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Storyboarding Workshop
Learning goals:
 To understand the purpose of a storyboard as a planning tool for previsualizing your PSA idea.
 To understand the codes and conventions of film required to plan & create a
 To apply the knowledge of film codes & conventions to create a storyboard
that clearly communicates your PSA idea to the committee.
Your Storyboard Should Include:
a) Description of the physical environment location/set/props etc.
b) Description of the shot sequence consisting of the distance, camera angle,
movement & scene action.
c) Consider the length and timing of each shot.
Storyboard Checklist:
Remember to Include:
Shot Number
Camera Shot Distance – (LS, MS, CU)
Camera Movement (zooms,/pans/tilt)
Camera Angles (High, Low. Flat)
Who is in the scene (Character name)
Type of action in the scene (Notes for actor/ object action include arrows
General info about the scene
 Timing of each shot (seconds)
 Type of transitions - cuts/dissolve/wipes/effects etc.
Notes for sound/sound effects/dialogue also are listed.