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Unit 6 Review
Name _________________________________
Hr ______
St.# ______
Classify the following reactions by placing an S (synthesis), D (decomposition), C (combustion), SR (single replacement),
or DR (double replacement) in the blank to the left. Balance the reactions by indicating the correct coefficients.
_____ 1.
_____ HgO + _____ Cl2  _____ HgCl + _____ O2
_____ 2.
_____ Na + _____ Br2  _____ NaBr
_____ 3.
_____ KClO3  _____ KCl + _____ O2
_____ 4.
_____ Ca(OH)2 + _____ HNO3  _____ Ca(NO3)2 + _____ H2O
_____ 5.
_____ C2H6 + _____ O2  _____ CO2 + _____ H2O
_____ 6.
_____ Al2O3  _____ Al + _____ O2
_____ 7.
_____ CuCl2 + _____ H2S  _____ CuS + _____ HCl
_____ 8.
_____ Cl2 + _____ NaBr  _____ NaCl + _____ Br2
_____ 9.
_____ NaOH + _____ HCl  _____ NaCl + _____ H2O
_____ 10.
_____ Na2O + _____ CO2  _____ Na2CO3
_____ 11.
_____ H2O + _____ Fe  _____ Fe2O3 + _____ H2
_____ 12.
_____ CH4 + _____ O2  _____ CO2 + _____ H2O
Complete and balance the following equations – Circle each coefficient used.
Classify the following word reactions by placing an S (synthesis), D (decomposition), C (combustion), SR (single
replacement), or DR (double replacement) in the blank to the left. Write the correct formulas and balance the equations.
_____ 20.
barium sulfide + sodium fluoride  barium fluoride + sodium sulfide
_____ 21.
Hydrogen gas + oxygen gas  water
_____ 22.
silver nitrate + copper  copper (II) nitrate + silver
_____ 23.
potassium chlorate  potassium chloride + oxygen
_____ 24.
rubidium bromide + fluorine  rubidium fluoride + bromine
_____ 25.
lithium bromide  lithium + bromine
_____ 26.
iron + oxygen  iron (III) oxide
_____ 27.
calcium carbonate + aluminum sulfate  aluminum carbonate + calcium sulfate
_____ 28.
cobalt (II) nitrate plus lithium sulfide yields cobalt (II) sulfide plus lithium nitrate
_____ 29.
tin (II) oxide yields tin plus oxygen
_____ 30.
nickel (II) oxide plus iron yields iron (II) oxide plus nickel
_____ 31.
rubidium plus oxygen yields rubidium oxide
_____ 32.
magnesium carbonate yields magnesium oxide plus carbon dioxide
When a chemical reaction occurs in a test tube and the test tube begins to feel cold to the touch…
Is the reaction endo- or exo- thermic? Explain how you would know!
In this reaction which would have the greatest amount of energy, the reactants or the products? Explain
your answer!
Ice has built up on your sidewalk so you decide to spread some “salt” on it to help it melt more quickly.
Is the reaction endo- or exo- thermic? Explain how you would know!
In this reaction which would have the greatest amount of energy, the reactants or the products? Explain
your answer!
Draw an endothermic and exothermic reaction energy diagram in the blank graphs below. Indicate the location of the
reactants, products and the amount of energy needed/given off during the reaction. Label each axis.
Endothermic Reaction
What two things always change in a chemical reaction?
Describe at least three signs that a chemical change has occurred:
Exothermic Reaction
Why is it incorrect to balance a chemical equation by changing the subscripts? Explain!
What must occur for reactants to become products?
What kind of reactions are the following? (“yield” indicates an  or direction of the chemical reaction)
A + B yields AB
A + BC yields AC + B
AB yields A + B
AB + CD yields AD + CB
What are four ways to speed up a chemical reaction?
Choose the best answer for questions #43-56 and place it in the blank to the left.
_____ 43.
_____ 44.
_____ 45.
Mg + Cl2  MgCl2 is an example of what type of reaction?
a. synthesis
b. decomposition
c. single displacement
d. double displacement
Which of these is not a sign of a chemical reaction?
a. a gas is given off.
b. heat is released.
c. the material dissolves.
The substance that is formed in a chemical reaction is called the…
a. polymer.
b. radical.
c. reactant.
d. a color change occurs.
d. product.
_____ 46.
Which of the following occurs in an endothermic reaction but not in an exothermic reaction?
a. chemical bonds are broken.
c. molecules are formed.
b. energy is absorbed.
d. atoms are rearranged.
_____ 47.
A type of reaction that produces an increase in temperature is
a. endothermic.
b. covalent.
c. exothermic.
d. nonpolar.
_____ 48.
A reaction in which the products contain more chemical energy than the reactants is
a. exothermic.
b. endothermic.
c. electrical.
d. exergonic.
_____ 49.
Which of the following represents a double-replacement reaction between sodium chloride and silver
a. NaCl + AgF  NaAg + FCl
c. NaCl2 + AgF  AgCl2 + NaF
b. NaCl + AgF  NaF + AgCl
d. NaCl2 + AgF  NaF + Cl2 + Ag
_____ 50.
What coefficient is missing in C2H4 + __?__ O2  2 CO2 + 2 H2O?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
_____ 51.
What type of chemical reaction is given in question #50?
a. Synthesis
d. Single Replacement
b. Decomposition
e. Double Replacement
c. Combustion
_____ 52.
Which of the following represents the word equation
magnesium + oxygen  magnesium oxide
a. CH4 + O2  CH4O2
c. 2 Mg + O2  2 MgO
b. MgO + O  MgO2
d. 2 CH4 + O2  2 CH3OH
_____ 53.
Which of these equations is not balanced?
a. Fe + S  FeS
c. 2 Mg + O2  2 MgO
b. K(OH) + HCl  KCl + H2O
d. NaCl + H2(SO4)  Na2(SO4) + HCl
_____ 54.
A synthesis reaction is a reaction between at least two compounds in which…
a. one breaks down into at least two products.
b. a compound is decomposed by an electric current.
c. a compound burns in the presence of oxygen.
d. a new, more complex compound is formed.
_____ 55.
A chemical equation is balanced by changing or adding…
a. chemical symbols.
b. coefficients.
c. subscripts.
_____ 56.
d. reactants.
Large, bulky molecules react more slowly than small ones because they have less opportunity to…
a. become heated.
c. collide with other molecules.
b. be mixed with catalysts.
d. increase their surface area.
What might a catalyst be used for in a chemical reaction?
What might an inhibitor be used for in a chemical reaction?
In an endothermic reaction where does the heat/energy come from and where does it go?
In an exothermic reaction where does the heat/energy come from and where does it go?
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