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Seismic Waves Study Guide Define P-­‐wave and explain what materials it can travel through. Explain type of wave? Primary waves, longitudinal wave, can travel through solids, liquids, and gases. Fastest type of seismic wave Each layer of the Earth is made up of different materials, explain the characteristics of each layer. Crust-­‐contains mostly rock Mantle-­‐both solid and liquid; like plastic or ooblek Outer Core-­‐liquid Inner core-­‐solid What are convection currents and how do they relate to density. Warm material (less dense) rises, cool material (more dense) sinks Movement of fluid material caused by density difference Draw a model of the Earth labeling each layer. Be able to represent each layer according to size. Students do their best making a drawing of the 4 layers of the Earth according to distances from mapping Earth’s interior worksheet. Crust 0km-­‐50km Mantle 50km-­‐2900km Outer Core 2900km-­‐5200 km Inner Core 5200km-­‐6400km 5. Each layer of the Earth is made up of different materials, explain WHY those materials are located in each layer. The dense material within our Earth has sunk to the middle of the Earth while the less dense material rises to the crust. 6. Seismic waves travel at different speeds, why does the speed change and in what materials do they travel the fastest. S waves travel at slower speeds than P waves. Speeds change depending on the material the wave is traveling through. Waves travel faster in solids and slower in liquids. 7. Define S-­‐wave and explain what materials it can travel through. Explain type of wave? Secondary wave, transverse wave, can only travel through solids and slower than P-­‐waves 8. Explain the difference between refraction and reflection and give examples of each. Reflection is when a wave bounces off a dense material and refraction is the change of direction and speed of a wave when traveling through different materials 9. Draw and explain epicenter and focus Epicenter is the point on the surface of the Earth directly above the focus. The focus located in the crust is the point where the crust breaks loose and moves. 
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