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Cell Basics
Main Idea
Detail Notes
1. What is a cell?
2. The basic unit of life.
1. Cell Theory
2. Three principles:
3. All living things are made of cells.
3. Cells are the basic unit of life.
3. All cells come from pre-existing (other) cells.
1. Prokaryotic Cells
2. Prokaryotic – “before nucleus.”
3. Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus (brain).
4. Has a “nucleoid” (resembling a nucleus)
2. Simplest of all cells.
3. Very small.
3. Single-celled.
3. Very simple internal structure.
2. Resemble earliest cells found on Earth.
2. Bacteria and blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria) examples.
2. Structure of a prokaryotic cell.
1. Eukaryotic Cells
2. Eukaryotic means “true nucleus.”
3. More complex.
4. Plants and animals are examples.
3. Large cells.
3. Can be single- or multi-celled.
3. Has organelles (“little organs”).
3. Nucleus contains chromosomes (structures that contain
genetic information that makes the organism).
3. Has a cytoskeleton (helps keep the structure of the cell).
The Cell Hall of Fame
Main Ideas
Detail Notes
1. Zacharias Janssen
2. Invented the microscope in 1595.
3. Considered a “toy” for the rich.
1. Robert Hooke
2. Discovered the cell in 1678.
3. Looked at cork under a microscope.
3. Called them “cells” because their shape resembled
rooms monks lived in in a monastery.
1. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
2. So improved the microscope he is considered the
“father of the microscope” (1680).
3. Saw little creatures.
4. Called them “animalcules” (little animals).
5. His “animalcules” were bacteria and
1. Matthias Schleiden
2. Discovered plants were made of cells in 1838.
1. Theodor Schwann
2. Discovered animals were made of cells in 1839.
1. Rudolph Virchow
2. Stated all cells must come from other cells in 1855.
1. Cell Theory
2. Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow are responsible for
Cell Theory.
3. Basis of modern biology.
2. Cell Theory states:
3. All living things are made of cells.
3. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in
living things.
3. Living cells only come from other living cells.
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