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The first federal minimum wage was signed in July, 1938 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He
wanted this law passed in order to keep workers out of poverty and increase consumer purchasing
power. Since 1938 federal minimum wage has been raised 22 times. For more than 75 years the
national GDP per capita has steadily increased indicating that the raising of minimum wage does not
have a negative effect on the economy, in fact it can help the economy
The current minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. If someone is paid this and works full time, and is a year
around worker, he or she makes $15,080 a year. According to federal guide lines the poverty level is:
Family of 2 - $16, 000
Family of 3 - $19,000
Family of 4 - $24,000
In the past one or two years since the President has asked for a raise in minimum wage, 13 states and
Washington, DC have raised minimum wage. The president asked states to raise it to $10.10 not all
states raised it that high but they did raise it and some raised it higher than $10.10/hour. Where is your
state? I found out the minimum wage of the states below:
Indiana - $7.25
7.95 – Ohio
Missouri – 7.50
7.25 – Kentucky
Montana – 7.90
If minimum wage is raised, it is predicted that it would help:
28 million Americans
3.5 million fewer Americans would be on food stamps
The last time minimum wage was raised was July 24, 2009 and that was to the present minimum wage
of $7.25. Even though Congress sets minimum wage, Congress does not have it keep pace with
inflation. Some suggest that only teens make minimum wage, but it affects those 20 years and older
and 55% are women.
What about tipped employees? Minimum wage is set for them at $2.13 an hour. That amount
plus tips must equal federal minimum wage. It is supposed to work if a waiter receives more than $30 a
month. If he/she does not, the employer must make up the difference.
Contrary to what we are told by some politicians, many surveys have found that raising minimum wage
has broad public support. Also a June, 2014 survey found that more than 3 out of 5 small business
owners support raising minimum wage. Here are some of the advantages;
It increases consumer purchasing power that helps the economy;
It can increase productivity because employees feel that they are respected;
For the same reason, it reduces absenteeism;
It reduces turnover and saves on recruiting/training cost.
As was quoted at the beginning of this article someone who is paid minimum wage only makes $15,080
a year. None of us are naïve enough to think that someone with children can actually live on this salary
for a year without assistance. Raising minimum wage should not even be debated. Let’s try to change
this by contacting our members of Congress.
5 Rodney Reed
11 Manuel Vasquez
12 Kevin Matisson
17 Cecil Clayton
18 Randall Mays
19 Bill Kuenzel
The Governor of Pennsylvania has suspended executions. He says that
there are too many flaws in the system. Let’s pray that he suspends
it altogether.
That raising the minimum raise will become a reality.