Download Finals Study Guide 1. Anthropology 2. Characteristics of civilization

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Finals Study Guide
1. Anthropology
2. Characteristics of
3. Egyptian Society
4. Ancient Greek
5. Homer
6. Sparta
7. Athens
8. Battle of Marathon
9. Alexander the Great
10. Herodotus
11. Siddhartha Gautama
12. Dharma
13. Gupta Empire
14. Hinduism
15. Caste system
16. Daoism
17. Confucianism
18. Legalism
19. The Qin Dynasty
20. Qin Shihuangdi
21. The Han Dynasty
22. Confucious
23. Tiberious and Gaius
24. Marius
25. First Triumvirate
26. Second Triumvirate
27. Julius Caesar
28. Pax Romana
29. Charlemagne
30. Diocletian
31. Constantine
32. Fall of the Roman
33. Muhammad
34. Islamic Faith/ Muslim
35. Five Pillars
36. Muslim Scholars
37. Bazaar
38. Conquering of Russia
39. Vassal
40. Chivalry
41. Fief
42. Mongols
43. Tournament
44. William of Normandy
45. Magna Carta
46. Feudalism
47. Shinto
48. Bushido
49. Gunpowder (China)
50. Jerusalem
51. Vernacular
52. Joan of Arc
53. Bubonic plague
54. Inquisition
55. Black Death
56. Taille
57. Infidels
58. Libel
59. Castile and Aragon
60. Ghana
61. Mali
62. Songhai
63. Mayan human sacrifice
64. Humanists
65. Jan van Eyck
66. Johannes Gutenberg
67. Leonardo da Vinci
68. Machiavelli
69. Petrarch
70. Italian city-states
71. Martin Luther
72. Predestination
73. Ninty-five thesis
74. King Henry VIII
75. Christian Humanism
76. Protestant faiths
77. Reformation
78. Peace of Augsburg
79. Vasco da Gama
80. Treaty of Tordesillas
81. Columbian Exchange
82. Caravel
83. Middle Passage
84. Prince Henry
85. Conquistadors
86. Mercantilism
87. Portugal, Spain, France,
England, and the Dutch
(trade empires)
88. Peninsulares
89. Glorious Revolution
90. Louis XIV
91. Oliver Cromwell
92. Bill of Rights
93. Huguenots
94. Peace of Westphalia
95. Divine rights of kings
96. Armada
97. Fredrick William
98. Peter the Great
99. Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
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