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Evolutionary Biology
1) Which major evolutionary biologist of the 20th century recently died
aged 100?
1) Ernst Mayr
2) Richard Owen
3) Stephen Jay Gould
4) Thomas Huxley
5) Richard Dawkins
2) Genetic information is most like:
1) A musical score
2) A computer manual
3) A blueprint
4) An architects plans
5) A recipe
3) Pinus radiata and Pinus muricata grow in the same habitat in
California but release pollen in February and April, respectively. This is
an example of what type of isolation:
1) Post zygotic
2) Temporal
3) Habitat
4) Mechanical
5) Gametic
4) Hebe, a New Zealand genus of plants, has had two major periods of
radiation over the last 5 million years, separated by a period of relative
stasis. This pattern is termed:
1) phyletic equilibrium
2) gradual equlibrium
3) punctuated equilibrium
4) phyletic grandualism
5) punctuated gradulism
5) Why is evolution considered a fact?
1) It is found in all biology text books
2) It is the truth
3) Theories and facts are the same thing
4) It is consistant with observations made so far
5) It is part of a scientific conspiracy
6) “When a small group breaks off from a larger population to found a
new colony, the genes of the smaller group may not be representative of
those of the original population; thus, the allele frequencies in
subsequent generations may vary greatly from the allele frequencies of
the original population”.
What is this a definition of?
7) What is the name of the type of selection where average-sized
individuals are selected for?
8) The theory of “inheritance of acquired traits” was put forward by
9) The peppered moth is an oft-quoted example of what theory?
10) Who is/are generally credited with formulating the theory of
evolution by natural selection?
1) Charles Darwin.
2) Jean Baptiste de Lamarck.
3) Alfred Wallace.
4) Charles Lyall.
5) Gregor Mendel.
6) Answers 1 and 2 above.
7) Answers 1 and 3 above.
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