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Discussion Questions for “Raymond’s Run”
English 9
Vocabulary for “Raymond’s Run”
Chopin—Frederic Chopin, a Polish composer
of piano music
Glockenspiel—A musical instrument with
metal bars hit with small hammers
Mercury—Roman god noted for his speed
Organdy—A thin, crisp, cotton fabric
“Playing the dozens”—Making fun of
someone else, who then gets a turn to make fun
of you
Prodigy—A highly talented child or youth
Quicksilver—Liquid metal mercury;
Ventriloquist—Someone who can throw their
voice so it seems to come from somewhere else
Directions: Answer the questions below in complete sentences.
Who is the protagonist? What’s her full name?
Pick three adjectives that describe Squeaky. Explain—using the exact text—why those
adjectives are true:
Adjective #1
Text that supports this:
Adjective #2
Text that supports this:
Adjective #3
Text that supports this:
Who is Raymond? Describe him.
What do you think is wrong with Raymond? Support your answer with exact descriptions taken
from the story.
Describe Squeaky’s attitude toward phoniness, toward girlishness.
Why do you think Squeaky is so focused on competing, on winning?
Why does Squeaky dislike people who can do certain things better than she?
Describe Squeaky’s attitude toward others, toward life, before the race.
Describe Squeaky’s attitude after the race.
What do you think caused that change? How does she see life differently? How is she a
dynamic character?
Explain the story’s last sentence.