Download 4-year old normal child - University of Central Missouri

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Welch-Schmidt Center for Communication Disorders
Audiologic Evaluation Report
Dustin Banana
DATE OF BIRTH: 10-21-96
CLINICIANS: Amy Arsenault and
Christina Cearlock
Dustin Banana, a 4 year-old male, was seen at the Welch-Schmidt Center on February 5, 2001
for a follow-up hearing evaluation. The audiological exam on January 22, 2001 revealed sound
field localization to his name at 25 dB HL and to music at 30 dB HL in the better ear. Attempts
to get test results using headphones were unsuccessful. Warble tones, spondee toys, and
“point to…” responses were also unsuccessful. Dustin had persistent nasal drainage and Mrs.
Banana stated he was recovering from a cold beginning one week prior to the evaluation date.
Middle ear function was within normal limits in the right ear. Middle ear testing of the left ear;
however, revealed significant negative middle ear pressure. This might have been attributable
to Dustin’s cold symptoms. Recommendations were made to return to the clinic for further
testing, and hopefully Dustin would be less apprehensive.
During today’s evaluation, impedance testing using the EarScan revealed a Type A
tympanogram in the right ear and a Type B tympanogram in the left ear. Ipsilateral acoustic
reflexes were absent at 1 kHz bilaterally and at 2 kHz in the left ear when screened at 105 dB
SPL. Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) were present at all frequencies in the right ear except for at
about 750 Hz. OAEs were absent at all frequencies in the left ear except for around 3 and 4
kHz. Pure tone audiometry using drop block procedures revealed pure tone averages (PTA) of
10 dB HL, bilaterally. Speech reception thresholds (SRT) with point to spondee toys using
monitored live voice through headphones were 15 dB HL in the right ear and 20 dB HL in the
left ear.
The results indicate Dustin is hearing within normal limits throughout all frequencies in his right
ear with normal middle ear function. His left ear is within normal limits in most frequencies,
with a mild loss at 500 and 4000 Hz. This could be attributable to his stiff middle ear system,
which is compatible with fluid behind the eardrum. Present OAEs in the right ear suggest
normal outer hair cell function in the cochlea at the frequencies tested. Absent OAEs in the left
ear are consistent with the results of tympanometry.
It is recommended that Dustin:
1) Return to the clinic for his speech and language diagnostic session on 2-12-01 at
8:00 am.
2) Have his middle ear function reevaluated on 2-12-01.
Amy Arsenault
Graduate Clinician
Deborah Galley, M.S., CCC-A
Clinical Supervisor
Christina Cearlock
Graduate Clinician
February 5, 2001
Parent(s) of Dustin Banana
P.O. Box 123
Concordia, MO 64020
Dear Parent(s),
Enclosed are the results of Dustin's audiological evaluation performed on February 5, 2001 at
our clinic.
As we discussed after the evaluation, testing revealed hearing within normal limits throughout
all the pitches and normal middle ear function in his right ear. His left ear is within normal
limits at most pitches, with a mild hearing loss at 500 and 4000 Hz. This could attributable to
his cold symptoms and his stiff middle ear system (consistent with fluid behind his eardrum).
It is recommended Dustin:
1) Return to the clinic for his speech and language diagnostic session on 2-12-01 at
8:00 am.
2) Have his middle ear function reevaluated on 2-12-01 also.
If Dustin complains of discomfort in his ears, please consult with your physician. Please feel
free to contact the clinic at (660) 543-4993 if you have any questions or if we can be of any
further assistance.
Amy Arsenault
Graduate Clinician
Christina Cearlock
Graduate Clinician
Deborah Galley, M.S., CCC-A
Clinical Supervisor
February 5, 2001
Dr. Jayne Brockhaus
Family Practice Association
1200 W. 22nd St.
Higginsville, MO 64037-1420
RE: Dustin Banana
Dear Dr. Brockhaus,
Enclosed are the results of Dustin Banana’s audiological evaluation performed on 2-5-01 at our
Test results indicate Dustin is hearing within normal limits throughout all frequencies in his right
ear with normal middle ear function. His left ear is within normal limits in most frequencies,
with a mild loss at 500 and 4000 Hz. This could be attributable to his stiff middle ear system,
which is compatible with fluid behind the eardrum. Present OAEs in the right ear suggest
normal outer hair cell function in the cochlea at the frequencies tested. Absent OAEs in the left
ear are consistent with the results of tympanometry.
It is recommended that Dustin:
1) Return to the clinic for his speech and language diagnostic session on 2-12-01 at
8:00 am.
2) Have his middle ear function reevaluated on 2-12-01.
Please feel free to contact the clinic at (660) 543-4993 if you have any questions or if we can be
of any further assistance.
Amy Arsenault
Graduate Student
Christina Cearlock
Graduate Student
Deborah Galley, M.S., CCC-A
Clinical Supervisor