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Cells Alive- Internet Lesson
Objective: You will look at computer models of cells, learn the functions and the descriptions of the cells and their
Navigating the site: Cells Alive has a navigation bar at the left. After accessing the page, click on CELL MODELS on the
left-side navigation bar. From here, you will access the links: the animal cell model, and the bacterial cell model.
Part A: Bacterial Cell Model
Describe a prokaryotic (procaryotic) cell:
Label the parts of a bacterial cell below:
Describe the following parts of the cells
cell wall
(also name
storage granules
Part B: Animal Cell Model - (you will need to return to the "Cell Biology" link to access this page, or hit your back button)
For this model, you will need to click on the various parts of the cell to go to a screen that tells you about the parts. Answers
to the following questions are found there.
1. What does the mitochondrion do?
Sketch each of the following.
2. How big are mitochondria?
3. What does the Golgi (Apparatus) do?
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4. What is the difference between smooth and rough ER?
5. Where is the nucleolus found?
6. What does the nucleolus do?
Golgi (Apparatus)
7. What does the cytoskeleton do?
8. Cytosol goes by what other name?
Rough ER (endoplasmic reticulum)
9. What is the function of the cytosol?
10. What is the function of the lysosome?
In this section, you will review the steps of mitosis and meiosis and view video simulations of cell division.
Mitosis Tutorial
On the left side of the screen is a navigation bar, click on the link to “MITOSIS” Read the text on this page and view the
animation, you can slow down the video by clicking step by step through the phases.
1. Which stage does the following occur
Chromatin condenses into chromosomes
Chromosomes align in center of cell.
Longest part of the cell cycle.
Nuclear envelope breaks down.
Cell is cleaved into two new daughter cells.
Daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles.
Watch the video carefully.
2. The colored chromosomes represent chromatids. There are two of each color because one is an exact duplicate of the
-- How many chromosomes are visible at the beginning of mitosis? ________________
-- How many are in each daughter cell at the end of mitosis? __________________
--The little green T shaped things on the cell are: ____________________________
-- What happens to the centrioles during mitosis? _____________________________
3. Identify the stages of these cells:
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Mitosis Animation
Another Mitosis Animation
Go to
View the animation and sketch the cell in (Note: the controls to pause, start and go are at the bottom of the animation
Onion Root Tip - Online Activity
Read the introduction, then click the “next” button until you see a chart similar to the one below. Follow directions.
You will have 36 cells to classify. When you’re finished, record your data in the chart below.
Number of cells
Percent of cells
(calculate: number of cells
divided by total cells x
100 )
100 %
Did you forget a calculator -- no problem. Go to and click on the “fractions” calculator. A window
with a virtual calculator will open and you can do the math from there.
Which stage do cells spend most of their time? (hint: it’s the biggest percent value) ____________________
Mitosis in Whitefish & Onion Roots
For each organism, identify the stage of mitosis.
View 1
View 2
View 3
View 4
View 5
In this investigation, you will view sites that illustrate the process of meiosis. For each site answer the questions associated.
Be sure to correctly type the websites below or go to the class webpage and click on them.
o Site 1 - Sumanas Inc., Animation of Meiosis
> click “General Biology” > “Meiosis”
1. Read the introduction. Explain the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction.
(Click to Animation)
2. DNA replication takes place when? __________________
3. Meiosis consists of two cell divisions: ___________________ & ____________________
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4. Centrosomes (aka centrioles) migrate to _______________________________
5. The pairing of homologous chromosomes is called: ________________________
6. Crossing over points are called __________________
7. What happens in metaphase I ______________________________________________
8. What happens during anaphase I __________________________________________
9. What is interkinesis? ____________________
10. In prophase II, each cells is [ diploid / haploid ] (circle)
11. In metaphase II, chromosomes line up in [ single | double ] file.
12. What happens during telophase II? _______________________________________
13. (Click to Conclusion). Each of the four daughter cells produced by meiosis is [ identical / unique ]
(Click to Quiz)
14. With respect to meiosis, when does DNA replication occur? ____________________
15. When does crossing over occur? _________________
16. During which phase do chromosomes line up along the equator? __________________
17. During which phase does the nuclear membrane form around the chromosomes? _____________
o Site 2: PBS: Mitosis vs. Meiosis > Click "How Cells Divide" > Click "Mitosis vs. Meiosis"
18. After viewing the animation, fill out the chart below, by placing a check in the box or boxes to indicate which the
event occurs in (some events might have checks for both mitosis and meiosis).
Two cell divisions
Centrioles appear
Chromosomes pair up
Spindle fibers form
Two cell divisions
Four daughter cells
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