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English Language
Direction (1-10): Read the following passage
carefully and answer the questions given below.
Certain words are printed in bold to help you
locate them while answering some questions.
that technology have improved but it has not
gone to the rural levels as it is confined to urban
areas alone. There are several loopholes in the
present legislation and there is no organized
and regulated marketing system for marketing
the agricultural produce. The farmers have to
face so many hardships and have to overcome
several hurdles to get fair and just price for their
sweat. The agriculture sector needs wellfunctioning
employment and economic prosperity in rural
areas of India. In order to provide dynamism
and efficiency into the marketing system, large
investments are required for the development
of post-harvest and cold-chain infrastructure
nearer to the farmers’ field. A major portion of
this investment is expected from the private
sector, for which an appropriate regulatory and
policy environment is necessary. Also, enabling
policies need to be put in place to encourage the
directly from farmers’ fields and to establish
effective linkage between the farm production
and the retail chain and food processing
industries. Accordingly, the state governments
were requested to suitably amend their
respective APMC Acts for deregulation of the
marketing system in India, to promote
investment in marketing infrastructure, thereby
motivating the corporate sector to undertake
direct marketing and to facilitate a national
integrated market. The Department has
recently taken the initiative to promote modern
terminal markets for fruits, vegetables and
other perishables in important urban centres in
India. These markets would provide state-of the
art infrastructure facilities for electronic auction,
cold chain and logistics and operate through
primary collection centres conveniently located
in producing areas to allow easy access to
farmers. The terminal markets are envisaged to
operate on a „hub-and-spoke‟ format, wherein
the terminal market (the hub) would be linked
to a number of collection centres (the spokes).
The terminal markets would be built, owned and
operated by a corporate/private/co-operative
entity, either by itself, or through the adoption
of an outsourcing model. The enterprise could
be a consortium of entrepreneurs from agribusiness, cold chain, logistics, warehousing,
agri-infrastructure and/or related background.
The enterprise would charge a user charge for
the services provided. The total financial outlay
for implementation of the above component
during the Tenth Plan Period is Rs 150 crore.
The proposed expenditure will be met from the
budget outlay of the National Horticulture
Agricultural marketing covers the
services involved in moving an agricultural
product from the farm to the consumer.
Numerous interconnected activities are involved
in doing this, such as planning production,
growing and harvesting, grading, packing,
transport, storage, agro -and food processing,
distribution advertising and sale. Businesses
that have lower costs, are more efficient, and
can deliver quality products, are those that
prosper. Those that have high costs, fail to
adapt to changes in market demand and provide
poorer quality is often forced out of business.
Marketing has to be customer-oriented and has
to provide the farmer, transporter, trader,
processor, etc. with a profit. This requires those
involved in marketing chains to understand
buyer requirements, both in terms of product
Commission on Agriculture defined agricultural
marketing as a process which starts with a
decision to produce a saleable farm commodity
and it involves all aspects of market structure of
system, both functional and institutional, based
on technical and economic considerations and
includes pre and post- harvest operations,
assembling, grading, storage, transportation
and distribution. The Indian council of
Agricultural Research defined involvement of
assembling (concentration) (b) preparation for
consumption (processing) and (c) distribution.
Agricultural marketing can be defined as the
commercial functions involved in transferring
agricultural products consisting of farm,
horticultural and other allied products from
producer to consumer. Agricultural marketing
also reflect another dimension from supply of
produce from rural to rural and rural to urban
and from rural to industrial consumers. There
are several challenges involved in marketing of
agricultural produce. There is limited access to
the market information, literacy level among
the farmers is low, multiple channels of
distribution that eats away the pockets of both
farmers and consumers. The government
funding of farmers is still at nascent stage and
most of the small farmers still depend on the
local moneylenders who are leeches and charge
high rate of interest. There are too many
vultures that eat away the benefits that the
farmers are supposed to get. Although we say
Mission. The operational guidelines of the
scheme have been circulated to the state
governments, which have amended their
respective APMC Acts to allow the setting up of
markets in the private sector. The Department
of Agriculture and Cooperation has three
organisations dealing with marketing under its
administrative control, namely, the Directorate
of Marketing and Inspection, Faridabad; the Ch.
Charan Singh National Institute of Agricultural
Marketing, Jaipur; and the Small Farmers
AgriBusiness Consortium, New Delhi. The
Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act,
1937 empowers the central government to fix
quality standards, known as „AGMARK‟
standards, and, to prescribe terms and
conditions for using the seal of AGMARK. So far,
grade standards have been notified for 181
agricultural and allied commodities. The purity
standards under the provision of the PFA Act
and the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Act,
1986, are invariably taken into consideration
Codex/International Standards Organization
(ISO) are also considered so that Indian
produce can compete in international markets.
AGMARK quality control programmes as well as
improvements in marketing practices and
procedures are given wide publicity through
mass media. The information is disseminated
through documentaries, cinema slides, printed
literature, exhibitions, conferences, seminars
and workshops. Agricultural Marketing, a
quarterly bi-lingual journal, is also published
regularly. MRIN is a central sector scheme that
was launched by the Department of Agriculture
and Cooperation in March 2000. The scheme
aims at progressively linking important
agricultural produce markets spread all over
India and the State Agriculture Marketing
Boards/ Directorates and the DMI for effective
exchange of market information. The market
(, is being implemented
jointly by DMI and NIC, using NICNET facilities
available throughout the country. The objective
of the scheme is to facilitate collection and
dissemination of information for better price
realisation. The scheme provides funds to stateand national-level institutions managing the
markets and executing market-led extension
activities and thus, has no separate genderspecific provisions under the scheme.
According to the passage,
agricultural marketing?
persons and building
banking with farmers.
2) It refers to the science art of cultivating
vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants
and plantation crops of different agriculture
commodities across the country.
3) It is a process that involves assembling,
packaging, grading and distribution of
different agricultural commodities.
A. Only 1
B. Only 2
C. Only 3
D. Both 1 & 3
E. Both 1 & 2
According to the passage, what are the
problems faced by the farmers in
agricultural marketing?
1) Manipulation by big traders
2) Lack of market information
3) Lack of storage facilities
A. Both 1 & 3
B. Both 1 & 2
C. Only 1
D. Only 2
E. All of the above
Which of the following is true in the context
of the passage?
A. Businesses that have lower costs, are
more efficient, and can deliver quality
products, are those that needed.
B. Agricultural marketing also reflect
another dimension from supply of
produce from rural to rural and rural to
urban and from rural to rural
C. The Department has recently taken the
initiative to promote modern terminal
markets for fruits, vegetables and other
perishables in important rural centres in
D. The scheme for the
strengthening of
agricultural marketing
standardisation was
launched on 20
October 2004
E. None of them
Choose the word which is opposite in the
meaning to the word ‘NASCENT ‘given in
bold as used in the passage.
A. Budding
B. Inchoate
C. Introductory
D. Embryonic
E. Moribund
1) It is the process of developing high
quality crops with the help of market
According to the passage, in agricultural
marketing the dealing has high costs, are
not efficient and can deliver…
A. low quality of product
A. Farmer Market
B. good quality of product with bad effects
B. Horticulture
C. deliver quality products for those that
are prosper
C. Self-Help Group
D. Marketing Research and Information
D. deliver quality products for those that
are poorer
E. None of them
E. None of them
Direction (11-15): In each of these questions,
two sentences (I) and (II) are given. Each
sentence bas a blank in it. Five words (1), (2),
(3), (4) and (5) are suggested. Out of these,
only one fits at both the places in the context of
each sentence. Number of that word is the
Choose the word which is most nearly the
same in the meaning to the word ‘AMEND
‘given in bold as used in the passage.
A. Aggravate
B. Degrade
C. Provide
D. Revamp
E. Harm
11. I. He is ____________ with whatever
little he has.
II. They kept the __________of the
communication a secret.
A. happy
B. Matter
C. Gist
D. Content
E. Sense
12. I. It is hard to believe the ___________ of
operations involved in this activity.
II. The map is drawn to a _________ of
1 inch to 50 km.
A. Magnitude
B. size
C. Scale
D. Proportion
E. Significance
13. I. Heavy snow did __________the rescue
II. The food was kept in a _____________
A. Delay
B. Bundle
C. Basket
D. Hamper
E. Holder
14. I. They left __________after breakfast.
II. It is difficult to find a __________
person for this job.
A. Right
B. immediately
C. Suitable
D. Best
E. Soon
15. I. He would always do ____________ was
told by his superiors.
II. He appeared on stage ___________ a
narrator of the drama.
A. As
B. What
C. About
D. Whatever
E. Always
What is the central idea of the passage?
A. The government funding of farmers is
still at nascent stage and most of the
small farmers still depend on the local
moneylenders who are leeches and
charge high rate of interest.
B. Agricultural marketing reflect another
dimension from supply of produce from
rural to rural and rural to urban and
from rural to industrial consumers.
C. Agricultural markets are still dominated
by the private traders like moneylenders, rural political leaders, big
merchants and rich farmers. The
wellfunctioning markets to drive growth,
employment and economic prosperity in
rural areas of India.
D. The enterprise could be a consortium of
entrepreneurs from agri-business, cold
chain, logistics, warehousing, agriinfrastructure and/or related background.
E. None of them
According to the passage, what does DMI
stand for?
A. Director of Marketing & Inspection
B. Director of Marketing & Investment
C. Direct Marketing & Investment
D. Directorate of Marketing & Inspection
E. Discussion on Marketing & Investment
The purity standards are measured under
Directions: In the following questions, read
each sentence to find out whether there is any
grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be
in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with
the error as your answer. Ignore the errors of
punctuation, if any.
E. None of them
10. According to the passage, which scheme
was launched by the department of
agriculture and cooperation?
16. The Structure in many ways resembles (a)/
that of a detective story (b)/ particularly in
keeping the reader alert to details (c)/
always hunting of a clue that would unravel
the mystery. (d)/ No error (e)/.
A. The Structure in many ways resembles
B. that of a detective story
C. particularly in keeping the reader alert
to details
D. always hunting of a clue that would
unravel the mystery.
E. No error
19. To produce any particular output with a
fixed (a)/ proportions production function
at minimal cost, (b)/ the firm may produce
at the vertex of its isoquants (c)/ no matter
what the input’s prices are. (d)/ No error
A. To produce any particular output with a
B. proportions production function at
minimal cost,
C. the firm may produce at the vertex of
its isoquants
D. no matter what the input’s prices are
E. No error
Directions: In the following questions, read
each sentence to find out whether there is any
grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be
in one part of the sentence. Mark the part with
the error as your answer. Ignore the errors of
punctuation, if any.
Directions: Read each sentence to find out
whether there is any grammatical error in it.
The error, if any, will be in one part of the
sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is mark
'no error' as the answer.
20. One especially nice feature of Shephard’s
lemma / is that it can be used to show how
to drive / information about input
substitution directly / from the total cost
function through differentiation. / No error.
A. One
Shephard’s lemma
B. is that it can be used to show how to
C. information about input substitution
D. from the total cost function through
E. No error
17. Efforts are on to diffuse (a)/ tension
between the public and (b)/ the
demonetization and cashless money. (d)/
No error (e).
A. Efforts are on to diffuse
B. tension between the public and
C. the government on the issue
D. demonetization and cashless money.
E. No error
Directions: Read each sentence to find out
whether there is any grammatical error in it.
The error, if any, will be in one part of the
sentence. If there is no error, the answer is (5),
i.e. ‘No error’. (Ignore the errors of punctuation,
if any.)
Direction (21-25): Rearrange the following six
sentences A, B, C, D, E and F in the proper
sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then
answer the questions given below.
18. With a mental make-up so thoroughly
sectionalized / grading according to their
social status / people who were charged or
convict / of the same offence did not
appear incongruous. / No error
A. With a mental make-up so thoroughly
B. grading according to their social status
C. people who were charged or convict
D. of the same offence did not appear
E. No error
Directions: Read each sentence to find out
whether there is any grammatical error in it.
The error, if any, will be in one part of the
sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark
'no error' as the answer.
But recent reports suggest President
Barack Obama has decided to break out of
this mould.
As all cricket fans know, in one-day cricket
the leading batsman in the side often finds
himself unable to score freely in the first 45
of the allotted 50 overs.
Mostly they act like lame ducks, as they are
derisively referred to, engaging in warm
and fuzzy non-controversial activities like
presidential visits abroad, planning their
presidential libraries and so on.
He is said to be considering taking some
serious steps to push forward his
disarmament and arms control agenda
which, after a lot of promise and
considerable initial success, had stalled in
subsequent years.
He finally lets loose with his bat in the last
five “slog” overs to make up for lost time,
permitting himself bold and unconventional
shots without fear that he might get out
since the innings will end in five overs
Not all U.S. Presidents view their last few
months in office as “slog” overs and turn
hyperactive to reach their promised
(###26###), influence of money and other
inducements. Therefore, the EC’s action in
these two constituencies may be (###27###)
as one that did little but carry symbolic weight.
A Commission with better resources and more
manpower on the ground for the entire State —
not to mention much greater courage — may
have considered (###28###) of the entire
Assembly election. But such a drastic course of
action would have had serious ramifications for
the democratic process. Even so, it must be
granted that the EC went well beyond merely
delivering a mild (###29###) to the parties.
Its detailed order clearly recorded its
displeasure with Tamil Nadu Governor K.
Rosaiah, who broke both convention and
propriety by asking that the polls be held before
June 1, or in time for the Rajya Sabha election.
In doing so, the EC underlined its independence
and authority and signalled that it would not be
(###30###) down by political pressure. In
taking on the Governor for his overreach and
refusing to quietly acquiesce in this matter, the
EC deserves to be commended.
21. Which of the following will be the Last
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. F
22. Which of the following will be the First
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. F
23. Which of the following will be the Third
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. F
24. Which of the following will be the Fourth
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. F
25. Which of the following will the Second
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
26. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in
each case.
A. claimed
B. pernicious
C. cautioned
D. helpful
E. innocuous
27. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in
each case.
A. construed
B. confound
C. palpable
D. addled
E. bilked
28. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in
each case.
Direction (26-30): In the following passage
there are blanks each of which has been
numbered. These numbers are printed below
words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits
the blank appropriately. Find out the
appropriate word in each case.
A. fined
B. adjudication
C. tenacity
D. postponement
E. persistence
29. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in
each case.
A. commendation
B. reward
C. reprimand
D. adulation
E. cajolery
30. Find out the appropriate word/phrase in
each case.
The events and happenings in the two
constituencies differed in degree, and not in
type, from what occurred elsewhere in the
State. As reports from different parts of Tamil
Nadu suggested, there were few constitutencies
if any, that were totally free of the
A. cowed
B. encourage
C. frightened
D. hearten
E. inspirit
1. Ans. C
8. Ans. D
Directorate of Marketing & Inspection is to
implement the agricultural marketing policies and
programmes for the integrated development of
marketing of agricultural and other allied produce
in the country with a view to safeguard the
interests of farmers as well as the consumers.
9. Ans. A
The Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking)
Act, 1937 empowers the central government to fix
quality standards, known as AGMARK standards,
and, to prescribe terms and conditions for using the
seal of AGMARK.
10. Ans. D
Marketing Research and Information Network was
launched by the Department of Agriculture and
Cooperation in March 2000.
11. Ans. D
Happy fits the first blank but not the second. Matter
fits the second blank and not first. Gist also fits the
second blank only. Sense also doesn't fit in the first
Content fits both the statements. For first it means,
satisfied while for the second it means matter or
the substance of communication.
12. Ans. C
Scale is the most appropriate word for both the
blanks. For first, it refers to the level and amount
of operations. For the second it specifies a
measurement degree.
13. Ans. D
'Hamper' fits both the sentences well. In the first
statement it means 'to restrict'. For the second
statement it is used as a noun which means 'a
carton or a basket'.
14. Ans. A
'Right' is the most appropriate filler for both the
blanks. In the first statement it means 'just after
the breakfast'. In the second sentence it means 'the
most appropriate or correct'.
15. Ans. A
'As' as a connector fits both the blanks
16. Ans. D
'always hunting for a clue that will unravel the
mystery' should be used to make the sentence
grammatically correct. The sentence has errors of
preposition and grammar. ‘For’ instead of ‘of’ and
'will' should be used instead of 'would'.
17. Ans. A
‘Efforts are on to defuse’. The verb ‘defuse’ means
to make less dangerous or to remove the fuse and
the verb ‘diffuse’ means to spread from a central
According to the passage, Agricultural marketing is
an efficient way by which the farmers can dispose
their surplus produce at a fair and reasonable price.
It is a process that involves assembling, storage,
processing, transportation, packaging, grading and
distribution of different agricultural commodities
across the country.
2. Ans. E
According to the passage, there are several
challenges involved in marketing of agricultural
produce. There is limited access to the market
information, literacy level among the farmers is
low, multiple channels of distribution that eats
away the pockets of both farmers and consumers.
3. Ans. D
Statement A- According to the passage, businesses
that have lower costs, are more efficient, and can
deliver quality products, are those that prosper.
Statement B - Agricultural marketing also reflect
another dimension from supply of produce from
rural to rural and rural to urban and from rural to
Department has recently taken the initiative to
promote modern terminal markets for fruits,
vegetables and other perishables in important
urban centres in India.
4. Ans. E
Moribund means (especially of an organization or
business) not active or successful which is opposite
to Nascent means only recently formed or started,
but likely to grow larger quickly.
5. Ans. A
According to the passage, businesses that have
lower costs, are more efficient, and can deliver
quality products, are those that prosper. Those that
have high costs, fail to adapt to changes in market
demand and provide poorer quality is often forced
out of business.
6. Ans. E
Revamp means to change or arrange something
again, in order to improve it which is similar to
‘Amend’ means to change the words of a text,
especially a law or a legal document.
7. Ans. C
According to the passage, the central idea of the
passage is that Agricultural markets are still
merchants and rich farmers. The agriculture sector
needs well-functioning markets to drive growth,
employment and economic prosperity in rural areas
of India.
18. Ans. C
comparison be logical. Hence, the first statement
should be B which serves as an introductory
sentence. Next should be statement E which is a
continuing statement to B (talks about the last five
overs). The next statement should be F which is
similar in context to sentence E (about the last five
over's slog and its comparison to the president's
activities). Next should be statement C which is a
continuing statement of the activities performed. It
should be followed by sentence A which brings a
contrast in the usually followed path. Last should
be statement D. (referring to 'he' used for Obama).
‘people who were charged or convicted’- The whole
sentence is in past tense. ‘Or’ in the sentence
doesn’t change the tense of the sentence.
19. Ans. C
‘The firm must produce at the vertex of its
isoquants’- Must is used to talk about necessity.
May is used to suggest something is possible. In
the sentence, must supports the statement ‘fixed
proportions production function at minimal cost’.
20. Ans. B
Hence, the correct sequence is BEFCAD.
'Drive' will be replaced by 'derive'
26. Ans. B
Derive means to take, receive, or obtain especially
from a specified source. ‘drive’ means to impart a
forward motion to by physical force.
'Pernicious' means having a harmful
especially in a gradual or subtle way.
21. Ans. D
27. Ans. A
Refer to the last question of the series.
'construed' is the most suitable response. It means
to deduce or explain.
22. Ans. B
28. Ans. D
Refer to the last question of the series.
'Postponement' is the
something; deferral.
23. Ans. E
Refer to the last question of the series.
29. Ans. C
24. Ans. C
Refer to the last question of the series.
'Reprimand' is the most suitable response. It
means an oral punishment/ blaming/ scolding.
25. Ans. E
30. Ans. A
While arranging sentences in a meaningful
paragraph we should first understand the central
theme of the passage. Here, presidential activities
are being compared to the way cricketers play. To
draw out the comparison we should first explain the
cricketer's way of playing only then will the
Cow - cause (someone) to submit to one's wishes
by intimidation.