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Characteristics of the planets in the Solar System
Although Pluto was
discovered in 1930,
information on the
distant planet delayed a
realistic understanding of
its characteristics.
Pluto is now considered as a
DWARF PLANET not a planet.
Pluto is part of the "Kuiper Belt", an
area beyond the immediate solar
system with objects made mostly of ice and
rock. It was predicted that as many as 50
Pluto-size objects and large may exist in this
belt, so when not one, but two objects larger
than Pluto were discovered, it was decided to
re-define what a planet is, because the
alternative would be that we'd need to learn up
to 50 new planets.... It's best to demote Pluto than to try to remember that many planets.
Set A: Essential Questions
1.What planet has the highest temperature?
Why (hottest)?
2.What planet has the lowest temperature?
Why (coldest)?
3.What is the boiling point of water in degree
Celsius and Fahrenheit?
4.What is the freezing point of water in
degree Celsius and Fahrenheit
Set B: Essential Questions
1.What planet has the highest density?
2.What planet has the lowest density?
3.What planet could float on water (any
planet that has a density below 1
g/cm3 )?
4.What is the density of water?
Set C: Essential Questions
1.How many Earths can fit in Jupiter?
2.What is the smallest planet?
3.Which is bigger Uranus or Neptune?
4.What is the second biggest planet?
Pluto is now
considered a dwarf
Set D: Essential Questions
1.What planet has the strongest gravity?
2.Which has stronger gravity Uranus or
Neptune? Why?
3.What planet has the second strongest
4.What planet has the weakest gravity?
Set E: Essential Questions
1.What planet has the longest day?
2.What planet has the shortest day?
3.How many Earth days are there in
one Venus day?
Set F: Essential Questions
1.What is the relationship between
orbital velocity ( speed of revolving
around the sun) and distance from
the Sun?
The Sun is a medium sized star.
Open book to page 729 and study figure 10
Questions: ( Answers Only )
1. Who devised the HERTZSPRUNG-RUSSEL DIAGRAM? (p.728)
2. What are the two most important characteristics of a star? (p.728)
3. What color of star is the hottest?
4. What is the color of our star?
5. Which is hotter the Sun or Alpha Centauri B?
6. Which is brighter the Sun or Alpha Centauri B?
7. Which is bigger Betelgeuse or Polaris? (based on “Lives of Stars”)
8. Which is hotter Betelgeuse or Polaris?
9. Which is brighter Betelgeuse or Polaris?
10.Which is brighter Sirius A or Sirius B?