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Popul Ecol (2010) 52:5–14
DOI 10.1007/s10144-009-0187-8
Rapid Adaptation
Rapid adaptation: a new dimension for evolutionary perspectives
in ecology
Masakazu Shimada • Yumiko Ishii
Harunobu Shibao
Received: 7 October 2009 / Accepted: 9 November 2009 / Published online: 5 December 2009
The Society of Population Ecology and Springer 2009
Abstract Although the study of adaptation is central to
biology, two types of adaptation are recognized in the
biological field: physiological adaptation (accommodation
or acclimation; an individual organism’s phenotype is
adjusted to its environment) and evolutionary–biological
adaptation (adaptation is shaped by natural selection acting
on genetic variation). The history of the former concept
dates to the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
and has more recently been systemized in the twenty-first
century. Approaches to the understanding of phenotypic
plasticity and learning behavior have only recently been
developed, based on cellular–histological and behavioral–
neurobiological techniques as well as traditional molecular
biology. New developments of the former concepts in
phenotypic plasticity are discussed in bacterial persistence,
wing di-/polymorphism with transgenerational effects,
polyphenism in social insects, and defense traits for predator avoidance, including molecular biology analyses. We
also discuss new studies on the concept of genetic
accommodation resulting in evolution of phenotypic plasticity through a transgenerational change in the reaction
norm based on a threshold model. Learning behavior can
also be understood as physiological phenotypic plasticity,
associating with the brain–nervous system, and it drives the
accelerated evolutionary change in behavioral response
(the Baldwin effect) with memory stock. Furthermore,
choice behaviors are widely seen in decision-making of
animal foragers. Incorporating flexible phenotypic plasticity and learning behavior into modeling can drastically
change dynamical behavior of the system. Unification of
M. Shimada (&) Y. Ishii H. Shibao
Department of Systems Sciences, University of Tokyo,
Komaba, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]
biological sciences will be facilitated and integrated, such
as behavioral ecology and behavioral neurobiology in the
area of learning, and evolutionary ecology and molecular
developmental biology in the theme of phenotypic
Keywords Behavioral neurobiology Choice behavior Genetic accommodation Memory and learning Phenotypic plasticity Predation switching
Introduction: rapid adaptation in nature
Two concepts of adaptation
Bock (1980) stated that biological adaptation is a property
of the phenotypic features of an organism relative to the
selection demands of the environment. Adaptation promotes properties of form and function that enable the
organism to survive in the environment. Although the study
of adaptation is central to biology, there have been two
interpretations of this concept. Futuyma (1986) noted that
‘‘In physiology, adaptation is often used to describe an
individual organism’s phenotypic adjustment to its environment, as in physiological acclimation. In evolutionary
biology, however, an adaptation is a feature that, because it
increases fitness, has been shaped by specific forces of
natural selection acting on genetic variation’’ (chap. 9,
p. 251).
In the latter concept, indeed, an emphasis on cost–benefit analysis of the individual fitness of traits has commonly
been emphasized in research fields first established in the
1970s, including evolutionary ecology (MacArthur 1972;
Pianka 1978; Ricklefs 1979), behavioral ecology (Krebs
and Davies 1978; 1981; Sibly and Smith 1985), and
sociobiology (Wilson 1975). Such traditional evolutionary
views originated from the mutation–selection concept in
the synthetic theory of population genetics (see Fisher
On the other hand, the former concept based on physiological and behavioral features of adaptation (including
acclimation, phenotypic plasticity, learning, and epigenetics) is related to short-term, condition-dependent changes
within a framework of genetic programming that is molded
in much longer evolutionary time scales of at least dozens
of generations. Although ‘acclimation’ and ‘accommodation’ have been widely recognized since the middle of the
twentieth century, the phenotypic plasticity includes these
classical concepts as a new terminology that has prevailed
in studies of plants, animals, and even bacteria (Pigliucci
2001; West-Eberhard 2003; Kirshner and Gerhart 2005).
We will show here the ubiquitous phenomena in nature.
Ubiquitous phenomena of rapid adaptation in nature
Polyphenism involving distinct morphologies has been
extensively reported in insects, for example, the di-/polymorphism of wing formation (in aphids, plant hoppers, and
locusts) and the cast differentiation of social insects (ants,
bees, wasps, and termites) (West-Eberhard 1989). In
addition, several prey–predator systems show inducible
defense traits for predator avoidance, such as the tadpole
and salamander system (Van Buskirk and Relyea 1998;
Wilson et al. 2005; Kishida and Nishimura 2006; Kishida
et al. 2006, 2009, 2010), and the Daphnia and predators
(small fish or larval phantom midge Chaoborus) system
(Levins 1968; Harvell 1990; Havel and Dodson 1984;
Tollrian 1993; Tollrian and Dodson 1999; Hammill et al.
2008; Engel and Tollrian 2009).
Molecular biology studies of the mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity have recently elucidated the conditional
partial on/off switching of the promoter and/or enhancer
region in gene expression (Gerhart and Kirshner 1997;
Kirshner and Gerhart 1998, 2005). Furthermore, epigenetic
traits (condition-dependent modification with methylation
and acetylation in DNA and histone proteins) can be prolonged over several generations (Kalisz and Purugganan
With respect to learning behavior, animals can lean from
environmental cues during foraging; for example, marks
and chemical kairomones enable predators to locate prey in
their habitat. However, as learning into long-term memory
has a cost (Mery and Kawecki 2005), the learning behavior
of animals involves a cost–performance balance from both
the evolutionary–ecological and behavioral–neurobiological points of view. Furthermore, a spreading effect of
learning behavior can include the generation of complicated population dynamics involving predator switching
Popul Ecol (2010) 52:5–14
(Oaten and Murdoch 1975; Murdoch and Oaten 1975; Ishii
and Shimada 2010). This is based on the trade-off of
attention (‘limited attention’; Dukas and Kamil 2001;
Dukas 2002, 2004), in which a predator’s attention to prey
is formed through ‘conditioning’ to the most common prey
in situations where multiple prey–predator systems occur
in the habitat. Integrated understanding of learning
behavior spreads from behavioral neurobiology to population dynamics and evolutionary ecology.
The potential for rapid adaptation will be naturally
selected through genetic variation on the basis of learning
and phenotypic plasticity (Kawecki 2010), which will
result in adaptive evolution at a longer time scale (the
Baldwin effect; Mery and Kawecki 2004b; Crispo 2007;
Paenke et al. 2007; Lande 2009). In recent decades,
learning behaviors have gradually been elucidated
through studies of behavioral neurobiology (Zupanc
2003), especially those involving prolonged memory
storage through stimulus repetition (Kandel 2001).
Incorporating such phenotypic plasticity and choice
behaviors into prey–predator systems can greatly change
a dynamical behavior of the system (Abrams 2010; Ishii
and Shimada 2010).
The aim of this review is to synthesize recent findings in
research on phenotypic plasticity and learning behavior
with reference to as many as possible molecular–cellular
biology, physiology and genome science developments,
and to propose a new dimension for evolutionary perspectives in ecology.
Phenotypic plasticity in physiological
and morphological adaptation
Bacterial phenotypic plasticity
Phenotypic plasticity occurs in prokaryotes as well as
eukaryotes. The most famous example is the conditiondependent gene expression based on the bacterial operon,
in which gene expression is clearly changed in response to
nutritional conditions (Jacob and Monod 1961). For
another example, the filament formation (elongation four or
five times longer in the cell length) has been widely
observed in Escherichia coli when they are cultivated
under environmental stress, e.g., poor nutrient medium or
high temperature (Maki et al. 2000).
It is also recognized that response of bacteria to antibiotics in bacterial growth media enables bacterial persistence. Wakamoto et al. (2005), Wakamoto and Yasuda
(2006a, b) and Ayano et al. (2006) reported that a proportion of successive Escherichia coli populations survived
when antibiotics were provided at intermittent intervals. If
resistance were a result of evolutionary change based on
Popul Ecol (2010) 52:5–14
mutation–selection processes, the survival ratio would be
higher in successive populations. However, the survival
ratio was constant under the antibiotic regime; such bacterial survivorship patterns have been termed ‘persistence’,
not resistance (Wakamoto et al. 2005; Wakamoto and
Yasuda 2006a, b). Stochastic gene expression has been
recognized here, whereby division and growth of daughter
cells is unbalanced and asymmetric with respect to cell size
and physiological properties (Blake et al. 2001; Furusawa
and Kaneko 2001; Baetz and Kaern 2006; Kaneko 2007;
Fraser and Kaern 2009).
Wing dimorphism and polymorphism in insects
Polyphenism involving distinct morphologies has been
extensively reported in insects in wing dimorphism (brachyptera and macroptera); in the plant hopper (Homoptera)
(Kishimoto 1956, 1976; Iwanaga et al. 1985, 1987;
Iwanaga and Tojo 1986; Morooka and Tojo 1992), the
aphid (Homoptera) (Dixon et al. 1993; Weisser et al. 1999;
Braendle et al. 2006), the water strider (Heteroptera)
(Vespäläinen 1978; Goodwyn and Fujisaki 2007), the bug
(Heteroptera) (Fujisaki 1992), and the cricket (Orthoptera)
(Roff 1986; Zera and Tiebel 1989; Zera et al. 1999; Zhao
and Zera 2002).
Wing dimorphism depends partly on the population
density. The brachiptera morph of the brown plant hopper
(Nilaparvata lugens) occurs at low population densities and
has high reproductive ability, whereas the macroptera
morph often emerges at high population density and has a
life history specialized for dispersal (Kishimoto 1956;
Morooka and Tojo 1992). The wing polymorphism in N.
lugens depends partly on the geographic strain, and the
emergence ratio of the macroptera morph of N. lugens
varies among localities from Japan to southeast Asia
(Iwanaga et al. 1985, 1987; Iwanaga and Tojo 1986;
S. Morooka, unpublished data).
Molecular genetic analysis in wing dimorphism/polymorphism has, however, not been conducted either in the
plant hopper or in the aphids, although Zera and Zhao
(2006) reported biochemical basis of trade-off between
dispersal and reproduction in a wing-polymorphic cricket,
G. firmus. Aphids are currently becoming an important
model organism, and a large community has begun to
develop genomic resources for A. pisum. Braendle et al.
(2005, 2006) reported that the male polymorphism is
controlled by a single locus on the X chromosome called
aphicarus (api) in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. In
aphids, males are haploid for the X chromosome, so one
allele of api causes winged males and the other causes
wingless males. Three api genotypes are seen in natural
populations: clones homozygous for the api-winged allele
that produce all winged males, clones homozygous for the
api-wingless allele that produce all wingless males, and
clones heterozygous for api that produce winged and
wingless males in equal proportions (Braendle et al. 2006).
The genome of the pea aphid A. pisum is currently being
sequenced at a certain consortium.
Polyphenism in social insects
Another widely reported example of polyphenism in social
insects is that of caste differentiation (polyethism) into
workers, soldiers, and queens (Wilson 1971, 1975;
Hölldobler and Wilson 1990). Colony mates have mother–
daughter relationships in hymenopterous insects (ants,
bees, and wasps), and different morphs (soldiers and normal) are genetic clones in the Homoptera (aphids).
Genetically closely related or clonal insects show various
properties in terms of morphology and behavior.
In social aphids, altruistic individuals termed soldiers
perform colony defense, housekeeping, and gall repair
(Shibao et al. 2010). As aphids reproduce parthenogenetically (thelytoky), all members of a genetic clone have
identical genomes. Nevertheless, social aphids display
adaptive caste polyphenism and short-term behavioral
flexibility, which permits rapid responses to changing
environmental and social stimuli. For example, in
Tuberaphis styraci, which has a sterile soldier caste in the
second instar, caste production in the colony is controlled
by positive and negative feedback mechanisms: a greater
density of other castes induces soldier production,
whereas increasing soldier density suppresses further
soldier production (Shibao et al. 2003, 2004a, b, c). In
this species, the soldiers not only defend the colony
against predators but also clean the gall by removing
waste products. When the soldiers are still young, they
undertake relatively safe tasks inside the colony such as
gall cleaning. As the soldiers age, their tasks involve
more dangerous activities outside the colony such as
colony defense. Thus, a colony can maintain a sufficient
work force and defense capability by constraining early
deaths to the sterile caste. The division of labor in the
aphid social system is adaptive and based on soldier-age
polyethism (Shibao et al. 2004d).
Molecular and cellular/histological mechanisms that
generate different morphs during caste polyphenism in
social insects have recently been elucidated by Miura and
colleagues. Soldier-specific gene expression (Miura et al.
1999; Koshikawa et al. 2005), modification of the mandibular motor neurons (Ishikawa et al. 2008), and juvenile
hormone (JH)-promoting caste differentiation (Cornette
et al. 2008) have been successively discovered in the termite Hodotermopsis sjostedti. Compound eye development
during caste differentiation in the termite, Reticulitermes
speratus, has been demonstrated (Maekawa et al. 2008).
The gene network analysis has rapidly been developed
in the 2000s. Abouheif and Wray (2002) characterized the
expression of several genes within the network of wing
polyphenism in reproductive (winged) and sterile (wingless) ant castes. They showed that the expression of genes
(e.g., en, Ubx, ap, exd, etc.) within the network was conserved in the winged castes of four ant species (genera
Neoformica, Myrmica, Crematogaster, and Pheidole),
whereas points of interruption within the network in the
wingless castes were evolutionarily unstable.
Furthermore, based on such gene network analysis, the
study of sociogenomics in social insects, especially the
honey bee, Apis melifera, has undergone a rapid increase
(Robinson et al. 2005; Whitfield et al. 2006; Grozinger et al.
2007). Robinson et al. (2005) and Weinstock et al. (2006)
claimed a new approach that is based on transcriptomics:
measuring changes in the expression of genes that correlate
with changes in behavior. Gene expression is measured in
the brains of individuals that have different behaviors of
interest. Transcript abundance, however, is not always predictive of protein abundance. Some differences in gene
expression may be a consequence, not a cause, of a behavioral change. Therefore, it is important to go beyond gene
expression–behavior correlations to manipulate transcript
abundance or protein activity through transgenesis, RNAi,
pharmacology with neurotransmitters, and so on (Robinson
et al. 2005; Weinstock et al. 2006). In addition, Elango et al.
(2009) reported epigenetics that DNA methylation was
widespread and associated with differential gene expression
in social castes in A. merifela. The transcriptomics-based
approach will be a powerful approach towards the gene
discovery, especially for model social species.
Inducible defense traits for predator avoidance
Woltereck (1909) presented firstly the term ‘‘reaction
norm’’ in the study of Daphnia inducible defense (see
Pigliucci 2001). Over the last 20 years, there have been
more than 100 reports of inducible defense traits for
predator avoidance in Daphnia species, including the
development of head and tail spines in D. rosea (Dodson
1972, 1984), D. pulex (Hammill et al. 2008), and D. lumholtzi (Engel and Tollrian 2009). Colony formation in a
phytoplankton genus Scenedesmus has also been reported
to be an inducible defense against grazers (Lurling and Van
Donk 2000; Van der Stap et al. 2008). Tadpoles of Rana
produce head bloating as an inducible defense in R. sylvatica (Van Buskirk and Relyea 1998), R. lessonae (Wilson
et al. 2005), and R. pirica (Kishida and Nishimura 2006;
Kishida et al. 2006, 2009, 2010). In addition, inducible
offense by predators has also been reported; large jaws that
enable tadpoles to be swallowed occur among morphs of
the salamander, Hynobius retardatus (Kishida et al. 2010).
Popul Ecol (2010) 52:5–14
Embryological formation of inducible defense trait,
neckteeth, was discovered by Laforsch and Tollrian (2004),
and molecular and cellular mechanisms of inducible
defense in Daphnia have recently been partially elucidated
by Imai et al. (2009). Colbourne et al. (2005) presented the
Daphnia genome database, and Eads et al. (2008) proposed
ecological genomics in Daphnia as the first results focusing
on adaptation in the stress response and environmental sex
determination, even though no paper has yet reported on
inducible defense traits.
For molecular genetics of tadpoles, Kurata et al. (2005)
and Mori et al. (2005) conducted cDNA subtraction and
microarray analysis to detect genes expressed in inducible
defense in Rana tadpoles. Mori et al. (2005) focused on the
bulgy body skin tissue (the major induced morphological
change and the most downstream end of the gene interaction system for phenotypic expression) and reported several
candidate genes. The bulgy-shaped body seems to be
highly related to the bullous pemphigoid antigen, which
causes the skin-blistering disorder, and tetranectin and
uromodulin may be related to the extracellular matrix
through myogenesis, protein secretion, and ion transport.
As the reverse transcriptase-like protein gene is known to
disrupt mammalian transcriptomes, retrotransposons may
be involved (Mori et al. 2005).
Transgenerational effects and genetic accommodation
in phenotypic plasticity
Inducible defense in infected plants
Agrawal et al. (1999) reported transgenerational effects in
inducible defense in the cruciferous plant, Raphanus sativus. They collected mature seeds from a parent plant that
had been affected by lepidopteran caterpillars during
development. The seeds were sown in the field, and equal
numbers of caterpillars were attached to each resulting
plant. It was found that the larval body mass was smaller
for plants that had been infected with larvae in the previous
generation than in plants that had not previously been
infected. The inducible defense was chemical in nature,
and production of the chemical substance in the seeds was
switched on during ripening.
Transgenerational density effects in locusts
The desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, undergoes polyphenism in response to low (solitary) and crowded
(gregarious) population density phases. The former is
characterized by green body coloration, smaller hatchlings,
and solitary and sedentary habits, while the latter is characterized by dark-colored bodies, larger hatchlings, and
Popul Ecol (2010) 52:5–14
gregarious and migratory habits (Uvarov 1966). Variation
in these traits is continuous and not discrete, and transgenerational steps proceed toward the gregarious phase for
several generations (Tanaka and Maeno 2008). A strong
correlation is evident between coloration and body size;
green and small hatchlings come from eggs produced by
solitary females, whereas black and larger hatchlings come
from eggs produced by gregarious females (Faure 1932;
Tanaka and Maeno 2008; Maeno and Tanaka 2009).
Tawfik et al. (1999) investigated the molecular basis of
gregarious body pigmentation, and reported the isolation of
a neurohormone (comprising 11 amino acids) from the
corpora cardiaca. This neurohormone was identical to
[His(7)] corazonin, and its primary structure is similar to the
vertebrate melanophore-stimulating hormone. Treatment
with [His(7)] corazonin induced gregarious black patterns
even in isolated (solitary) nymphs (Tawfik et al. 1999).
Tanaka and Maeno (2006) manually tried to remove the
maternal effect by washing eggs with saline or by separating eggs individually within 1 h of egg deposition.
Neither washing nor separation of eggs at deposition
affected the percentage of green hatchlings. The variation
in hatchling body color was correlated closely to the body
weight at hatchling. Then Maeno and Tanaka (2009) conducted two methods of artificial miniaturization of eggs:
(1) removal of water from the eggs and (2) squeezing yolk
from the eggs. Using these methods, they successfully
reproduced a positive correlation between body size and
body color. These experiments have largely elucidated
polyphenism processes in the locust, and demonstrated
phenotypic plasticity without genetic differentiation, i.e.,
from solitary to gregarious phases for several generations
in transgenerational processes with maternal effects
(Maeno and Tanaka 2009).
Furthermore, Anstey et al. (2009) has recently reported
that a neurotransmitter, serotonin, was responsible for the
behavioral transformation from solitary to gregarious
phases in the locust, S. gregaria. Solitary locusts acquire
full gregarious behavioral characteristics within the first
2 h of forced crowding. This period coincides with a substantial but transient (\24 h) increase in the amount of
serotonin, specifically in the central nervous system, the
thoracic ganglia, but not the brain. They demonstrated a
neurochemical mechanism linking interactions between
individuals to large-scale changes in population structure
and the onset of mass migration.
Evolutionary changes through phenotypic plasticity:
Baldwin effect, genetic assimilation, and genetic
For evolutionary change through phenotypic plasticity,
Price et al. (2003) pointed out that entry into a new
environment results in selection pressures favoring divergence from the ancestor, and that different environments
also directly induce changes in an individual’s behavior,
morphology, and physiology. Such changes are generically
named ‘‘phenotypic plasticity’’. This plasticity is adaptive,
in that individuals which show a plastic response have
higher fitness than those which do not (Price et al. 2003),
and it may have evolved as a consequence of variable
conditions (Levins 1968; Via and Lande 1985; Robinson
and Gukas 1999).
How does plasticity interact with environmental conditions to produce genetic change? First, we need to clarify
the terms ‘‘Baldwin effect’’ and ‘‘accommodation’’. Price
et al. (2003) summarized the process of genetic assimilation which was first outlined by Spalding (1873), who
argued that selection of those individuals which were the
best learners would eventually result in the appearance of
the behavior in the absence of learning. The idea that
plastic traits in phenotype could become genetically fixed
was raised by Baldwin (1896) and Morgan (1896) (the
‘‘Baldwin effect’’ termed by Simpson 1953; see Crispo
2007). Simpson (1953) defined the Baldwin effect as the
situation where ‘‘characters individually acquired by
members of the group may eventually, under the influence
of selection, be reinforced or replace similar hereditary
Baldwin (1896, 1902) often used the term ‘‘accommodation’’ in reference to non-heritable phenotypic changes
that increase the survival of the organism in the particular
environment in which the phenotypic change is induced.
West-Eberhard (2003, 2005) divided accommodation into
genetic and phenotypic components, and ‘‘phenotypic
accommodation’’ (West-Eberhard 2003, 2005) is the
modern-day equivalent of Baldwin’s accommodation (see
Crispo 2007). Baldwin (1902) noted that heritable variation
can occur in the same direction as the phenotypic response
(he termed ‘‘conincident variations’’) and phenotypes that
are originally environmentally induced can be selected
upon and inherited. Currently, this phenomenon is considered a type of ‘‘genetic accommodation’’ (Crispo 2007),
and an empirical experiment (Suzuki and Nijhort 2006)
will be demonstrated (see later).
On the other hand, Waddington (1953, 1959, 1961)
proposed that development would evolve to become
‘‘canalized’’ against environmental perturbations, via
selection acting on the developmental system, a process he
referred to as ‘‘genetic assimilation’’ (Waddington 1953,
1961). Specifically, he defined genetic assimilation as a
process ‘‘by which a phenotypic character, which initially
is produced only in response to some environmental
influence, becomes, through a process of selection, taken
over by the genotype, …’’ (Waddington 1961). Although
Waddington’s canalization and genetic assimilation may be
apparently similar to the Baldwin effect, the two concepts
have fundamental differences (Crispo 2007). Waddington’s
theory is based on the viewpoint that the environment
induces phenotypes that are adaptive, and then selection on
the developmental system acts to reduce responsiveness to
the environment (i.e., to reduce plasticity). Therefore, we
need to understand that Waddington’s genetic assimilation
and canalization is a special case of the general concept of
the Baldwin effect and genetic accommodation.
The experiment of genetic accommodation
Related species are likely to share genetic and developmental backgrounds. Therefore, Suzuki and Nijhort
(2006) reasoned that exposing hidden genetic variation by
stress (heat shock) could evolve a polyphenic regulatory
mechanism in a monophenic species that shared a recent
common ancestor with a polyphenic species. They
investigated this possibility using artificial selection to
evolve a larval color polyphenism in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, which is a monophenic species
with green larvae. A related species, M. quinquemaculata,
exhibits a larval color polyphenism, developing a black
phenotype at 20C and a green phenotype at 28C. Wildtype larval coloration was robust to thermal stress, with
fifth instar larvae remaining green following heat shock
treatment during the mid and late fourth larval instar
stage. Thus, their experiments examined the effect of
thermal stress in both the polyphenic line and the black
mutant line of M. sexta. The black mutation is a sexlinked recessive allele that reduces JH secretion, and the
black mutant phenotype can revert to a normal greencolored larva by treatment with JH.
Suzuki and Nijhort (2006) conducted an artificialselection experiment on the reaction norm (Schmalhausen
1949; Sarkar 2004), and the polyphenic line become more
and more green under the high-temperature condition. The
reaction norm in the temperature-dependent color score
(the greener the larva, the higher the score) dramatically
increased from 25 to 33C in the polyphenic line, although
larvae of the black mutant were constantly black at physiologically tolerable temperatures ranging from 25 to 33C.
Based on these experiments, a mechanistic view of the
evolution of polyphenism by genetic accommodation in the
threshold trait, JH titer, was developed (the term ‘genetic
assimilation’ is used for the monophenic form, based on
Furthermore, as the empirical test, Suzuki and Nijhort
(2008) conducted cross experiments between polyphenic
and monophenic strains, including F1 crosses, and showed
that the mechanism of genetic accommodation relies on
changes that are consistent with the current view of the
genetic basis of adaptive evolution.
Popul Ecol (2010) 52:5–14
Learning in behavioral adaptation as phenotypic
Learning behaviors in vertebrates and insects
The new field of behavioral neurobiology, which has
emerged in recent decades (e.g., Carew 2000; Zupanc
2003), has focused on model organisms including the
mouse (Mus musculus; spatial orientation learning and
memory), the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttat; song
learning), the zebra fish (Danio rerio; developmental
biology), the sea hare (Aplysia kurodai; sensitization and
memory storage), the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster;
associative learning) and the nematode (Caenorhabditis
elegance; perception of density gradient movement in
Numerous behavioral neurobiology studies involving D.
melanogaster are reported annually, including a number
concerning associative learning in relation to olfactory cues
(e.g., Raine 2009; Yarali et al. 2009). Kawecki and colleagues (Mery and Kawecki 2003, 2004a; Kawecki 2010)
have been unique in investigating the fitness cost of
learning in D. melanogaster, especially the trade-off
between learning performance and certain fitness components including fecundity and longevity (Flatt and Kawecki
2007; Burger et al. 2008).
One of the most astonishing discoveries is that longterm memory is costly in D. melanogaster because it
requires protein synthesis inside the mushroom body, but
anesthesia-resistant memory (maintained for several hours)
has no cost (Mery and Kawecki 2005) because it does not
involve protein synthesis. The cost of long-term memory
increases when combined with stressful conditions, such as
Another notable finding has been the detection of the
Baldwin effect in D. melanogaster (Mery and Kawecki
2004b; Paenke et al. 2007; Kawecki 2010). Mery and
Kawecki (2004b) established experiments involving two
nutrient media (pineapple and orange) and two selection
regimes (‘innate’ and ‘learning’), and applied this 2 9 2
artificial selection regime design to D. melanogaster populations. The experimental chamber had two small dishes
containing either pineapple or orange medium. For the
‘learning pineapple’ treatment, the researchers added quinine to the alternative orange medium, so that the flies
would only lay eggs in the pineapple medium (i.e., reinforced learning for ‘pineapple’). Comparison of the
‘learning’ and ‘innate’ regimes showed that the ‘learning
pineapple’ regime was associated with a more rapid evolutionary pace (Mery and Kawecki 2004b), indicating that
learning drives evolutionary processes at a greater rate.
For genetic accommodation in wild animas in nature,
entry into very different environments must be
Popul Ecol (2010) 52:5–14
Fig. 1 Diagrammatic representation of the evolution of behavior and
the Baldwin effect
accompanied by behavioral and other plastic forms of
accommodation, and this will usually be followed by
selection in the context of these changes. Price et al. (2003)
presented an example: the development of tool using in the
woodpecker finch, Camarhynchus pallidus, on the Galapagos. Although tool using may have arisen and spread as a
result of cultural innovation, the habit now develops
independently of any tutoring (Tebbich et al. 2001), suggesting genetic accommodation.
Figure 1 shows a diagram of a modernized version of
the evolution of behaviors and the Baldwin effect. An
organism receives information from its environment (cognition), and its behavioral response has resultant consequences (Success or failure? How much reward?). As a
consequence of the response, neurotransmitters (e.g.,
dopamine, octopamine, or serotonin) are secreted in the
brain–nervous system of the individual, which promotes
memory storage, especially long-term memory. Memory
storage affects the next behavioral action, which is a phenotypic character that is genetically affected by the individual genotype with variation at the population level.
Therefore, behavioral characters are under natural selection. Furthermore, selection of genotypes in the adaptive
landscape that enhancing phenotypic plasticity is accelerated with convex fitness function (Paenke et al. 2007);
then, the behavioral consequence of learning provides
feedback to natural selection on genetic variance.
Choice behavior, learning-mediated population
dynamics, and adaptive dynamics
Ishii and Shimada (2010) showed antiphase oscillations of
two prey species of bruchid seed beetle, Callosobruchus
spp., parasitized by a pteromalid wasp, Anisopteromalus
calandrae, in a one predator–two prey experimental system. The oscillations can be generated by predation
switching by the wasp, which was based on the wasp
learning to attack the more abundant prey species. Continuous conditioning (about 24–48 h) during predation on
the same host resulted in A. calandrae establishing a
chemical search image of the common prey (Ishii and
Shimada 2010). Although theoretical predictions have been
investigated (Murdoch and Oaten 1975; Oaten and
Murdoch 1975), an empirical test has never been reported.
The empirical analysis of Ishii and Shimada (2010) is the
first report of antiphase oscillations and persistence of the
three-species system over a long period.
P.A. Abrams has developed models for various types of
adaptive changes including switching behavior for prey
types amongst generalist consumers (Abrams 1999, 2006,
2010), movement behavior from one patch to another
(Abrams 2007), and developmental plasticity (Abrams and
Rowe 1996). Abrams et al. (1993) compared adaptive
dynamics including learning (hereafter, small notation
‘‘adaptive dynamics’’) with traditional evolutionary
dynamics without adaptive change (hereafter, capital notation ‘‘Adaptive Dynamics’’ incorporating only mutation–
selection evolutionary process); the adaptive dynamic consequences, including behavioral adaptation, could change
drastically in the model. Therefore, Abrams (2005) emphasized the importance of including adaptive change and
comparing ‘adaptive dynamics’ with ‘Adaptive Dynamics’;
the latter refers to a specific set of methods for analyzing
mutation-limited evolutionary change.
Concluding remarks
This review has emphasized that rapid adaptation is ubiquitous in nature and has over-viewed recent research developments, including cellular–historical analyses and
molecular biology techniques, in the areas of phenotypic
plasticity and learning behavior. As Abrams (2005) has
pointed out, behavioral and evolutionary ecological research
on rapid adaptation (‘adaptive dynamics’; sensu Abrams
2005) will inform new understanding in the biological sciences. Unification of biological sciences will be enhanced;
for example, behavioral ecology and behavioral neurobiology in the area of learning, and evolutionary ecology and
molecular developmental biology in the area of phenotypic
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the Chief-in-Editor,
Dr. T. Saitoh of Hokkaido University, and the editorial office, Ms M.
Tanigawa, for supporting this symposium in the present issue, especially our long review. Special thanks should be given to Dr. T. Miura of
Hokkaido University and Dr. K. Fujisaki of Kyoto University for kindly
advising on the many important publications that we should cite. This
research was supported in part by the Ministry of Education, Science,
Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aids for Scientific Research (B)
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