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# 11 Cold War
You will now be in charge of your homework with
packets. Due the day of the test you will turn in a
packet consisting of topic information, people, events,
etc. Pictures and political cartoons must also be added
to “spice up” the history.
You must have the word/people/idea in bold and
underlined in your packet. Ideas and concepts must be
in your own words.
Introduction Page: Title of the Unit, Your Name,
My Name, Period, Due Date, Picture - 1 page
Containment – 1 page
a. Pictures
b. How/Why did the Cold War Start
c. Truman (Political Party and Dates in office)
1. Yalta Conference
2. Potsdam Conference
3. Truman Doctrine
4. Marshall Plan
6. Warsaw Pact
7. Berlin Airlift
8. Korean Conflict (Cause and outcome)
d. Eisenhower (Political Party and Dates in office)
1. Eisenhower Doctrine
2. National Defense Highway Act
3. U2 incident
4. Fallout shelter
5. MAD
e. Kennedy (Political Party and Dates in office)
1. Cuba
Bay of Pigs
Cuban Missile Crisis
2. Berlin Wall built
3. Peace Corps
4. Alliance for Progress
6. Space Race/Arms Race
Cold War At Home – 1 page
a. Pictures
b. Paranoia
a. Hiss Case
b. The Rosenberg’s
d. Blacklist
c. McCarthyism
Vietnam Conflict (Containment Continued) – 1 page
a. Pictures
b. Domino Theory
c. Containment
d. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
e. Hippies
f. Tinker v. Des Moines
g. NY Times v. United States
h. Tet Offensive
i. Vientnamization
j. Kent State
k. Ending of the Vietnam Conflict (Success?)
l. War Powers Act
Coexistence – ½ page
a. Pictures
b. SALT Treaties
c. Nixon and Détente + China
Cold War Heats Up – ½ page
a. Pictures
b. Reagan (Political Party and Dates in office
1. Star War (not the movie)
c. G.H.W Bush (Political Party and Dates in office)
1. Ending of the Cold War
Questions (include the question and answer) (1 page)
a. Measure the effectiveness of US containment policies such as Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan
and others.
b. What vision did John F. Kennedy have for the United States and the world? Explain.
c. Compare and contrast the policies of containment and coexistence.
d. Were limits on some American's civil liberties justified during the Red Scare of the 1950s?
e. Discuss the impact of Vietnam War on American society
f. Determine the effectiveness of anti-war protests on US policy decisions.
g. How did the opening of the USSR help end the cold war? Explain.
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