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By: Travis O’Hara, Caleb Lowe,
Ruslan Muradov & Mariah Bolla
About Precipitation
• In warm areas, the
precipitation is mostly
• In colder areas, the
precipitation is snow
or ice rain.
• The five most
common type of
Precipitation is rain,
snow, hail, freezing
rain, and sleet.
• Rain is the most
common type of
• The size of a rain
drop is about 0.5mm
in diameter.
• Rain could be smaller
drops called mist and
• Sleet is precipitation
that falls through a
layer of 32°F or 0°C,
the freezing point of
• As the water falls it
turns in to ice.
• The ice is 5mm or
less in diameter.
Freezing rain
• Freezing rain is when
precipitation falls though
a layer of cold air near
the ground and it does
not freeze.
• The rain freezes when it
hits a something cold.
• It may break tree
branches and/or even
take down a power line.
• Hail is round pellets of ice
larger then 5mm in
• Hail is formed in
cumulonimbus clouds
during t thunderstorm.
• starts as sleet it turn in to
a hailstone every layer of
32°F or 0°C air it goes
• Soon it will fall to the
• It can damage crops,
buildings, and vehicles.
• Snow is water vapor
that turns in to
crystals called snow.
• Snowflakes are all
different shapes,
sizes, and the all
have six sides or six
• Snow flakes clump
together and to have
six sides.
The way to measure rainfall
• The way to measure
rainfall is a rain
• A rain gauge is an
open ended can or
tube that collects
• The rain is measured
by putting a rule n to
the water.
Cloud seeding
• Cloud seeding is tiny ice
crystals of dry ice and
• It’s spread by an airplane
or a jet.
• Water vapor condenses
on to the silver iodide.
• The dry ice freezes the
water faster so it will fall
to the ground faster.
Key term #1
• Precipitation: Falling
products of
condensation in the
atmosphere; rain,
snow, hail, and etc.
Key term #2
• Rain gauge: an
opened ended can or
a tube that collects
Key term #3
• Drought: Long dry
periods with little or
no rain.