Download Fundamentals Pro Manual - Applied Movement Neurology

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David Fleming, AMNp.
Pro Manual
What's in this manual? - Pg 4!
AMN Strength - Pg 5!
Contraction Continuum - Pg 7!
Focused Attention - Pg 9!
AMN Skill - Pg 10!
Practice Practice Practice - Pg 17!
The Keys to Skill Acquisition - Pg 19!
Combining Skill Movements - Pg 20!
Strength Session Frequency - Pg 20!
Self-Assessment Biofeedback Markers - Pg 21!
Dynamic Joint Mobility Sequencing - Pg 27!
Programming - Pg 29!
Tidbits - Pg 41!
Introduction - Pg 2!
References - Pg 43!
Copyright © 2014 - AMN Academy Limited
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The AMN movement system offers progressive coaching through an extensive series of
exercise modalities that are good for both brain and body. !
The theoretical basis of this system is grounded in the concepts of functional neurology
and neural plasticity. Research into the effects of various exercise parameters on brain
health is pouring out of the neuroscience world and acting to confirm scientifically what we
have seen anecdotally for years. !
|The brain and nervous system gives rise to everything you have ever or will ever
experience, emphasising the health of the brain through specific movement choices
promotes a level of functional wellness that cannot be matched by traditional exercise
methods. David Fleming AMN creator and Co-founder|
Those that continue to learn and challenge their bodies to move in complex and varied
patterns throughout their lifetimes show greatly enhanced cognitive function, lower disease
rates, greater mobility, flexibility and strength well into old age. Those that follow a more
sedentary existence from early adulthood onwards display quite the opposite.!
The human body is a self-regulating, self-healing system that is perfect in its design. To
promote health and wellness throughout our lifetimes we must merely engage with our
design on a regular basis. The brain is ready to learn, change and grow at any age. In the
absence of disease, low energy levels, poor posture, balance, coordination, strength,
mobility and memory are traits that reflect poor lifestyle choices. !
!Complex motion
|As we interact with our environment in progressively more sophisticated ways, we
develop our brain through feedback with the outside world. The more complex the
movement, the more complex the nervous system. The more complex the nervous
system, the better able the species is to interact with its environment. The more
interaction with its environment, the more the brain grows. The more the brain grows, the
better the species is able to adapt and flourish.|
The AMN fundamentals programme coaches you through body weight exercises aimed to
serve as the foundations for ever more increasingly challenging and complex movement
progressions. !
Drawing on elements from gymnastics, hand balancing and martial arts, the system shows
you how to break free from traditional exercise methods and begin the journey towards
mastering skills which allow total control of your body through strengthening techniques. !
How the programme works is, you simply pick the strength and skill progressions that you
want to learn,and follow the progressions coupled with the training parameters through to
the mastery phase, reaping its benefits. !
Copyright © 2014 - AMN Academy Limited
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|We have a brain for one reason and one reason only, that’s to produce adaptable and
complex movements. Daniel Wolpert MD, Neuroscientist, Engineer.|
|The brain is the governing system of the body requiring 'fuel' and 'activation' to survive.
Complex movement 'activates' the brain. A stronger governing system is a more robust
system with a higher potential for health and wellness
David Fleming AMN Creator and Co-founder|
Copyright © 2014 - AMN Academy Limited
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What's in this manual?
The contents of this manual describe the theoretical basis for strength and skill
development as well as their advantages for both you and your clients. !
Progressive strength training is essential and optimises the adaptation of the Human
organism. This guide outlines training variables involved in skill work and offers a
framework in which to practice. Ultimately, this is to enhance learning and promote the
brain enhancing effects of this type of exercise. !
There are many body weight training systems out there but none whose content is based
purely on the merits of driving neural plasticity. This programme can offer sound and
accurate theoretical explanations as to the neurological and physiological effects of such
exercise. !
AMN is not about guru mentality. It is bigger than our own movement skills or physiques. It
is a philosophy that wishes to learn from the teachings of multiple movement modalities,
experts, functional neurology, neuroscience and anecdotally based experience, all of
which offer something unique to the lifelong endeavour of fuelling our brains natural
plasticity. This is the key to health.!
Copyright © 2014 - AMN Academy Limited
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AMN Strength
The strength movements featured in this course are essentially split between 'General',
'Floor' and 'Gymnastic Rings' movements. !
Each of the Floor movements act to build positional strength for more advanced body
weight progressions and predominantly utilise isometric contractions. Fundamental
Olympic Rings employ isometric, eccentric and concentric contractions while the General
strength practice sees more traditional concentric work. !
Progressive strength training of any kind drives adaptation of the organism on 3 levels:!
1: Increased spinal motor neuron excitability. The motor neurons fire with more ease,
frequency and intensity to produce ever increasing levels of force production by the
2: Synaptogenesis within the spinal cord. A synapse is the area where communication
between 2 neurons occurs. Synaptogenesis is a process by which the connections
between neurons (of which there are approximately 1 billion within the spinal cord) alter in
structure and increase in number. This generates a more robust system.!
3: Physiological adaptation of the soft tissues, muscular and connective. This level of
adaptation is well documented in the strength training literature. Tissues consequently
become denser and stronger. !
Research has shown that strength training alone does not alter motor map organisation.
That is to say, that it doesn't have much of an impact on brain structure. Certain strength
movements or positions can improve function and this is achieved by focusing on
exercises that really emphasise development of the core musculature. !
If you choose to take the AMN certification programme you will learn, in detail, the
workings of the nervous system as it pertains to movement. You will be able to apply some
of the movements discussed in this course with more accuracy and specificity to
yourselves and your client base. If you do not wish to delve deeper into the inner workings
of the brain and body just take a moment to read the following section that gives a slightly
different perspective on the importance of exercises that emphasise core activation.!
!The Spine and Cerebellum
The Cerebellum (Cb) is a part of the brainstem that shall be further discussed in the skill
section of this manual. It is an area of the brainstem that is divided into 3 functional zones.
The zone of interest with regards to the AMN strength movements is the vermis or medial
zone. This is literally the middle zone of the cerebellum and it governs our overall
movement capacity, strength and flexibility. !
Copyright © 2014 - AMN Academy Limited
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The middle of the Cb is intrinsically linked to what we shall call the 'mid line' of the body.
That is everything that connects to the axial skeleton;!
- vestibular system ! !
- teeth!!
- eyes !
- ears !!
- face !!
- spine!
- cranium!
- jaw!
- pelvis (technically not part of the axial skeleton)!
The cerebellum receives unconscious proprioception from all parts of the body,
predominantly from the muscle spindles. If we have poor posture or more accurately
described, poorly facilitated core muscles, the medial zone of the cerebellum will be forced
to relay meagre information as to the integrity and stability of the spine to the areas of the
cortex which it communicates with. This is kind of a big deal! !
If the brain doesn't perceive the spine to be mobile and stable, it will never allow the full
potential range or contractile motion to be realised from the limbs. A poorly positioned and
immobile spine will also have knock on effects to other extremely important systems such
as vision and balance. The eyes, ears and spine are intrinsically linked via the Medial
Longitudinal Fasciculus. This is a tract within the brain that connects the neurons that
control eye motion, the vestibular system and the intrinsic spinal musculature.!
Afferentation describes information going from the body to the spinal cord and brain. Poor
information from the mid line of the body or indeed from any part of the body is described
as deafferntation. A deafferentated cerebellum will produce more errors in our movement
control, reduce the capacity for the associated muscles to be recruited and therefore
increase our risk of injury.!
A strong, stable and mobile spine has the capacity to relay excellent subconscious
proprioception to the cerebellum which will continue to spread the good word to higher
cortical structures. In this scenario, as the brain orders a motion to occur, fewer errors in
the execution of the movement will occur and greater or more appropriate levels of force
may be produced.
With this information in mind you can see how gymnastics based strength training is very
beneficial. In comparison to traditional weight training and especially isolation exercises,
gymnastics offers very little joint compression and constant emphasis on spinal
stabilisation through core activation. !
Copyright © 2014 - AMN Academy Limited
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The contraction continuum
Isometric - Eccentric - Concentric
When only utilising body weight progressions, the difficulty of the exercise is not increased
by adding extra weight to a barbell but by manipulating joint angles, altering leverage and
progressing from isometric to eccentric to concentric contractions. !
This process is utilised out of necessity. Some of the more advanced gymnastics positions
are simply too difficult to jump straight in to. Performing a regressed version of a
movement isometrically, allows the tissues and joints to be exposed to the demands
necessary to perform the full movement while adding strength progressively. !
Isometric contraction:!
|Action in which the proximal and distal muscle attachments do not move relative to one
another. Mel C Siff Supertraining|
Isometrics and motor learning
Everything in the AMN system is designed to promote the trainees capacity to enhance
motor learning of the skill. Isometrics work as a foundation for the following:!
Strength development at progressively challenging joint angles serve to promote the
necessary strength for more advanced strength skills
Act as a platform for focused attention
The term 'contraction' means shortening. It is important to understand that in an isometric
contraction, it is the joint angles that remain fixed to produce tension. The muscle tissue
still shortens to some degree to produce tension. !
The vast majority of the fundamental strength moves employ isometric contractions.
Although this manual will not delve into the intricate details behind the physiology of these
muscle actions, there are several references online that are worth looking into. !
Those with a background in traditional strength training and/or bodybuilding will most
likely be extremely weak in any 'straight arm' strength skill such as planche regressions or
handstands. This is due to the training philosophy that locking out joints reduces muscle
tension and therefore incomplete ranges of motion are often advocated to maximise
muscular tension and damage. This may well be true in certain isolated exercises. !
With gymnastics based strength progressions, leverage is manipulated to place huge
levels of tension on lengthened muscle tissue. The reason people are so weak in straight
arm positions is due to the fact that there is very limited actin and myosin inter-digitation at
angles of full joint extension. Much of the tension is dispersed to the tendon and
connective tissue which in itself makes isometric work invaluable in the strengthening of
the system. This is also well documented. Tendons and ligaments are involved in the
Copyright © 2014 - AMN Academy Limited
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