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History of Europe
Study Guide
1. Prince Henry the Navigator is from which European country?
2. Which 4 European countries had huge empires around the world?
England (UK), Spain, France, & Portugal
3. Which 4 European countries had colonies in the Americas?
England (UK), Spain, France, & Portugal
4. What religion did the early European explorers hope to spread?
5. Where did Christopher Columbus land in 1492? What did he do different than other explorers?
Bahamas Columbus sailed west instead of around Africa like other explorers.
6. Why was Prince Henry nicknamed “the Navigator”?
He funded (paid for) many voyages and set up a school for explorers.
7. What type of government did Czar Nicholas II have in Russia?
Autocracy (specifically Absolute Monarchy)
8. What was one cause of the Russian Revolution?
Serfs were starving and demanded change
9. What role did Vladimir Lenin play in the Russian Revolution?
Overthrew the monarchy and brought communism to Russia
10. What year did Lenin bring communism to Russia (Soviet Union)?
11. When was the war? Spark? Sides? Who won?
What were the terms of the treaty?
1914-1918, assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Allies/ Central Powers, Allies won
12. What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
Germany had to accept blame, pay $33 billion, get rid of military, and lose colonies and land.
13. Why did France want the treaty to be harsh?
Germany needed to pay for starting the war & to keep Germany from invading France again
14. When was the war? Spark? Sides? Who won?
1939-1945, invading Poland, Axis and Allies, Allies win
15. Who was the leader of the Nazi party in Germany?
Adolf Hitler
16. What happened to people who spoke out against Hitler?
Imprisoned or killed
17. The Holocaust occurred during which war?
World War II
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18. What are the dates of the Cold War?
1945 (end of WWII) -1991
19. Which two superpowers engaged in the Cold War?
United States and Soviet Union
20. What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall?
To keep Communist East Berlin separated from Democratic West Berlin
21. Imperialism- act of taking over another country’s government and economy
22. Fascism- strong central government controlled by a dictator
23. Blitzkrieg- lightening war, continual bombing of an area
24. Genocide- deliberate killing of a group of people
25. Cold War- period of mistrust and tension between the US and the Soviet Union
26. Iron Curtain- invisible dividing line separating democratic Western Europe and communist Eastern
Europe; term by Winston Churchill
27. Berlin Wall- dividing east and West Germany; real example of the Iron Curtain
28. NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization- treaty between the US, Canada, and western
European countries who would defend each other if attacked (by the Soviets)
29. Warsaw Pact- the Soviet’s answer to NATO: Soviet Union and Eastern European countries would
defend each other if attacked by the US
20. Nationalism- strong pride in one’s country
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