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CP World History Fall Semester Syllabus
By: Janelle Martinez, Art Price, Cheryl Siu, and April Todd 2016
Teacher: ______________
Email: phone:_________________
Textbook: World History: Modern Times (Glencoe 2006)
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Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it. -Edmund Burke
HPCS 10th grade students are required to study world history. This course meets that
requirement. The course is divided into two semesters of two units each, with a midterm and
final in each semester.
By the end of this course you will:
WH 10.1 Relate the moral and ethical principles in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, in Judaism and in Christianity to the
development of Western political thought
WH 10.2 Compare and contrast the Glorious Revolution, the American Revolution and the French Revolution and their enduring
effects worldwide on the political expectations for self-government and individual liberty
WH 10.3 Analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan and the U.S.
WH 10.4 Analyze patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism in at least two of the following regions or countries: Africa,
Southeast Asia, China, India, Latin America, and the Philippines
WH 10.5 Analyze the causes and course of the First World War.
WH 10.6 Analyze the effects of the First World War.
WH 10.7 Analyze the rise of totalitarian governments after World War I.
WH 10.8 Analyze the causes and consequences of World War II.
WH 10.9 Analyze the international developments in the post–World War II world.
WH 10.10 Analyze instances of nation-building in the contemporary world in at least two of the following regions or countries: the
Middle East, Africa, Mexico and other parts of Latin America, and China.
This is a 5 credit per semester College Prep independent study course. Your teacher may
modify this course, but then you will receive 5 credits of Non-CP World History. You will
complete the majority of the assignments set out in the pacing guide on your own, at home.
Your teacher may elect to complete some assignments with you individually, or as a group. Any
group collaboration must be approved by your teacher ahead of time. Self-check quizzes may
be completed at home, but all tests must be completed at school with your teacher, or in the
computer lab. You will be expected to be able to discuss the topics you learned the previous
week with your teacher during your meeting. These discussions may be counted as oral
All work must be your own. You may not copy anyone else, or copy from the book without citing
your source. You must reference all answers with the page number on which you found it.
Cheating and/or plagiarism will result in a 0% on the assignment and a warning letter. More than
one instance may result in withdrawal from the school.
All papers must be typed, 12pt. font, in MLA format. A Work’s Cited page, with an outline.
Grades will be updated in PowerSchool at least once per month. Grades for this course will be
calculated as follows:
Weekly homework: 30%
Major projects: 20%
Quizzes: 15%
Tests: 30%
Let’s learn history, so we understand how the world has become what it is today!
Name _______________________________
CP World History Midterm Fall Semester
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.(1 point each)
1. In the Code of Hammurabi, all individuals were considered equal.
2. The Roman Republic was not democratic.
3. In the seventh century, followers of Islam believed Muhammad was a prophet of God.
4. Universities first flourished during the High Middle Ages.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.(1 point each)
5. Judaism was a unique religion in the ancient world because
a. only a select few had contact with the higher power.
b. it was monotheistic.
c. the creator was involved in everyday life.
d. the ruler was uniquely involved.
6. A teaching method developed to draw information out of a student by asking questions.
a. the Ethical method
c. the Socratic method
b. the Reasoning method
d. the Debate method
7. The Roman council of the plebs was created around ____.
a. 100 B.C.
c. 400 B.C.
b. A.D. 100
d. A.D. 400
8. Which Roman code of law applied to ALL peoples, Roman and non-Roman?
a. Law of Nations
c. Twelve Tables
b. Council of the Plebs
d. Centuriate Assembly
9. The Magna Carta officially recognized mutual rights and obligations between
a. king and vassals.
c. king and the Church.
b. lords and peasants.
d. the Church and peasants.
10. Renaissance thinkers looked to ____ thinkers for inspiration.
a. Greek and Roman
c. Indian and Chinese
b. Egyptian and Sumerian
d. Jewish and Christian
____ 11.
According to the Venn diagram, which religion claims that a single force governs the
____ 12.
____ 13.
____ 14.
____ 15.
____ 16.
____ 17.
a. Hinduism
c. both A and B
b. Buddhism
d. none of the above
An early Roman body of law with legal principles advancing the development of Western law.
a. Ten Commandments
c. Law of Nations
b. Twelve Tables
d. Pax Romana
Primarily intended to protect feudal rights, the Magna Carta eventually
a. gave the king the freedom to tax nobles without their consent.
b. eliminated the power of the monarchy.
c. guaranteed the rights of all English people.
d. replaced the English Parliament.
James I of England believed in the divine right of kings, which is
a. the belief that a king was granted the wisdom of God upon ascending to the throne, and
therefore was faultless.
b. the concept that kings were equal to God, and therefore did not have to live by the laws of
the church.
c. the theory that kings alone could know the mind of God, and therefore could determine the
future through divination.
d. the idea that kings receive their power from God and are responsible only to God.
In 1776, the Declaration of Independence
a. asked the king to protect the colonists’ rights as English subjects.
b. caused royalty in Europe to sympathize with Great Britain.
c. was written by George Washington to demand General Cornwallis’ surrender.
d. marked the official beginning of the American Revolution.
The French National Assembly swore the Tennis Court Oath, which was
a. a protest against the extravagant lifestyle of the nobility.
b. a vow to continue to meet until they had produced a French constitution.
c. an oath of loyalty to Louis XVI.
d. a promise not to rest until all members of the clergy were tried and executed.
The term sans-culottes, meaning “without breeches,” implied that the members of this political group
a. women, because they wore skirts.
c. pacifists who did not use guns.
b. very poor and could not afford pants.
d. ordinary patriots without fine clothes.
____ 18. The Committee of Public Safety was given broad powers to
____ 19.
____ 20.
____ 21.
____ 22.
____ 23.
a. drain all the canals.
c. protect the Paris Commune from thieves.
b. defend France from threats.
d. coordinate attacks on Great Britain.
Napoleon’s coup d’état overthrew the ____ to establish his consulate.
a. Directory
c. British government
b. bourgeoisie
d. Legislative Assembly
In his final battle, Napoleon was defeated by
a. the bitter Russian winter.
c. the Duke of Wellington’s forces.
b. a combined French and Swiss army.
d. the superior British navy.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen proclaimed
a. equal rights for all men, but no political rights for women.
b. an end to the monarchy and the abolition of the National Assembly.
c. equal rights for all citizens, male and female.
d. an end to the National police force.
The Russians defeated Napoleon’s superior Grand Army by
a. retreating hundreds of miles and burning their own villages and countryside.
b. waiting to attack during the brutal Russian winter.
c. splitting their meager forces in half and attacking from two sides.
d. making an alliance with Egypt, which launched an attack on Turkey to draw Napoleon out
of Russia.
The Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon at
a. Annecy in France.
c. the Black Forest in Germany.
b. Waterloo in Belgium.
d. Moscow in Russia.
____ 24.
From which city did Napoleon order a general retreat?
a. Kovno
c. Koningsberg
b. Borordino
d. Moscow
____ 25.
Which city was located on the Prussian border?
a. Moscow
c. Koningsberg
b. Vitebsk
d. Kovno
____ 26.
Through which city did the Grand Army NOT pass on its retreat?
a. Vitebsk
c. Smolensk
b. Moscow
d. Kovno
Free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights of
man. Consequently, every citizen may speak, write, and print freely, subject to
responsibility for the abuse of such liberty in the cases determined by law.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, French National Assembly, 1789
____ 27.
According to the passage, what is one of the most precious rights?
a. freedom of movement
c. freedom of worship
b. freedom from taxation
d. freedom of speech
Complete each statement.(3 points each)
28. On July 2, 1776, the ___________________ adopted a resolution declaring the independence of the
American colonies.
29. The first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States are called the ____________________.
30. The ____________________, or middle class, included merchants, bankers, and industrialists.
31. During the ____________________, close to 40,000 people were killed.
32. After the Reign of Terror, the Council of Elders selected five men to serve on an executive committee
called the ____________________.
Match each item with the correct statement below. (2 points each.)
a. Socrates
f. Magna Carta
b. the Black Death
g. Twelve Tables
c. Nero
h. Hyksos
d. Henry II
i. Cleisthenes
e. Judah
document limiting the English monarch’s power
one of the ancient kingdoms of Israel
Roman emperor known for persecuting Christians
philosopher who believed knowledge was already present in individuals
disaster during the Late Middle Ages
Match each item with the correct statement below.(2 points each.)
a. Isaac Newton
f. philosophes
b. The American Revolution
g. Cavaliers
c. Articles of Confederation
h. Commonwealth
d. laissez-faire
i. Constitution of the United States
e. Voltaire
j. Thomas Paine
the intellectuals of the Enlightenment
author of Common Sense
the American nation’s first constitution
created a federal system in which power would be shared between the national government and the state
____ 42. inspired the French citizens to start the French Revolution
Match each item with the correct statement below.(2 points each.)
a. Elba
f. guillotine
b. Legislative Assembly
g. Waterloo
c. Maximilien Robespierre
h. Paris Commune
d. Olympe de Gouges
i. coup d’état
e. Napoleonic Code
j. Bastille
island off the coast of Italy, where Napoleon was first exiled
site of Napoleon’s final defeat
storming of this began the French Revolution
used by the revolutionaries to execute opponents
Essay/Short Answer:
Answer the following questions with a detailed paragraph.(5 points each)
“If a free man has destroyed the eye of a member of the aristocracy, they shall
destroy his eye . . . . If he has destroyed the eye of a commoner or broken the bone
of a commoner, he shall pay one mina of silver . . . . If he has destroyed the eye of a
free man’s slave or broken the bone of a free man’s slave, he shall pay one-half his
From The Code of Hammurabi
This passage from The Code of Hammurabi describes different punishments for the
same crime, with the punishment depending on who the victim of the crime was.
What does this illustrate about the values of Mesopotamian society?
According to the passage, when would the punishment be an “eye for an eye?”
49. What contributions to government and law were made by Greece and Rome?
Study the map. Notice where all of the trading routes converge. How do you think
this location helped goods circulate to the far reaches of the Roman Empire? How did
it affect the spread of Christianity?
51. Describe the strategy used by Russia to defeat Napoleon’s Grand Army.
“My people, remember that if in the republic justice does not reign with absolute
sway, and if this word does not signify love of equality and of country, then liberty is
but a vain phrase! O people, you who are feared—whom one flatters! you who are
despised; you who are acknowledged sovereign, and are ever being treated as a
slave—remember that wherever justice does not reign, it is the passions of the
magistrates that reign instead, and that the people have changed their chains and
not their destinies!”
Maximilien Robespierre, 1794
What are Robespierre’s ideas about justice and liberty?
CP World History Midterm Fall Semester
Answer Section
1. ANS: F
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 122-123, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
2. ANS: T
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 146, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
3. ANS: T
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 153, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
4. ANS: T
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 157, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
5. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 126, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
6. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 139, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
7. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 145, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 146, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 156, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 158, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 128, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 146, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 156, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 178, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 2, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 2, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 194, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 2, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 2, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
16. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 214, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
17. ANS: D
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 218, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
18. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 221-222, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
19. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 230, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
20. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 235, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
21. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 215, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
22. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 234, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
23. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 235, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
24. ANS: D
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 234, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
25. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 234, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
26. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 234-235, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
27. ANS: D
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 215, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
28. ANS: Second Continental Congress
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 191, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 2, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 2, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
29. ANS: Bill of Rights
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 197, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 2, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 2, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
30. ANS: bourgeoisie
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 213, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
31. ANS: Reign of Terror
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 221, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
32. ANS: Directory
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 225, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
33. ANS: F
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 159, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
34. ANS: E
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 124, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
35. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 149, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
36. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 139, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
37. ANS: B
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 157, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
38. ANS: F
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 184, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 2, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 2, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
39. ANS: J
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 194, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 2, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 2, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
40. ANS: C
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 196, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 2, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 2, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
41. ANS: I
PTS: 1
42. ANS: B
PTS: 1
43. ANS: A
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 235, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
44. ANS: G
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 235, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
45. ANS: J
PTS: 1
46. ANS: F
PTS: 1
47. ANS:
Social status was very important. Nobles were more highly valued than slaves were.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 122-123, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
48. ANS:
When the victim of the crime was a member of the aristocracy.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 122-123, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
49. ANS:
Answers will vary, but should include: The Greeks developed democracy, “rule of the many.” In 508 B.C.
Cleisthenes gained power and gave the Athenian assembly final authority to pass laws. Later, Pericles
expanded citizens’ participation in government by advancing a direct democracy where every male
citizen voted on all major issues. Rome established a republican government, and allowed some citizens
the right to vote in the Senate and other assemblies. The Roman Republic also devised the Law of
Nations, with standards of justice that applied to all people. Principles such as the right of the accused to
defense, that one is innocent until proven guilty, and that a judge should weigh evidence carefully
continue to be standards of justice today.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 135-138, and 145-147 and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and
Reading Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, sections 2 and 3. For additional practice, complete
chapter 1, sections 2 and 3 of the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
50. ANS:
All the trading routes converge in Rome, which was essentially in the center of the empire. Traders from
all over the empire could bring goods to Rome and trade with one another there. They would return to
their homeland with goods coming from all over the empire.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 19-20. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 146-147, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 1, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 1, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
51. ANS:
Napoleon’s hopes for victory in Russia depended on a quick defeat of the Russian armies. The Russian
forces, however, refused to give battle. They retreated for hundreds of miles, burning their own villages
and countryside to keep Napoleon’s army from finding food. When the Russians did stop to fight at
Borodino, Napoleon won an indecisive and costly victory. When the remaining Grand Army reached
Moscow, they found the city on fire. Lacking food and supplies, Napoleon abandoned Moscow late in
October and began the “Great Retreat” across Russia. Due to the lack of food and the terrible winter
conditions in Russia, only a fraction of the original army managed to survive. The Russians used the land
and the weather to defeat Napoleon’s forces.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 234-235, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
52. ANS:
In this passage, Robespierre claims that liberty is in vain if justice is not absolute. He goes on to state that
when justice does not reign, it is the will of the magistrates that reigns instead. Robespierre says that
when the magistrates reign, “the people have changed their chains and not their destinies.” In other words,
liberty and equality have not been obtained.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 221, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 3, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 3, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
Purpose and Focus
Language and
How you say it
Rubric for CP WORLD History Paper
Not Quite
A thesis is found in
Claim is clear,
the first paragraph,
significant, and
but it is unclear. Or it
maintained from the
is clear but not
introduction and
supported throughout
throughout the paper.
the paper.
Counterclaims are
Counterclaims may
not be present.
No evidence from
sources (or
irrelevant evidence)
is provided.
Uneven, partial, or
evidence provided.
Citations are missing
or are incorrectly
Paper provides
support (sources,
facts, and
explanations) for the
claim. Multiple (3)
sources are
Citations are used
Paper is unfocused
and disorganized.
Points are made that
are not relevant.
Uneven progression
of ideas – may
thoroughly address
one point but not
others. Transitions are
not present or are
confusing. Conclusion
repeats the claim and
points made.
Paper logically
sequences claims and
evidence. Each
element builds to
create a unified
whole. Transitions link
the major sections.
Conclusion is effective
but not repetitive.
Language and tone
are clearly not
appropriate for the
audience. Or
plagiarism is
obvious and
Language and tone
are mostly appropriate
for the audience, but
some informality is
present. Some
passages may not be
all in the student’s
Several errors in
capitalization and/or
sentence structure.
Paper is readable, but
could be better.
Formal tone and
language maintained.
Vocabulary is
appropriate for the
audience. Words are
student’s own and not
What you say
Needs Work
No thesis is found
therefore any points
made are irrelevant.
Errors in
capitalization and/or
sentence structure
obscure the
meaning and make
the paper hard to
capitalization and
spelling have been
edited well. Sentence
structure is good.
Errors are minor.
Claim is sophisticated,
important, and
maintained in every
aspect of the paper.
Counterclaims are
anticipated and
addressed based on
the audience’s
possible biases.
Paper is full of ethical
and logical support for
the claim. Many
sources are
synthesized together,
smoothly integrated,
and explained.
Multiple citations are
used to clarify every
Paper is smooth and
easy to read while
logical and sequential.
Major sections work
together, and the
conclusion is a
seamless outcome of
the thesis, but not a
Precise and
sophisticated tone
and vocabulary are
used, and clarified, for
the audience, but are
still clearly the
student’s and not
No errors in
punctuation, or
sentence structure.
0-4= F
9-12 = C
17-20 =A
Name ____________________________
CP World History Fall Final
True/False (1 point each)
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
The electric light bulb and the radio were invented by Thomas Edison.
____ 2.
Social Darwinism is the belief that Charles Darwin’s theories, such as “survival of the
fittest,” apply to human groups and races.
Multiple Choice (1 point each)
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 3.
The production of ____ was one of the first industries to be affected by the Industrial
a. automobiles
c. toys
b. cotton cloth
d. furniture
____ 4.
The factory created a new labor system in which
a. products were produced by an assembly line of workers and animals.
b. workers had to adjust to periods of hectic work, followed by periods of inactivity.
c. machines were valued more highly than the men who ran them.
d. workers had to work regular hours and do the same work over and over.
____ 5.
Otto von Bismarck practiced realpolitik, which was
a. a theory of politics based on practical matters rather than theory or ethics.
b. the view that military might equaled political might.
c. a belief that animals have political rights.
d. the study of the governments of other nations, both past and present.
____ 6.
____ emphasized feelings and imagination as sources of knowing.
a. Rationalism
c. Conservatism
b. Romanticism
d. Realpolitik
____ 7.
The social change brought about by the Industrial Revolution was evident in the
a. emergence of the middle class and the working class.
b. growing death rates, due to accidents on the highways.
c. thick air pollution that choked the British Isles.
d. widespread famines caused by families abandoning their farms.
____ 8.
The effect of the Crimean War was to
a. destroy the gold fields in the Crimea.
b. force the Estonian economy into a decline that lasted for twenty years.
c. strengthen the Concert of Europe with the addition of France.
d. destroy the Concert of Europe and leave Austria without friends among the Great Powers.
A long suburb of red brick houses—some with patches of garden ground, where coal-dust and
factory smoke darkened the shrinking leaves, and coarse rank flowers; and where the struggling
vegetation sickened and sank under the hot breath of kiln and furnace . . .—a long, flat,
straggling suburb passed, they came by slow degrees upon a cheerless region, where not a
blade of grass was seen to grow; where not a bud put forth its promise in the spring; where
nothing green could live but on the surface of the stagnant pools, which here and there lay idly
sweltering by the black roadside.
From Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, 1840–1841.
____ 9.
Based on this passage, the author’s attitude toward the Industrial Revolution is
a. that it helps people
c. that it creates jobs for the poor
b. that it hurts the natural world
d. None of the above
The debate was closing at half-after twelve; and the main argument of the opponents
was that if two hours’ labor from these children, under eighteen years of age, were
taken off, the consequences, on a national scale, might be ‘truly dreadful’! It might,
and would, destroy manufacturing capital; prevent us from carrying on competition
with foreign manufacturers; reduce mills to a small part of their present value; and
break up, as it were, the wealth and power of the country; render it comparatively
feeble; and expose it to be an easy prey to foreign nations.
From William Cobbett
____ 10.
According to the passage, what would be the consequence of reducing child labor?
a. Children would be idle in the afternoon.
b. The wealth and power of the nation would be endangered.
c. Mills would have insufficient labor.
d. It would hinder trade among countries.
____ 11.
According to Karl Marx, the ____, or working class, was oppressed by the middle class.
a. proletariat
c. socialists
b. bourgeoisie
d. Communists
____ 12.
The internal-combustion engine gave rise to
a. severe air pollution in two industrialized cities.
b. automobiles, airplanes, and improved ocean liners.
c. streetcars and subways.
d. a true American economy.
____ 13.
____ was a Postimpressionist painter for whom art was a spiritual experience.
a. Vincent van Gogh
c. Pierre-August Renoir
b. Claude Monet
d. Berthe Morisot
School of Art
Artists and Their Movements
Characteristics of
Paint nature directly
van Gogh
Abstract Expressionism
Stress color
Geometric designs recreate
reality in the mind of the
Avoid visual reality and
speak to the soul
____ 14.
Which painting movement uses squares, triangles, and circles to suggest reality?
a. Cubism
c. Abstract Expressionism
b. Impressionism
d. Postimpressionism
____ 15.
Shortly before mid-day I [Guglielmo Marconi] placed the single earphone to my ear
and started listening . . . . I was at last on the point of putting . . . my beliefs to the
test. The answer came at 12:30 when I heard, faintly but distinctly, pip-pip-pip. I
handed the phone to Kemp: ‘Can you hear anything?’ I asked. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘the
letter S’—he could hear it . . . . The electric waves sent out into space from Britain
had traversed the Atlantic—the distance, enormous as it seemed then, of 1,700
miles—it was an epoch in history.
From John Carey, ed., Eyewitness to History, 1987.
The electric waves were sent from Britain to ____.
a. Europe
c. the Atlantic Ocean
b. space
d. America
____ 16.
Who established the colony of Singapore?
a. Sir Stamford Raffles
c. Commodore George Dewey
b. King Mongkut
d. King Chulalongkorn
____ 17.
If a colony was run by ____, local elites were removed from power and replaced with a
new set of officials from the mother country.
a. divine rule
c. direct rule
b. colonial rule
d. Queensbury rule
____ 18.
The only free states remaining in Africa by 1914 were
a. Liberia and Ethiopia.
c. Egypt and Morocco.
b. Nigeria and Rhodesia.
d. Rhodesia and Algeria.
____ 19.
____ set up a nonviolent movement with the aim to force the British to aid the poor and
grant independence to India.
a. Rabindranath Tagore
c. Mohandas Gandhi
b. The Indian National Congress
d. Lord Thomas Macaulay
____ 20.
a. Spain
b. Great Britain
Which country controlled parts of North, South, East, and West Africa?
c. Germany
d. France
____ 21.
a. France
Which country controlled parts of North, West, and Central Africa?
c. Portugal
b. Italy
d. Spain
____ 22.
How many miles shorter was the trip from New York City to San Francisco going
through the Panama Canal than going through the Strait of Magellan?
a. 7,700
c. 10,000
b. 17,500
d. none of the above
____ 23.
a. Belgium
b. France
Which European country did not have colonies in Southeast Asia?
c. Netherlands
d. Portugal
Complete civil disobedience is rebellion without the element of violence in it. An out
and out civil resister simply ignores the authority of the state. He becomes an outlaw
claiming to disregard every unmoral state law…. In doing all this he never uses force
and never resists force when it is used against him. In fact, he invites imprisonment
and other uses of force.
From Mohandas Gandhi.
____ 24.
According to Gandhi, which is true of civil resisters?
a. They uphold the authority of the state.
b. They disregard laws that they believe are unmoral.
c. They use force.
d. They try to avoid imprisonment.
____ 25.
The slogan of the ____ was “destroy the foreigner.”
a. Nationalist Party
c. Boxers
b. Revive China Society
d. Qing dynasty
____ 26.
Under the reign of the young emperor Mutsuhito, Japan
a. underwent a political transformation known as the Meiji Restoration.
b. went through a violent period of religious wars.
c. became heavily reliant on foreign money to support its economy.
d. reverted to a democratic system.
____ 27.
____ launched reform known as the One Hundred Days of Reform.
a. Hong Xiuquan
c. The Gang of Four
b. Guang Xu
d. Xian Feng
____ 28.
Who founded the Revive China Society and, later, the Nationalist Party?
a. Henry Pu Yi
c. Guang Xu
b. Lo Mien Song Le Fong
d. Sun Yat-sen
____ 29.
Which of the following represented a change in the social order during the Meiji
a. The new imperial army was created.
c. Imperial rule was re-established.
b. The capital was moved to Edo.
d. The emperor gained more power.
____ 30.
a. 1
b. 17
How many years of Japanese expansion are shown on the map?
c. 27
d. 37
____ 31.
a. Manchuria
b. Korea
Which territory was annexed by Japan?
c. Liaodong Peninsula
d. Pescadores Islands
Establish the Republic: Now our revolution is based on equality, in order to establish
a republican government. All our people are equal and all enjoy political rights. The
president will be publicly chosen by the people of the country. The parliament will be
made up of members publicly chosen by the people of the country.
From Sources of Chinese Tradition,William Theodore de Bary et al., eds., 1960.
____ 32.
In the proposed program by reformer Sun Yat-sen, who will choose the president?
a. the parliament
c. the politicians
b. the people of the country
d. the army
____ 33.
What type of government is being proposed in the passage?
a. a republic
c. a monarchy
b. an oligarchy
d. a dictatorship
Completion (3 points each)
Complete each statement.
____________________ were people interested in finding new business opportunities
and new ways to make profits.
Labor for factories during the Industrial Revolution came mostly from the
____________________ population.
The most important thing that happened in the development of an American
transportation system was the development of the ____________________.
Two conditions driving colonization by major European countries were the search for
markets for manufactured goods and the need to obtain ____________________.
During the period of time called the ____________________ of Reform, the Qing
emperor called for major political, administrative, and educational reforms.
The result of the Meiji land reform program made the traditional lands of the daimyo the
property of the ____________________.
Women in Japan were expected to adhere to the “____________________” : child to
father, wife to husband, and widow to son.
Matching (2 points each)
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. Compromise of 1867
b. Robert Fulton
c. conservatism
d. plebiscite
e. steam engine
Gustave Flaubert
James Watt
Louis Pasteur
Giuseppe Garibaldi
developed a steam engine that could drive machinery
crucial element in Britain’s Industrial Revolution
built the first paddle-wheel steamboat
system in which society owns and controls the means of production
Match each item with the correct statement below.
a. romanticism
b. nationalism
c. cottage industry
d. Charles Darwin
e. industrial capitalism
Concert of Europe
Gustave Courbet
Henry Cort
The Communist Manifesto
production done by individuals in their homes
belief that people owe loyalty to a nation
emphasized feelings and imagination as sources of knowing
written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Essay ( 5 points each)
Answer in detail, with a complete paragraph.
How did Japan acquire the territory of Manchuria?
What does the graphic organizer show? Be specific:
51. How did building railroads contribute to the Industrial Revolution?
Describe the impact of compulsory, universal education on the society of the Second Industrial
Describe the benefits of British rule in India to the Indian subjects.
After looking at the map, what conclusion can you draw about the role China played
in eastern Asia? Explain your answer.
CP World History Fall Final
Answer Section
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 296, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 5, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 5, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 321, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 5, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 5, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 255, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 257, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 274, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 281, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 260, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 272, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 284, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 260-261, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 299, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 5, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 5, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 296-297, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 5, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 5, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 323-324, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 5, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 5, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 324, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 5, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 5, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, page 296. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern Times
California Edition, pages 23-24, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading Essentials
and Study Guide, chapter 5, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 5, section 1 of the
Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 337, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 339, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 348, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 358, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 343-348, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 343-348, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 366, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 336-341, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 358, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 386, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 398, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 385, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 388, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 400, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 401, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 401, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 388-389, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 388-389, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
ANS: Entrepreneurs
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 254, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
ANS: farm
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 257, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
ANS: railroad
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 259, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
ANS: raw materials
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 336, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
ANS: One Hundred Days
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 385, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
ANS: peasants
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 399, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
ANS: three obediences
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 400, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 255, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 255, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 259, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 261, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 255, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 21-22. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 267, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 281, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 4. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 4 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
PTS: 1
It won the land during the Russo-Japanese War.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 402, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
the cultural exchange between Japan, North America, and Europe
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 400, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question
Building railroads created new kinds of jobs for farm workers and peasants. Because the cost of
transporting goods was less expensive, the products could be sent farther to expand markets. Higher sales
allowed factory owners to reinvest profits to increase their manufacturing. All of this added to the growth
of the economy.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 256, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 4, section 1. For additional practice, complete chapter 4, section 1 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
Compulsory, universal education had a great impact on the society of the Second Industrial Revolution.
Education provided trained, skilled labor for an increasingly demanding work environment. Both boys
and girls with an elementary education now had new job possibilities beyond their villages or small
towns, including white-collar jobs in railways, post offices, and the teaching and nursing fields. Education
also created more informed voters and instilled patriotism at an early age. Education also created a
demand for teachers, and most of them were women. The most immediate result of public education,
however, was an increase in literacy. This, in turn, led to the rise of mass newspapers.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 23-24. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, page 308, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 5, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 5, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
British rule in India had several benefits for the Indian subjects. It brought order and stability to a society
that had been badly divided by civil war. It also led to a fairly honest and efficient government. A new
school system was set up by the British government. Railroads, the telegraph, and a postal service were
introduced to India shortly after they appeared in Great Britain. By 1900, 25,000 miles (40,225 km) of
railroads crisscrossed India.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 356-357, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 6, section 3. For additional practice, complete chapter 6, section 3 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
China was a dominant force in East Asia. The map shows that China’s sphere of influence stretched to
other East Asian nations including Korea, French Indochina, Thailand, Bhutan, and Nepal.
PTS: 1
REF: Review this standard in Glencoe World History: Modern Times California Edition: At-Home
Standards Practice, pages 25-26. Learn more about this question in Glencoe World History: Modern
Times California Edition, pages 388-393, and in the Active Reading Note-Taking Guide and Reading
Essentials and Study Guide, chapter 7, section 2. For additional practice, complete chapter 7, section 2 of
the Interactive Tutor Self-Assessment CD-ROM, and visit Study Central at
MSC: Document Based Question