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1.3 Open Sentences
- Solve open sentence equations
- Solve open sentence inequalities
Open Sentence - A mathematical statement with one or more variables.
Neither true nor false until the variable is replaced with a value
Solving - the process to find a value that results in a true sentence.
Solution - the replacement value that makes the sentence true
Set - a collection of objects or numbers. Usually use { }
Replacement Set - set of numbers from which replacements for a
variable may be chosen
Equation - sentence that includes =
Inequality - a sentence that contains the symbol < < > or >
less than
greater than
less than or equal to
greater than or equal to
Examples: Find the solution of each equation using the given
replacement set.
1) 34 - b = 22
{ 12, 17, 18, 21, 25 }
2) x + (7/12) = (25/12)
{1/2 , 1 , 1 1/2 , 2 }
Find the solution set for each inequality using the given
replacement set.
1.3 Pg 19: 14-58ev, skip 50