shows. Assessing with Learning Progressions In Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_energyACS Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Magnetism and Electricity Big Idea: Energy Magnetic and electrical energy can be changed to other forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, and motion. 4‐5 PS3E Learning Target 3a Assessment Task Details Teacher Background Brief Description of the Assessment Task: a) Use Making Connections Administration Tips: Give assessment AFTER Investigation 3, Part 3 (Replace Foss worksheet #15 from the kit with this worksheet (M&E#3) for students to assessment .) complete. This worksheet includes the following sections: 1) I can draw a circuit that can light two bulbs with one battery. 2) I can draw a circuit that can light two Suggestions for Instructional Adjustments: bulbs as brightly as possible with one battery. 3) I can draw a circuit that can Key: light two bulbs using two batteries. 4) I can draw a circuit that can light two bulbs as brightly as possible using two batteries. Learning Target: Different circuits can be designed to produce observable change and variations of energy. 4‐5 PS3E Success Criteria: I can explain how different pathways and the addition or subtraction of components can make changes to a circuit. Illustration #1: Students should change the circuit so the bulbs are in parallel (two complete paths.) They will need to include one more wire (see page 5 in Investigation 3 in teacher’s guide.) Illustration #2: Students change the circuit so the batteries are in series (negative side of one battery touches or is connected with a wire to the positive side of the other battery.) The light bulbs could be either in parallel or series. Student Task Sheet Included: No Student Work Samples Included: No Assessing with Learning Progressions In Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_energyACS Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Magnetism and Electricity Big Idea: Energy Magnetic and electrical energy can be changed to other forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, and motion. 4‐5 PS3E Learning Target 4a Assessment Task Details Teacher Background Brief Description of the Assessment Task: Student worksheet (M&E#4) with the following information: You have a long length of thin wire, a long length of thicker (conducting) wire, a piece of shorter wire, an aluminum nail, a steel nail, and four D‐cells. Describe what you would do with these materials to make the strongest electromagnet possible. Draw a diagram and explain your thinking. Learning Target 4 The flow of electrical Administration Tips: Give assessment AFTER Investigation 4, Part 3. Suggestions for Instructional Adjustments: Key: To show the strongest electromagnet possible current and magnetism are closely related. 4‐5 PS3E Success Criteria: I can show how the electric current in an electromagnet can be changed to create stronger magnetism. students will need the thicker wire, the steel nail/rivet and both D‐cells. For the strongest magnet, students should show coils of wire that are tightly and closely placed together. Student Task Sheet Included: Yes Student Work Samples Included: No Assessing with Learning Progressions In Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_energyACS Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Clipart source: Microsoft
Success Criteria:
I can identify what materials are attracted to magnets and how the distance
between two magnets affects force.
Formative Assessment:
Give worksheet #3 (Magnetic Observations) from the kit PLUS teacher
shows the two pictures above and asks whether the attraction increases as
the magnets move together or decreases? Students give thumbs up (increase)
and thumbs down (decrease) to show their thinking.
Give this assessment DURING Investigation 1, Part 1.
Magnetism and Electricity Content Learning Progression
Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_energy1b Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY Big Idea: Magnetic and electrical energy can be changed to other forms of energy, including light, heat, sound, and motion. (4‐5 PS3E) Target 2, Assessment: 2b The Flow of Electricity Formative Assessment Student Work Cover Sheet Student Work Description Sample 1: (Student #8) Student understands that the electricity flows through the wires and arrows indicate a negative to positive flow. There seems to be some confusion about the process of the energy source (i.e “gas in the D‐cell”.) Sample 2: (Student #4) Student understands that the electricity flows through the wires and arrows indicate a negative to positive flow. Student elaborates thoughts using appropriate scientific vocabulary and is more detailed in his/her reflection. Sample 3: (Student #1) Student understands that the electricity flows through the wires and arrows indicate a negative to positive flow. Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_energy2bSWC Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Electromagnets Name _______________ Pretend you have the following materials available: 
a long length of thin wire a long length of thicker wire a piece of shorter wire an aluminum nail/rivet a steel nail/rivet two D‐cells Which materials would you choose from the list? Describe what you would do with these materials to make the strongest electromagnet possible. Draw a diagram and explain your thinking. _____________________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Magnetism and Electricity Learning Progression M&E #4 Give assessment AFTER Investigation 4, Part 3. Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_energy4a Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Learning Progression FOSS Magnetism and Electricity – Systems ‐ Inv. 1, 2, 4 Learning Target 4: Prerequisite skills: A system is a group of interacting parts that form a whole. A whole object may not continue to function the same way if some of its parts are missing. Learning Target 3: Learning Target 2: A system can do things that none of its subsystems can do by themselves. 4‐5 SYSB Inv. 4, Part 2 Learning Target 1: Systems contain subsystems. 4‐5 SYSA Inv. 2, Part 2 Systems can have inputs and outputs. Changes in inputs may change the outputs of a system. 4‐5 SYSC Inv. 1, Part 3 Success Criteria: I can show how adding spacers affects the force in a system. Success Criteria: I can identify a switch, light bulb, or battery as a subsystem of a light Success Criteria: I can show how an electromagnet is made of subsystems, which work together to form a system. circuit. Formative Assessment: a) Draw a complete circuit including a switch and light bulb. Label the parts, including the component(s) that are subsystems. (E‐Systems #1) Discuss in small groups which components (from the diagram drawn) are subsystems and why. Give assessment DURING Investigation 2, Part 2. Formative Assessment: a)Teacher shows a “defective” electromagnetic circuit and students describe how to repair it. Use the illustration in the teacher’s guide (page 10 of Investigation 4) or use the E‐Systems #4 document. Give assessment AFTER Investigation 4, Part 2. Formative Assessment: a) Students use the data from the Investigation 1, Part 3 graph (Foss worksheet #5) and write a conclusion about the relationship between distance and force (M&E Systems #2). Teacher note: Remind students to use the word “system” in their explanation. Give assessment AFTER Investigation 1, Part 3 One defective part can cause a subsystem to malfunction, which in turn will affect the system as a whole. 4‐5 SYSD Inv. 2, Part 1 Success Criteria: I can identify a faulty component that is keeping an electrical circuit from operating properly. Formative Assessment: a) Teacher gives students a diagram of a complete circuit with a battery and a bulb and asks them what else could be wrong with the system. What is keeping the light bulb from lighting? (M&ESystems#3). (Teacher looks for answers like: D‐cell might be bad or light bulb might be bad.) Give assessment AFTER Investigation 2, Part 1. Big Idea: Systems Systems contain smaller sub‐systems and are also part of larger systems. 4‐5 SYS
Later big ideas that build on this big idea include:  The output of one system can become the input of another system. 
If the input of matter or energy is the same as the output, then the amount of matter or energy in the system won’t change. Grades 6‐8 SYSC, SYSE Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_systems Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY Big Idea: Systems contain smaller sub‐systems and are also part of larger systems. Formative Assessment Task Cover Sheet Learning Target 1, 1a Assessment Task Details Brief Description of the Assessment Task: Draw a complete circuit including a switch and light bulb. Label the parts, including the component(s) that are subsystems. (M&ESystems #1) Learning Target 1: Systems contain subsystems. Success Criteria: I can identify a switch, light bulb, or battery as a subsystem of a light circuit. Student Task Sheet Included: Yes Student Work Samples Included: No Teacher Background Administration Tips: Give assessment DURING Investigation 2, Part 2. Suggestions for Instructional Adjustments: Have a small group discussion about what components were subsystems in the diagram, and why students identified these as subsystems. Key: Students draw an accurate working circuit (complete) with a battery, switch, and light bulb. These three (battery, switch, and light bulb) components are labeled. One of these three subsystems in the diagram is circled. Learning Target 2, 2a Assessment Task Details Teacher Background Brief Description of the Assessment Task: Teacher shows a “defective” electromagnetic circuit and students describe how to repair it. Use the illustration in the teacher’s guide (page 10 of Investigation 4) or use the M&ESystems #4 document. Learning Target 2: A system can do things that none of its subsystems can do by themselves. Success Criteria: I can show how an electromagnet is made of subsystems, which work together to form a system. Student Task Sheet Included: Yes Student Work Samples Included: No Administration Tips: Give assessment AFTER Investigation 4, Part 2. Key: Students conclude there is a battery/batteries/energy source missing from the circuit and that you need some sort of energy source to make the electromagnet work (draw up the washers.) Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_systemsACS Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY Big Idea: Systems contain smaller sub‐systems and are also part of larger systems. Learning Target 3, 3a Assessment Task Details Teacher Background Brief Description of the Assessment Task: Students use the data from the Investigation 1, Part 3 graph (Foss worksheet #5) and write a conclusion about the relationship between distance and force (M&E Systems #2). Learning Target 3: Systems can have inputs and outputs. Changes in inputs may change the outputs of a system. Success Criteria: I can show how adding spacers affects the force in a system. Student Task Sheet Included: Yes Student Work Samples Included: Yes Administration Tips: Give assessment AFTER Investigation 1, Part 3. Suggestions for Instructional Adjustments: Remind students to use the word “system” in their explanation. Key: Students use the word system (balance, cups, magnets, and washers) to describe that the force between magnets is stronger when you have fewer spacers (plastic chips) between the magnets. Learning Target 4, 4a Assessment Task Details Teacher Background Brief Description of the Assessment Task: Teacher gives students a diagram of a complete circuit with a battery and a bulb and asks them what else could be wrong with the system. What is keeping the light bulb from lighting? (M&ESystems#3). Learning Target 4: One defective part Administration Tips: Give assessment AFTER Investigation 2, Part 1. Key: Students conclude that the battery is dead/not working/too weak to light the bulb, the light bulb is dead/not working/burned out, or there is a break in the wire. can cause a subsystem to malfunction, which in turn will affect the system as a whole. Success Criteria: I can identify a faulty component that is keeping an electrical circuit from operating properly. Student Task Sheet Included: Yes Student Work Samples Included: No Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_systemsACS Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Circuits Name _______________ Draw a working circuit (system) which includes at least one switch and one light bulb. Label the parts, including the component(s) that are subsystems. Circle one of the subsystems within your system. Magnetism and Electricity Systems Learning Progression M&E Systems #1 Give assessment DURING Investigation 2, Part 2. Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_systems1a Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Magnets and Force Name _______________ Based on the data from your completed graph (Foss Magnetism and Electricity worksheet #5), what conclusion can you make about how the distance between two magnets affects the force required to pull them apart? Use the word “system” in your explanation. ____________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ Magnetism and Electricity Systems Learning Progression M&E Systems #2 Give assessment AFTER Investigation 1, Part 3. Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_systems3a Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY Big Idea: Systems contain smaller sub‐systems and are also part of larger systems. (4‐5 SYS) Target 3, Assessment: 3a Magnets and Force Formative Assessment Student Work Cover Sheet Student Work Description Sample 1: Student understands that the more spacers between magnets, the less strength the magnets have. The word system was used, but student understanding of how systems work is unclear. Sample 2: Student understands that the more spacers between magnets, the less strength the magnets have. The word system was used, but student understanding of how systems work is unclear. Even though input/output was not used in the reflection, student seems to understand that change in input changes the output. Sample 3: Student made an accurate observation about the data, but did not draw a conclusion about how the spacers affected the strength of the magnets. The student used the word “system” accurately, but did not clarify that he/she knew what a system was. Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_systems3aSWC Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Student Work Sample #1 Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science [Type text] Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_systems3aSW Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Student Work Sample #2 Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science [Type text] Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_systems3aSW Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B Student Work Sample #3 Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science [Type text] Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_systems3aSW Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY Bibliography Dylan, Wiliam. Embedded Formative Assessment. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree, 2011. Print. Keeley, Page. Science Formative Assessment: 75 Practical Strategies for Linking Assessment, Instruction, and Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, 2008. Print. Popham, W. James. Transformative Assessment. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2008. Print. Assessing with Learning Progressions in Science Math Science Partnership File Name: ME_bibliography Funding information: Mathematics & Science Partnership under Title II, Part B Program Code: 62 CFDA 84.366B