Download Section 2 – Magnetism from Electricity p.48 A.) The Discovery of

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Section 2 – Magnetism from Electricity p.48
A.) The Discovery of Electromagnetism p.48
1.) Electromagnetism – the interaction between
electricity & magnetism
2.) Hans Christian Oersted discovered
a.) discovered that an electric current produces a
magnetic field
B.) Using Electromagnetism p.49
1.) Two devices that strengthen the magnetic field
are the solenoid & the electromagnet.
2.) Solenoid – a coil of wire with an electric current in
3.) Two ways to strengthen the solenoid’s magnetic
a.) increase the electric current in the wire
b.) increase the number of loops per meter in the
4.) Electromagnet – a coil that has an iron core &
acts as a magnet when an electric current is in the
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