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You’re an Art Historian: The Renaissance
A. Introduction
1. Go to the WebMuseum, Paris and read the introduction on La Renaissance.
2. Answer the following questions.
a. What does "renaissance" literally translate to?
b. During what centuries did the Renaissance take place?
c. With what cultures did people of the renaissance compare their cultures?
d. The renaissance was considered to "herald the modern age" characterized
by what four things?
e. Today the renaissance is considered a _____________ and _____________
B. Regional Comparisons
1. Read about the Renaissance in Italy and answer the following questions.
a. What are the three Italian Renaissance periods, and what makes each
one unique? Be sure to be able to EXPLAIN your answers- that means
look up terms if you don’t understand them!
b. Can you find Florence on a map? Are you sure?
2. Read about the Renaissance in Flanders and the Netherlands and answer the
following questions.
a. What makes Flemish (from Flanders/Netherlands) Renaissance art
different than Italian Renaissance art?
b. Can you find Flanders and the Netherlands on a map? Are you sure?
3. Read about the Renaissance in Germany and answer the following question.
a. What makes German Renaissance art unique?
b. Can you find Germany on a map? Are you sure?
C. Artistic Comparisons
1. Look at and study the following pieces of Renaissance art
a. Sandro Botticelli’s Primavera as an example of early Italian Renaissance
b. Leonardo da Vinci’s Lady with an Ermine as an example of Italian High
Renaissance painting
c. Jan van Eyck’s Arnolfini Marriage as an example of Flemish Renaissance
d. Albrecht Durer’s Self Portrait at 26 as an example of German
Renaissance painting
2. Write a paragraph response to the following prompt:
a. What specific details or elements of each of these paintings reflect the
characteristics of Renaissance art? What differences can you detect
amongst them that reflect unique regional characteristics? Which
painting or style do you like the best and why?
D. MLA Citation
1. Choose one of the paintings above and write an MLA formatted citation for
the online image. Use this link (scroll down) for reminders on how to write an
image citation.