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Lab Linked Tissues Worksheet
Matching - each answer will be used only once
Epithelial Tissue: Function with location
a. simple squamous
b. simple cuboidal
c. simple columnar
d. pseudostratified ciliated
e. stratified squamous
f. stratified cuboidal
g. stratified columnar
h. transitional
_____1. stretches - lines ureturs, bladder, & parts of urethra
_____2. absorption, secretion - most of digestive tract, gallbladder, some ducts
_____3. diffusion, filtration, secretion - air sacs of lungs, kidney glomeruli, circ.
system lining
_____4. protection, secretion - epithelial junctions, pharynx, larynx, conjunctiva of
eye, urethra
_____5. secretion, absorption - kidney tubules, ducts & small glands, ovary surface
_____6. secretion, propulsion - trachea, upper respiratory tract
_____7. protection - largest ducts of sweat glands, mammary glands, salivary glands
_____8. protection - esophagus, mouth, vagina, epidermis
Connective Tissue: Function
a. areolar CT
b. adipose
c. reticular CT
d. dense regular CT
e. dense irregular CT
f. elastic CT
g. hyaline cartilage
h. elastic cartilage
i. fibrocartilage
j. osseous bone
k. cancellous bone
l. blood
____1. tensile strength with the ability to absorb compressive shock
____2. transport of respiratory gases, nutrients, wastes, and other substances
____3. withstand unidirectional tensile stress
____4. supports, reinforces, stands up to wear & tear
____5. reserve fuel source, insulates against heat loss, protects organs
____6. internal skeleton to support cell types, also phagocytic (protection)
____7. protective structure - site of yellow bone marrow - levers for muscles
____8. maintains shape - allows great flexibility
____9. withstands multidirectional tension - structural strength
____10. site of red marrow (RBC formation)
____11. provides durability with stretch
____12. wraps &cushions organs - role in tissue fluid transport & inflammatory
Connective Tissue: Location
a. areolar
b. adipose
c. reticular
d. dense regular
e. dense irregular
f. elastic CT
g. hyaline cartilage
h. elastic cartilage
i. fibrocartilage
j. osseous bone
k. cancellous bone
l. blood
____1. long bones - humerus, femur
____2. flat bones - sternum, ribs
____3. within circulatory system
____4. under epithelia - packages organs - surrounds capillaries
____5. liver, lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen
____6. cartilage of nose, trachea, larynx , ribs
____7. external ear, epiglottis
____8. tendons, most ligaments
____9. intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, discs of knee joint
____10. walls of aorta, vocal cords
____11. fibrous capsules of organs and joints, submucosa of digestive tract
____12. under skin, around kidneys and eyeballs, in bones & breasts, within
Muscle & Nervous Tissue: Features
Answer choices may be used more than once.
A. Skeletal muscle
B. Cardiac muscle
C. Smooth muscle
D. Neurons
E. Neuroglia
_____1. Involuntary muscle
_____2. Voluntary muscle
_____3. Striated muscle
_____4. Non striated muscle
_____5. Muscle with Bifurcations & intercalated discs
_____6. Multinucleate muscle
_____7. Muscle in hollow organs
_____8. Heart muscle
_____9. Biceps, quadriceps, rectus abdominus muscles are examples
_____10. Uninucleate muscle
_____11. Conducting cells of the nervous system
_____12. Supporting cells of the nervous system