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Bio 152 – Summer 2006
Lecture 1
1. Which 2 theories are of critical importance to the biological sciences?
2. State the cell theory and understand the important implication of it.
3. How do biologists test ideas about how the natural world works; provide an
4. What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?
Lecture 2
1. How did evolutionary thought evolve?
2. How does the theory of evolution proposed by Darwin and Wallace differ from
the theory of evolution proposed by de Lamarck?
3. Why is creationism not a science?
4. How do science and religion differ?
Lecture 3
1. What explanation did Darwin provide for the presence of similar mockingbird and
finch species on the different Galapagos Islands?
2. What does a phylogenetic tree illustrate?
3. Differentiate between homologous and analogous structures and provide an
example of each.
4. What is meant by the term convergent evolution?
5. What is the evidence for evolution based on the following 2 predictions:
Prediction 1. Species are not static but change through time
Prediction 2. Species are related, not independent.
Lecture 4
1. Define evolution and evolutionary adaptation.
2. Differentiate between natural and artificial selection.
3. What processes cause natural selection?
4. Describe the 3 different kinds of selection.
5. When does a population experience natural selection?
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