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National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
Serving our nation’s EMS practitioners
For more than 30 years, the National Association of Emergency
Medical Technicians (NAEMT) has been recognized as a global leader
in continuing education for EMS practitioners.
education curriculum
is rated 5 stars in my
book. It blows away the
competition in content,
organization and
— Peter Laitinen, Templeton, MA
Caring for patients in the out-of-hospital environment is complex and
challenging. It requires a broad range of medical skills and knowledge
to save lives, alleviate pain, and treat patients of all ages suffering
from a wide range of diseases.
At the same time, EMS practitioners need the interpersonal skills to
communicate with patients and their family members and to work as
part of a team. And given the growing threat of active shooters, the
potential for mass casualty situations, plus the more commonplace
risks when responding to highway accidents or to patients in high
stress situations, EMS practitioners need an understanding of
situational awareness and how to stay safe on the job.
As the only national membership organization representing the
professional interests of all EMS practitioners from all sectors of
EMS, NAEMT believes that high-quality, evidence-based education
is critically important to preparing EMS practitioners to successfully
face these challenges. Making that education available to the EMS
workforce is a core part of our mission.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Commitment to Quality
Because the greatest results occur when the best minds work
together, all NAEMT courses are developed by teams of nationally
and internationally recognized subject matter experts – physicians,
EMS educators and experienced field EMS practitioners. In addition
to our superior course content, the training centers that offer our
courses and the instructors who teach our courses also must meet
the high standards of our quality assurance process.
Together, this ensures that students who take NAEMT courses can
feel confident that they are receiving the best continuing education
available to the EMS profession.
Affordability and Convenience: Cornerstones of
NAEMT Education
Because we understand time is valuable and budgets are limited,
NAEMT is also committed to offering affordability and convenience
for our training centers, instructors, and students.
Most administration can be done quickly and easily online. We’ve
streamlined the process for instructors to qualify to teach NAEMT
courses by making the NAEMT Instructor Preparation Course available
online, 24/7. And always, if you have questions, NAEMT has a team of
education specialists ready to assist, either by phone or email.
Whether you are
training an entry level
provider or a
seasoned one, I would
recommend NAEMT
courses to give
your students an
outstanding educational
— Anne Austin Ellerbee,
Thomaston, GA
NAEMT is honored to serve the EMS profession by helping to prepare
our nation’s EMS workforce. We look forward to serving you.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Table Of Contents
Key Attributes of NAEMT Curriculum
Easy, Efficient and Cost-Effective Administration
Getting Started
Information for Course Coordinators
Becoming an NAEMT Instructor
Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS)
Emergency Pediatric Care (EPC)
Geriatric Education for EMS (GEMS)
EMS Safety
EMS Vehicle Operator Safety (EVOS)
All Hazards Disaster Response (AHDR)
Principles of Ethics and Personal Leadership (PEPL)
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
Law Enforcement and First Response Tactical Casualty
23 Bleeding Control for the Injured (B-Con)
Serving our nation’s EMS practitioners |
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected]
To develop great EMS practitioners,
you have to start with great
education. NAEMT and its teams
of experts spend years developing
the content for each course. Then
we put our curriculum through a
rigorous quality assurance process
that includes field-testing courses
before they are introduced,
continually seeking feedback from
students and instructors, and
regularly reviewing and updating
course content.
NAEMT works in partnership with
leading national organizations and
agencies to provide evidence-based,
medically appropriate course
❚ American College of Surgeons
❚ American Geriatrics Society
merican Academy of Pediatrics
❚ National Association of EMS
❚ U.S. Department of Defense
Key Attributes of NAEMT Curriculum
Course content created by multi-disciplinary
teams of experts.
All NAEMT course content is created by teams of
nationally and internationally recognized subject matter
experts from within EMS, emergency medicine and other
relevant medical specialties. Teams include physicians
who contribute their medical expertise; EMS educators
who advise on the most effective, innovative teaching
strategies; and EMS practitioners who ensure that the
curriculum reflects the realities of working in the field.
These experts present the latest research, debate the
merits and come to a consensus on what should be
included in the curriculum.
Curriculum incorporates evidence-based
research and cutting-edge medical knowledge.
The practice of medicine continually evolves as new or
stronger evidence comes to light. Our experts ensure
the latest evidence is included in each course. Then,
each course is systematically reviewed and updated at
least once every four years to reflect changes in medical
Instructional materials use a variety of proven
learning methodologies.
NAEMT courses aren’t lectures only. Our courses include
patient simulations, skills stations, videos, case studies
and group discussions to encourage critical thinking
and reinforce material presented during lectures. Using
a variety of proven learning methodologies ensures
students receive a broad scope of knowledge to help with
decision-making in the field.
Content, instructors and training centers are
quality assured.
❚ Curriculum for new or revised courses is field-tested and
feedback is incorporated into the final curriculum.
❚ Students are surveyed to obtain feedback on course
content and the quality of their learning experience.
❚ NAEMT Faculty are monitored and approved by NAEMT.
❚ NAEMT Training Centers are monitored and approved
Flexible learning formats
We strive to provide the most convenient, flexible learning
experience for our instructors and their students. NAEMT
offers many courses in online/classroom combination
formats. This allows students to complete part of their
coursework at home, at their own pace, at a time that is
convenient for them, and then come together in person
for hands-on learning and discussion. We set a high
standard for the quality of all of our educational materials,
including our online content. Our online curriculum is
highly engaging, including videos and other visual aids,
that offer a rich and dynamic learning experience. All NAEMT Education courses are approved for
continuing education credit by the Commission
on Accreditation of Pre-Hospital Continuing
Education (CAPCE).* The number of continuing
education credits awarded equals the number
of course hours. Courses are also recognized
for recertification requirements by the National
Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians
*Except B-Con and TCCC-AC
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Easy, Efficient and Cost-Effective Administration
Responsive customer service
When you have questions or need help, we are here for
you! Call or email us. NAEMT Education specialists will get
you answers quickly.
NAEMT is committed to keeping prices as low as possible.
No one likes spending more time on paperwork than they
need to. To provide our training centers with the best
possible experience, NAEMT has created a streamlined,
user-friendly and cost-efficient administrative process.
Easy online administration
Most administration for NAEMT courses can be done
quickly and easily online, including:
❚ Apply to become an NAEMT Training Center.
❚ Register courses.
❚ Manage and submit course rosters so your students can
receive continuing education credits.
❚ Print student certificates and cards.
❚ Submit course administration fees.
Quick access to course materials
Many course materials are available for download online,
or quickly available from Jones & Bartlett Learning.
NAEMT staff make administration as painless and
quick as possible. Their support and direction is second
to none.
Efficient, Engaging Online Education
Today’s hectic schedules can make it tough to
find the time for continuing education courses.
A new partnership between NAEMT and the
Jones & Bartlett Learning Public Safety Group
will make it easier to meet the requirements for
recertification, while expanding your knowledge
and retaining critical skills.
This new, easy-to-use service will offer the highest
quality interactive content and a user-friendly
online system for individuals and agencies to track
continuing education. Scheduled to launch in early
2017, Recert will provide EMS practitioners with
the most efficient and engaging online learning
opportunities available anywhere. Look for more
information about Recert in the coming months.
— Chris Gibson, Guatemala City, Guatemala
NAEMT’s Partner in Education: Jones & Bartlett Learning
The Jones & Bartlett Learning Public Safety Group is the world’s most innovative and trusted source for
educational materials and solutions for fire and EMS students, educators, and professionals by leveraging the
collective value of our people, products, and partners. From initial training to recertification to retirement,
we strive to be a lifelong learning partner to those who serve our
communities tirelessly and ensure our safety and wellbeing.
For more information visit
All proceeds from NAEMT Education programs help support the advancement of the EMS profession through advocacy, education and research.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Getting Started: Information for New NAEMT
Training Centers
NAEMT education programs are conducted through a network of approved EMS training centers. NAEMT strives to work
with reputable EMS training centers which possess appropriate training facilities and experienced EMS faculty, maintain
affiliation with an emergency medical institution, have a qualified medical director to provide medical oversight and
guidance, and are committed to developing and sustaining a quality EMS training program at their center.
Once you have decided to offer NAEMT courses, we have an easy process to get started. Go to and click the
“Course Administration” link. Here’s a quick guide to what you’ll find there.
Apply as NAEMT Training Center
❚ Choose “Complete NAEMT Training Center Application”
and follow the prompts to enter your information.
❚ Once approved, you will receive an email from NAEMT within
two business days providing your training center ID number. This
ID number will be required to utilize the NAEMT online course
administration system.
Manage Course Roster
y choosing this link, you or your students can
enter their data. Data must be entered in the
roster for your students to earn continuing
education credits.
❚ Upon course completion, submit your final roster.
Register a Course
❚ A minimum of 30 days prior to your course start date, register your course(s)
by following the instructions on the “Register a Course” link.
ffiliate Faculty must be present for your first course. Request Affiliate
Faculty by emailing [email protected].
❚ If you want students to be able to locate and sign up for your course online,
mark the course as being “Open to the Public.” Students will then be able to
find your course on the “Locate a Course” page of the NAEMT website.
pon acceptance of the course application, you will receive an emailed
confirmation with your Course Number and access information for secure
course materials.
Submit Course Payment
❚ S ubmit payment online by
following the instructions on
this link. You can also submit
payment by check.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Course Coordinator Responsibilities
Each NAEMT Training Center is asked to identify an experienced NAEMT
instructor to serve as course coordinator. New training centers may choose
an experienced EMS instructor. The course coordinator is responsible for
administering the course and communicating with NAEMT to ensure all course
information is submitted. Read more about the responsibilities of a course
coordinator in the Course Administration Section of the NAEMT website.
Certificates and Cards
Course certificates and cards are printed using NAEMT’s online course
administration system.
Working with
NAEMT staff has been
wonderful. They
have answered all
my questions and
delivered any
materials I’ve needed
in a timely
— Steve Mountfort, Orlando, FL
CAAHEP accredited
paramedic programs can
monitor their own faculty
to teach NAEMT courses,
provided that their faculty
comply with all NAEMT
instructor requirements
(i.e., successful completion
of the NAEMT instructor
course and provider
course). For more
information, contact NAEMT
at [email protected].
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Become an NAEMT instructor
A key requirement to becoming an NAEMT Instructor is successfully completing the NAEMT Instructor Preparation Course,
which provides instructor candidates with the basic training and information needed to become an instructor for any of
NAEMT’s continuing education courses. For your convenience, this course is available online, 24/7, and is only required to
be taken one time.
Other steps to becoming an NAEMT instructor
Step 1. Successfully complete the NAEMT provider
course for the program for which you wish to
serve as an instructor.
Step 2. In the United States, be licensed as an EMT or
paramedic. Instructors must be credentialed
to perform the skills they teach. Some NAEMT
courses require paramedic level licensure. In
other countries, instructors must meet the
commensurate certification and licensure
Step 8. When approved by the Affiliate Faculty, you will
be designated by NAEMT as an approved NAEMT
instructor for a specific NAEMT education
Step 9. Maintain your approved instructor status by
teaching at least one course per year, attending
all instructor updates, as required, and
maintaining current contact information with
NAEMT Headquarters.
Step 3. Be associated with at least one approved NAEMT
training center. If you are not currently an EMS
instructor with an approved NAEMT training
center, please contact our office. Our staff can
provide you with information about the
approved training centers in your area.
Step 4. Complete the NAEMT Instructor Application.
Step 5. Upon receiving NAEMT verification that the
application is complete,
take and pass the NAEMT
Instructor Preparation Course
(offered in English and Spanish
online, and in other languages
as a classroom course). Note:
This course is only required to
be taken one time.
Step 6. Meet any other instructor
requirements for
your NAEMT training center.
Step 7. Be monitored by an NAEMT
Affiliate Faculty at your
NAEMT training center
as you teach your
initial course.
*Specific programs may have different requirements. Find details on
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Prehospital Trauma Life Support
(PHTLS) Eighth Edition
When treating trauma patients in
the field, seconds count. Recognized
as the global leader in education
for the prehospital care of trauma
patients, Prehospital Trauma Life
Support (PHTLS) offers a unique
approach, promoting critical
thinking and addressing multisystem trauma to give patients the
greatest chance of survival.
PHTLS, developed in cooperation
with the American College of
Surgeons’ Committee on Trauma,
picks up where other education
programs leave off. PHTLS empowers
EMS practitioners by focusing on
the principles that strengthen their
knowledge base and ability to make
rapid and appropriate patient care
decisions. PHTLS teaches why a
certain procedure is performed, as
opposed to simply how a procedure
should be performed.
The program emphasizes a quick
assessment of patients with
traumatic injuries to improve
survival. Topics covered include
the principles of trauma care,
scene and patient assessment,
airway management, circulation,
hemorrhage control and detection/
treatment of shock.
Each year, PHTLS is taught to over
40,000 students at some 3,500
training centers in over 50 countries.
Students who take this course will
leave better prepared to save the
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
lives of patients with the most
serious, time-sensitive injuries.
PHTLS, Eighth Edition, also
Baseline Assessments: Baseline
assessments allow instructors to
evaluate students before the course
begins. The tool enables instructors
to identify opportunities for
Patient simulations: Interactive patient simulations allow
participants to strengthen their patient assessment,
teamwork, and critical thinking skills. At the conclusion
of each patient simulation, instructors collaborate with
participants to discuss the team’s performance.
We pride ourselves on being
able to offer the most up-to-date
programs that will empower our
students to act in the most
proficient and professional manner
when responding to trauma
patients. NAEMT trauma courses
make that possible.
PHTLS for First
Seriously injured
trauma patients
may not have
time to wait until
EMS arrives.
PHTLS for First
is an 8-hour
course for first
police officers,
rescue personnel and safety
officers, to prepare them to render care to trauma
patients until EMS personnel arrive.
— Erica Paredes, Noblesville, IN
Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
Hours: 16
Course format: Classroom or hybrid (online/classroom)
Who is this class for? EMTs, paramedics, emergency medical responders,
nurses, physician assistants and physicians. The course can be offered
at the basic, advanced or combined levels. The course offers rich,
interactive content online. A military version is also available.
PHTLS Refresher: Trauma care is continually evolving. To keep skills and knowledge as current as possible,
the 8-hour PHTLS Refresher course is for students who have taken PHTLS within the last four years. This
course is offered at basic, advanced or combined levels.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS)
Second Edition
When you arrive on scene and a
patient says, “I can’t breathe,” or,
“My stomach hurts bad,” what do
you do next?
Advanced Medical Life Support
(AMLS) is the gold standard for EMS
assessment training. Endorsed by
the National Association of EMS
Physicians, AMLS emphasizes the use
of the AMLS Assessment Pathway,
a systematic tool for assessing
and managing common medical
conditions with urgent accuracy.
Students learn to recognize and
manage common medical crises,
including: respiratory disorders,
cardiovascular disorders, shock,
neurologic disorders, abdominal
disorders, endocrine disorders,
infectious diseases, environmentalrelated disorders, and toxicologic
emergencies. Realistic case-based
scenarios challenge students to apply
their knowledge to highly critical
New Medical Life Support Course for EMTs
Although AMLS is appropriate for all levels of EMS practitioner, NAEMT
received feedback that EMTs were in need of high quality assessment
training tailored to their specific skill set. NAEMT is pleased to announce
we will be offering a medical life support course for EMTs, designed to
empower BLS providers with the essential skills and knowledge needed
for the rapid and accurate assessment and management of medical
patients using the AMLS Assessment Pathway.
Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS)
Hours: 16
Course format: Classroom or hybrid (online/classroom)
Who is this class for? EMTs, paramedics, nurses, nurse practitioners,
physician assistants, nurse anesthetists and physicians. AMLS can be
offered at the advanced or combined levels.
AMLS Refresher: Prehospital care is continually evolving. To keep skills and knowledge as current as possible,
the 8-hour AMLS Refresher course is for students who have taken AMLS within the last four years.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Emergency Pediatric Care (EPC)
Third Edition
“Children are not small adults” has
long been the battle cry of pediatric
emergency medicine specialists
advocating for better training and
resources for all providers of urgent
and emergent pediatric medical care.
While there are many differences
between adult and pediatric
physiology, illnesses, injuries and
interventions, only some are
critical. EPC focuses on those critical
situations, enabling EMS practitioners
to provide the best treatment for sick
and injured children in the field.
Topics covered include:
❚ T he pathophysiology of the most
common critical pediatric emergency
issues, and critical thinking skills to
help practitioners make
the best decisions for
their patients.
pplication of the
Pediatric Assessment
Triangle (PAT), a tool to
help EMS practitioners
rapidly and accurately
assess pediatric
❚ T he importance of
family-centered care.
❚ Understanding and communicating
with children.
irway management, breathing
and oxygenation.
ardiac emergencies.
ecognizing child abuse and neglect.
ypoperfusion and shock.
ewborn resuscitation.
ediatric trauma.
❚ Treating children with special needs.
The course encompasses lectures,
interactive skills stations, small group
critical thinking discussions and
patient simulations/resuscitation
Emergency Pediatric Care (EPC)
Hours: 16
Course format: Classroom or hybrid (online/classroom)
Who is this class for? EMTs, paramedics, emergency medical responders,
nurses, physician assistants and physicians. This course can be offered
at the basic, advanced or combined levels.
EPC Refresher: No patients are more precious than children! To enable EMS practitioners to stay as up-to-date
as possible on the latest in pre-hospital pediatric care, the 8-hour EPC Refresher course is for students who
have taken EPC within the last four years. This course is offered at basic, advanced or combined levels.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Geriatric Education for EMS (GEMS)
Second Edition
The United States is home to 46
million adults ages 65 and older,
representing about 15% of the
population, according to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services. Over the next 25 years, that
number is projected to rise to nearly
80 million, with older adults making
up nearly 27% of the population. The
number of adults over 80 is expected
to grow from about 12 million today
to 27 million.
Geriatric Education for EMS (GEMS)
provides EMS practitioners the skills
and knowledge to handle the unique
medical, social, environmental and
communications challenges of
older adults.
Developed by NAEMT in partnership
with the American Geriatrics Society,
GEMS empowers EMS practitioners
to help improve medical outcomes
and quality of life for geriatric
patients. This course enhances
the competence, confidence and
compassion of EMS practitioners in
responding to geriatric patients.
Features of the course include:
Geriatric Education for EMS (GEMS)
Hours: 8
Course format: Classroom
Who is this class for? EMTs, paramedics, emergency medical
responders, nurses, physician assistants and physicians. This course
is appropriate for all levels of EMS practitioner.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
❚ Geriatric specific content on
fall prevention, epidemiology,
polypharmacy, end-of-life issues
and do-not-resuscitate orders.
❚ Trauma care and disaster care for
older patients.
❚ Case scenarios to encourage
student interaction and discussion.
❚ An exploration of mobile
integrated healthcare-community
paramedicine (MIH-CP) and the
EMS role in patient advocacy.
❚ Videos on MIH-CP, elder abuse
and trauma care for the elderly,
featuring real-world scenarios that
demonstrate assessing, treating
and communicating with older
❚ Small group discussion and
simulations including a station
that allows students to experience
vision, sensory and movement
disorders, deepening their
understanding of and compassion
for geriatric patients.
Geriatric Education for EMS (GEMS)
Advanced Course
NAEMT’s groundbreaking Geriatric
Education for Emergency Medical
Services (GEMS) Advanced course
builds on the GEMS core course,
delving into more complex, realistic
scenarios and the unique technology
EMS practitioners are likely to
encounter when assessing, treating,
and transporting older adults.
❚ Highly interactive, immersive
educational format focuses on
integrating critical thinking into real
world application.
❚ Topics covered include caring for
and transporting patients on home
ventilators, LVADs (left ventricular
assist devices), tracheostomies,
PICC lines/invasive lines, and
feeding tubes.
❚ Prepares EMS practitioners for
the array of medical, mobility,
psychosocial and communications
issues found in older patients.
❚ Students are guided through
a series of scenarios involving
increasingly complex symptoms
and situations.
GEMS is without a doubt one of my
favorite NAEMT programs. Students receive
so little geriatric education during their initial
training, even though it is so much a part of
what they will see as EMS providers. As we
continue to see our aging population increase,
it will become even more important to
understand their special challenges and to
function as their healthcare advocates.
— Elsa Tuttle, Kansas City, MO
Geriatric Education for EMS (GEMS) Advanced
Hours: 8
Course format: Classroom
Who is this class for? EMTs, paramedics, emergency medical
responders, nurses, physician assistants and physicians.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
EMS Safety Second Edition
EMS practitioners are 2.5 times more
likely to die on the job and 3 times more
likely than the average worker to miss
work as a result of injury. To combat
this epidemic, NAEMT created the EMS
Safety course to promote a culture of
safety and to help reduce the number
of on-the-job fatalities and injuries.
The EMS Safety course trains EMS
practitioners to be active participants
in their own safety. Participants
are taught to identify and remove
the hazards that can appear during
daily tasks, from offensive drivers
to violent encounters to chronic
stress. Participants are given practical
strategies that they can apply in the
field, from situational awareness to
defensive driving to verbal deflection.
Finally, participants are taught how
to strengthen their resiliency skills
in order to combat both chronic and
critical incident stress.
EMS Safety is the first national and
most comprehensive safety-focused
education course. Its interactive
format features real-life case studies,
compelling discussions on current
safety issues, and provides participants
with a forum to share their own
experiences. Critical thinking skill
stations help to build participants’ risk
assessment and decision-making skills.
Topics covered include:
❚ Applying crew resource
management in EMS.
Safety has to be an integral part of our culture. We provide the NAEMT
Safety Course as a mandatory part of our academy and offer it regularly to
staff. It has value for everyone from the rookie to the seasoned veteran.
— Jerry Johnston, Alameda County, CA
EMS Safety
Hours: 8
Course format: Classroom
Who is this class for? All EMS practitioners, other medical
professionals providing prehospital patient care, EMS supervisors
and administrators. This course is appropriate for all levels of EMS
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
tilizing situational awareness
and defensive driving for safe
emergency vehicle operations.
❚ E mploying multi-agency
preplanning, vehicle and
practitioner visibility techniques,
and defensive staging practices at
roadside incidents.
❚ U
tilizing lift assist teams, lifting and
moving equipment, and behavioral
controls to protect both EMS
practitioners and patients from injury.
❚ E mploying situational awareness to
continually assess for the potential
of violence on the scene and verbal
and physical techniques to deescalate potential threats.
racticing infection and contagion
control to protect both EMS
practitioners and patients from
emerging threats.
❚ Strengthening resiliency skills to
help EMS practitioners cope with
daily and critical incident stress.
❚ E nsuring personal readiness for
the daily challenges and hazards
of working in the field through
optimal personal health.
EMS Vehicle Operator Safety (EVOS)
Every year, an average of 33 people
die and 2,600 are injured nationwide
as a result of ambulance crashes,
according to statistics from NHTSA’s
Fatality Analysis Reporting System.
EMS Vehicle Operator Safety (EVOS)
addresses the knowledge gap that
leads to injuries and deaths, focusing
on the specific behaviors that need
to be changed to create a culture of
safe driving.
Drawing on the most current
research about the behaviors and
other hazards that lead to crashes,
EVOS features case studies and
analyses of both common and
catastrophic collisions. While other
vehicle operator courses tend to
focus primarily on driving and
technical skills, EVOS challenges
EMS providers to reconsider their
preconceptions about safe vehicle
driving habits into a culture of safety.
Additional topics covered include:
❚ D
aily vehicle inspection and proper
vehicle maintenance
❚ E MS vehicle operation and the law
❚ M
ental, emotional and physical
❚ S patial awareness
❚ D
riving under various road and
weather conditions
❚ T echnological safe-driving aids
Interactive features of the course
include crash footage from driver
behavior monitoring systems and
hazardous driving scenarios depicted
through graphics from a driving
simulator. Capturing multiple views
and perspectives, these dynamic
features vividly bring concepts to life,
allowing for critical—and thorough—
The course’s flexible format allows
instructors to easily incorporate
local laws, rules and policies into the
curriculum and to discuss crashes
that have occurred in their local area.
With its emphasis on real-life
scenarios and practical safety
pointers, EVOS drives home the
critical safety principles that are
needed to transform a culture of bad
EMS Vehicle Operator Safety (EVOS)
Hours: EVOS can be offered as a one day, 8-hour classroom course
or as a 16-hour course with an 8-hour hands-on driving component.
Who is this class for? All levels of EMS practitioner.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
All Hazards Disaster Response
Floods, tornadoes, earthquakes,
bus wrecks, active shooters, terror
attacks. When you look around
your city or region, are you truly
ready for the many types of disaster
scenarios that could come
your way?
assisted living homes or hospitals,
that need special consideration
during such an event.
Instructors can customize the
course to fit the specific needs of
participants, including geographic
area and availability of resources.
Content is presented in the context
of realistic scenarios, culminating
with a large-scale mass casualty
Get prepared to respond with
All Hazards Disaster Response
(AHDR), NAEMT’s new course that
teaches participants how to analyze
potential threats in their area,
assess available resources, and
create a response plan that will
save lives.
Features of a response plan covered
in the course include:
ommunicating effectively during
utual aid and interoperability.
anaging resources such as
supplies, medications and
❚ T riage and transportation strategies
and challenges.
atient tracking and evacuation.
At the start of the course,
participants conduct a “hazards
vulnerability analysis” to assess
features of their environment, both
natural and manmade, that pose
risk, along with assessing the needs
of vulnerable populations, such as
All-Hazards Disaster Response
Hours: 8
Course format: Classroom
Who is this class for? All levels of EMS practitioner.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Durham EMS PEPL course in action.
Principles of Ethics and Personal
Leadership (PEPL)
Changes in our nation’s healthcare
system are requiring EMS
practitioners to explore new ways
to deliver medical care, improve
patient outcomes and reduce costs.
Principles of Ethics and Personal
Leadership (PEPL) provides EMS
and mobile healthcare practitioners
with the knowledge and skills to
effectively interact with patients
and their families, other medical
personnel, co-workers, supervisors
and members of their community.
Through facilitated group discussions
and case studies depicting some of
the challenging scenarios that EMS
practitioners may be faced with, the
course explores:
ersonal and professional core values.
❚ E thical decision-making and the
exercise of ethical leadership.
uty to serve, and the concept of
service beyond self.
❚ S trategies for conflict resolution.
mbassadorship for the profession,
the agency, and the community
at large.
Students also consider the importance
of ethics and personal leadership,
identify their leadership role as
individuals, professionals, and in civic
life, and practice the skills important to
the exercise of leadership.
A truly interactive learning process,
the curriculum is designed to
promote dialogue. It uses a variety
of instructional methodologies,
including small and large group
discussion, experiential activities,
individual reflection, video case
reviews, classic and contemporary
readings, and shared analysis.
I have not enjoyed teaching or
facilitating a class quite as much as
the PEPL course. Our chief took the
course and now he wants to make
this course a requirement of
orientation for all of our members.
That is just how effective this
course is.
— Chad Burkhart, New Paltz, NY
Principles of Ethics and Personal Leadership (PEPL)
Hours: 16
Course format: Classroom, with an emphasis on facilitated
discussion or classroom/online hybrid.
Who is this class for? Emergency medical technicians, paramedics,
mobile healthcare or community paramedics. This course is
appropriate for all levels of EMS practitioner.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
Tactical Combat Casualty Care
(TCCC), developed by the U.S.
Department of
Defense (DoD),
is a system
of providing
techniques and
strategies for
trauma care on the battlefield. TCCC
has been documented to produce
dramatic improvements in casualty
survival in Iraq and Afghanistan.
TCCC is the only set of battlefield
trauma care guidelines endorsed by
the American College of Surgeons.
NAEMT’s TCCC course is fully compliant
with the DoD’s Committee on Tactical
Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC)
guidelines. CoTCCC is comprised of
representatives from all branches of
the U.S. Armed Services, and includes
trauma surgeons, emergency medicine
physicians, combatant unit physicians,
combat medics, corpsmen, and
pararescuemen, all of whom have
combat experience.
TCCC teaches the principles of
providing care in three types of
situations military personnel may face
when deployed to combat zones.
are Under Fire: Care rendered
at the scene of the injury while
both the medic and the casualty
are under hostile fire. Available
medical equipment is limited to
what is carried by the medic and
other military personnel. This stage
focuses on a quick assessment, and
applying tourniquets to stop major
bleeds and buy time.
❚ T actical Field Care: Rendered once
the casualty is no longer under
hostile fire. Medical equipment is
Tactical Combat Casualty
Care for All Combatants
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
demonstrated that quick action by
non-medical military personnel to
stop bleeding saves lives. TCCC for
All Combatants (TCCC-AC) teaches
basic airway management, drags
and carries, and applying hemostatic
dressing and tourniquets – basic
skills that reduce preventable deaths
on the battlefield.
Hours: 16
Tactical Combat
Casualty Care for All
Combatants (TCCC-AC)
Course format: Classroom
Hours: 8
Who is this class for? Military medics, corpsmen and
pararescuemen who are preparing to deploy in support of combat
operations, and other medical military personnel. This course is
appropriate for medical military personnel at all training levels.
Course format: Classroom
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
still limited. This stage focuses on
saving a life until evacuation to more
definitive care. Care may include
advanced airway management or IV
therapy, depending on the skill level
of the provider and supplies available.
❚ T actical Evacuation Care: Rendered
while the casualty is evacuated to a
higher echelon of care.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Who is this class for?
Non-medical military
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
Developed by NAEMT’s Prehospital
Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
Committee, the TECC program is
based on the guidelines from the
Committee on Tactical Emergency
Casualty Care (CoTECC) and the
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
program. TECC uses lessons learned
from the military and applies them
to tactical situations in the civilian
world, such as active shooters or
other mass casualty situations. With
a goal of decreasing preventable
deaths in tactical situations, topics
emorrhage control.
❚ S urgical airway control and needle
❚ S trategies for treating wounded
responders in threatening
aring for pediatric patients.
❚ Techniques for dragging and
carrying victims to safety.
At the core of the TECC program
is the care provided during three
distinct phases of care.
irect Threat Care: Care provided
while under attack or facing
another direct threat.
❚ Indirect Threat Care: Rendered
while the threat has been
suppressed, but may resurface.
❚ E vacuation Care: Rendered while
the casualty is being evacuated
from the incident site.
TECC takes an all-hazards approach
to teach skills necessary for providing
care outside the normal operating
conditions of most EMS agencies.
TECC takes the
TCCC program that
has saved countless
lives in the military
and adapts it to the
civilian world. If you
read the front page
of the newspaper, it’s
clear that this type of
training is important
for our crews in our
current world.
— Tim Ogan, St. Louis, MO
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
Hours: 16
Course format: Classroom
Who is this class for? Emergency medical technicians and
paramedics who could be called upon to respond to a mass casualty
or active shooter event. This course can be offered at the basic,
advanced or combined levels.
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Law Enforcement and First Response
Tactical Casualty Care (LEFR-TCC)
In an active shooter, mass casualty
or other trauma situation, law
enforcement officers may be first on
scene and have first contact with the
To arm law enforcement officers
with the knowledge to save lives,
Law Enforcement and First Response
Tactical Casualty Care (LEFR-TCC)
is an 8-hour course that teaches
basic, lifesaving interventions that
law enforcement officers can safely
provide to buy time until EMS
practitioners arrive or can safely
enter a tactical scene.
Topics covered include:
emorrhage control with
sing combat gauze.
asic airway management
ecognizing shock.
LEFR-TCC was developed by NAEMT’s
PHTLS Committee in collaboration
with the Denver Health Department
of EMS Education and the Denver
Police Department Metro/SWAT. The
curriculum is based on the principals
of trauma care taught in PHTLS and
TCCC. The course uses active shooter
scenarios during which students
practice the skills.
The LEFR program is by far the most cutting
edge and up to date trauma care intervention
specific for law enforcement. It allows law
enforcement, whether through buddy aid or
self aid, to remain in the fight. The program also
reminds law enforcement to be prepared, both
on and off duty, to better protect ourselves,
family and friends.
— Bill Justice, Oklahoma City, OK
Law Enforcement and First Response Tactical
Casualty Care (LEFR-TCC)
Hours: 8
Course format: Classroom
Who is this class for? Law enforcement officers, firefighters and
other first responders
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
Bleeding Control for the Injured (B-Con)
EMS, firefighters and law
enforcement officers are all key
players in the chain of survival for
the victims of active shooters or
other trauma. So are bystanders.
In this 2.5-hour course designed
for those with little to no medical
background, Bleeding Control for the
Injured (B-Con) teaches members
of the public to take action to save
a life. Students are taught basic
life-saving medical interventions,
❚ T he rationale for early use of a
tourniquet for life-threatening
extremity bleeding.
❚ T he appropriate application of a
tourniquet to the arm and leg.
❚ T he progressive strategy for
controlling hemorrhage.
irway control techniques and
❚ The correct application of a topical
hemostatic dressing (combat
The course was developed by
has partnered with the American
College of Surgeons’ Committee on
Trauma to disseminate B-Con course
materials nationwide.*
Bleeding Control for the Injured (B-Con)
Hours: 2.5
Course format: Classroom
Who is this class for? Any member of the public, including teachers
or security personnel. Also non-tactical law enforcement officers and
NAEMT Education 1-800-346-2368 | [email protected] |
National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)
Formed in 1975 and more than 55,000 members strong, the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
(NAEMT) is the only national association representing the professional interests of all emergency and mobile healthcare
practitioners, including emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians, emergency medical
responders, paramedics, advanced practice paramedics, critical care paramedics, flight paramedics, community
paramedics, and mobile integrated healthcare practitioners. NAEMT members work in all sectors of EMS, including
government agencies, fire departments, hospital-based ambulance services, private companies, industrial and special
operations settings, and in the military. For more information visit:
Serving our nation’s EMS practitioners
National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
PO Box 1400 | Clinton, MS 39060-1400 | |