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1. What Ottoman palace complex serves as a useful comparison with
the Forbidden City?
1. Topkapi
2. Describe one way that the Hongwu emperor sought to centralize the
Ming government.
1. See p. 406
3. Name the most highly centralized government of all the monarchies
of this period.
1. Ming
4. Whose ship was superior: Zheng He’s or Christopher Columbus’?
1. Zheng He
5. Why did the Chinese stop their naval expeditions?
1. Northern invaders
2. Did not need them to be wealthy
3. Suspicion of naval trade / inability to control
6. BONSU: His name meant “perpetual happiness.”
1. Yongle Emperor
1. What is the more common name used today for the region Columbus
called the West Indies?
1. Caribbean
2. What was one plant, animal, or pathogen that traveled from the “old
world” to the “new world” after Columbus?
1. See textbook or image
3. BONSU: What was one thing that went the other way?
1. See textbook or image
4. What is another word for “indigenous”?
1. native
5. The “conquerors” from Spain, such as Cortez and Pizarro were called
what? (They wiped out the Aztec and Inca)
1. conquistadors
6. What “product” was traveling from West Africa to the Americas in the
Triangular Trade Route?
1. Slaves, people
What was one product that traveled from the ‘Mericas to Europe in
the TTR?
1. Cotton, tobacco, sugar
BONSU: Why was it Europe that ended up making the voyages of
discovery and not the Ming or the Muslims (pick one)?
1. Ming: They decided to isolate and stop voyages of
Zheng He
2. Muslims: They were devastated by the Mongols
when they sacked Baghdad
What is the more common name used today for the region Columbus
called the West Indies?
1. Caribbean
What was one plant, animal, or pathogen that traveled from the “old
world” to the “new world” after Columbus?
1. See textbook or image
BONSU: What was one thing that went the other way?
1. See textbook or image
What is another word for “indigenous”?
1. native
The “conquerors” from Spain, such as Cortez and Pizarro were called
what? (They wiped out the Aztec and Inca)
1. conquistadors
What “product” was traveling from West Africa to the Americas in the
Triangular Trade Route?
1. Slaves, people
What was one product that traveled from the ‘Mericas to Europe in
the TTR?
1. Cotton, tobacco, sugar
BONSU: Why was it Europe that ended up making the voyages of
discovery and not the Ming or the Muslims (pick one)?
1. Ming: They decided to isolate and stop voyages of
Zheng He
2. Muslims: They were devastated by the Mongols
when they sacked Baghdad
What was the name of the empire that conquered Constantinople?
1. Ottomans
In what year did the above take place?
1. 1453
3. Why did the conquerors of Constantinople succeed where so many
others — past Turks, Vikings — over the previous millennium had
1. Use of cannons
2. Military administrative advantages
3. Built siege stuff?
4. Outnumber
4. This was the process used to populate the janissary class of
administrators, and it involved conscripting a certain number of males
between 8-18 years old from European villages in the Ottoman
1. devshirme
5. BONSU: These leaders viewed themselves as the “shadow of God,”
and they claimed to be caretakers of the Islamic faith.
1. sultan
6. Name one other Islamic empire that arose during this time. (There
were three total and you already used one in #1.)
1. Safavid or Mughal
1. What are the three main ideas of this chapter, Chapter 10, from
1000-1300 CE
1. maritime trade, four cultural spheres, Mongols
1. What are the world’s four major cultural spheres from 1000 to 1300
1. India, China, Islam, Europe
2. Bonsu: What do you call a massive, flat-bottomed ship from China?
1. junk
3. What important navigational instrument from China began enhancing
maritime trade during this time?
1. magnetic needle compass
4. BONSU: What did non-Muslims have to pay in the Islamic empire?
1. jizya
1. Which civilization was superior: the Franks or the Abbasids?
1. Abbasids
2. Justify your answer to #1 with a specific comparative example.
1. Abassids had larger palace, they had cities, they
had a larger military, they had a flourishing of
cultures, they had interaction with those outside of
their empire, they invented algebra, they adapted
the Indian decimal numbering system, they were
sailing in the Indian Ocean, and they had lots of
3. What branch of Christianity was Charlemagne a part of?
1. Roman Catholicism
4. Who produced the Bibles of Charlemagne’s time?
1. Monks and/or nuns
5. T or F: Bible reading was an important past time for commoners in
the Frankish Holy Roman Empire.
1. False
6. In what city did the pope live?
1. Rome
7. BONSU: Their name means, literally, “people on the warpath.”
1. Vikings
8. What city did the Vikings — and the Muslims — fail to take during
600-1000 CE?
1. Constantinople
9. This branch of Christianity believed that Jesus came to facilitate
1. Greek Orthodox
10. Which two religions at this time were split into two main groups?
1. Islam and Christianity
1. Which of the following is an accurate description of life in the Tang
capital Chang’an?
1. The population reached nearly one hundred
2. It was one of the most dangerous cities in the
3. Inhabitants were free to roam the city streets at all
hours of the day and night.
4. It had a large foreign population, including
Christians, Buddhists, and Zoroastrians.
2. Which of the following accurately demonstrates the cosmopolitan
nature of Tang China?
1. Buddhism was imported into China from Japan
through Korea.
2. The Inner Asian state of Annam sent tribute in the
form of women and blood horses to China.
3. Buddhism and new ideas in medicine and
mathematics were imported from India.
4. Chinese methods of governance reflected Abbasid
The economic achievements of the Tang Dynasty were enhanced by
which of the following?
1. Establishing large privately owned plantations to
grow cotton and silk
2. Limiting trade on the Silk Road to concentrate on
the local handicraft market
3. Using the Grand Canal and Yangzi River to aid
transportation and communication
4. Focusing on the iron and silver trade with Japan
What was the reaction of the Tang when the rise of Islam threatened
the Silk Road?
1. The Tang emperors expanded their military
presence in Central Asia to protect trade and the
lucrative taxes it produced.
2. The Tang dynasty found itself financially strapped
and unable to support all of its military and political
3. Tang merchants instead focused on developing
domestic markets between eastern and western
4. Tang merchants formed a “Silk Route by sea”
using southern Chinese ports.
Which of the following demonstrates the relationship between the
Silla state in Korea and the Tang Empire?
1. The Tang engaged in constant warfare with the
2. The Tang borrowed a new form of Buddhism from
the Silla.
3. The Silla modeled their capital city on the Tang
capital at Chang’an.
4. The Silla refused to send tribute to the Tang.
Which of the following accurately describes the development of early
civilization in southern Japan?
1. Social equality became a distinctive characteristic
of the “Tomb Culture” society.
2. Japanese clans prevented Korean immigrants from
coming to the islands.
3. Women had little or no power as Japan imported
patriarchal culture from India.
4. The ruling Yamato clan incorporated Korean
migrants into native Japanese kinship groups.
BONSU: As of 750 CE, what was the most powerful and best
administered empire in the world, according to the textbook?
1. Tang
This chapter is going to discuss 3 big concepts. What are two of
them? (Bonus half point if you name all three)
1. Islam, Tang, Christendom
What is the name of the Islamic holy book, which records the
revelations given by the angel Gabriel to Muhammad?
1. Koran, Quran, Qoran
Which moved around frequently in the early centuries of Islam: its
spiritual center or its political center?
1. political
BONSU: What was the political center of Islam under the Abbasid
1. Baghdad
Islamic law
1. Sharia
Give a specific example of patriarchy found in the early years of
1. Men able to marry many women but not v.v.
2. Only men could divorce
3. Only men allowed to serve in official offices
4. Women did not inherit equally
5. Women not as educated as men
6. Muhammad “favorite wife” he married when she
was 9 or 10
Give one specific example of cultural flourishing during the Abbasid
Preservation of European cultural things (philosophical texts, pieces
of art)
Book of medicine by Ibn Sina
Mathematical breakthroughs: geometry, trigonometry, decimal
system, algebra
Geometric art
Cordoba great mosque
What was the chief achievement of the Sui?
Canals, Grand Canal
T or F: Chang’an was a cosmopolitan Islamic capital.
F — it is in China, not Islamic empire
What was patriarchal about the world’s first civil service exam?
Excluded women, they couldn’t take it
BONSU: What Chinese dynasty introduced the world’s first civil
service exam?
● Tang
1. Surgically castrated men who served the Tang emperor
● eunuch
What was the name of the empire that conquered Constantinople?
○ Ottomans
In what year did the above take place?
○ 1453
Why did the conquerors of Constantinople succeed where so many others
— past Turks, Vikings — over the previous millennium had failed?
○ Use of cannons
○ Military administrative advantages
○ Built siege stuff?
○ Outnumber
This was the process used to populate the janissary class of administrators,
and it involved conscripting a certain number of males between 8-18 years
old from European villages in the Ottoman empire.
○ devshirme
BONSU: These leaders viewed themselves as the “shadow of God,” and
they claimed to be caretakers of the Islamic faith.
○ sultan
Name one other Islamic empire that arose during this time. (There were
three total and you already used one in #1.)
○ Safavid or Mughal
1. The textbook claims that ​feudalism ​is not the best term for describing the European
sphere’s economic system in 1000-1300 CE. What ​is a better term, according to the
2. What drove the small economies of the European sphere?
● Agriculture
3. What two forms of Christianity characterized the European sphere in this era?
–Greek Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism
4. BONSU: Who, in 1095, appealed to the warrior nobility to begin the Crusades?
–Pope Urban II
5. Name one other location that western Christians were moving into during this time
period BESIDES the Holy Land.
–Sicily, Spain, and Eastern Europe
6. There were three main commodities that made west African kingdoms (Mandean,
Malian) wealthy during this time — name one.
–gold, slaves, salt
7. What was the biggest surprise for people in Cairo when Mansa Musa passed through
in 1324?
–the fact that Islam had spread all the way to sub-Saharan Africa
8. BONSU: What empire did Mansa Musa rule?
9. What was the largest city in modern-day USA during 1000-1300 CE?
10. There were two factors that contributed to greater integration in the “worlds apart”
from 1000-1300 CE. Name one!
–urbanization and trade
11. BONSU: Name the other!
–urbanization and trade
12. Give one specific example of patriarchy in Mongol society.
–men could marry more than one wife
–”women-only” jobs
–used to seal alliances
–women could be bought and sold
13. BONSU: What happened to the caliph in Baghdad when the Mongols came
–rolled into a carpet and run over by rampaging horses until no longer alive
14. Name the Mongol who founded the Yuan dynasty.
–Kubilai Khan
15. What was the enduring impact of the Mongols on Islam?
–Ended the most flourishing era of Islam, de-centralized, lost their caliph
16. Which of the four cultural spheres from 1000-1300 was least affected by the Black
–South Asia or India
17. What was, according to the textbook, the most significant development of the 14th
–Black Death
18. BONSU: What years fall within the 14th century?
19. Which dynasty lost the mandate of heaven because of the Black Death?
–Yuan or Mongol
20. Where did the Black Death originate according to the textbook?
–SE Asia or Inner Asia
21. Name one way that post-plague dynasties legitimized their rule?
–rules of succession