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University of the Aegean
School of Sciences
Department: SAFM
Course: English
Group: 2
Instructor: E. Landrou
Study the notes about macroeconomics and microeconomics below:
branch of economic theory
Greek word for ‘big’
studies totals (or aggregates); e.g. national income, unemployment
ignores differences between individual households
important in determining economic policy
branch of economic theory
Greek word for ‘small’
studies parts; e.g. individual wages or salaries
considers aggregates like national income as constants
important in determining economic policy
Now look at how we can compare and contrast these two types of economic theory:
Talking about similarities
1. Both macroeconomics and microeconomics are branches of economic theory.
2. Like macroeconomics, microeconomics is important in determining a country’s economic
3. Macroeconomics is as important as microeconomics in determining a country’s economic
Talking about differences:
1. Macroeconomics comes from the Greek word for ‘big’, while microeconomics comes from
the Greek word for ‘small’.
2. Macroeconomics deals with aggregates, whereas microeconomics deals with the parts in
an economy.
3. Although macroeconomics deals with aggregates, microeconomics deals with the parts in
an economy.
4. Unlike microeconomics, macroeconomics ignores differences between individual
households or firms.
5. Macroeconomics studies issues like national income or unemployment; however,
microeconomics studies fluctuations in individual wages or salaries.
A. Study the following notes about different types of unemployment. Then complete the
sentences comparing and contrasting those types. Use connectors from the theory.
Frictional unemployment:
a situation in which an individual is looking for a job
arises from economic mobility; e.g. people who are between jobs
socially desirable
Structural unemployment
a situation in which an individual is looking for a job
arises when jobs are eliminated by changes in the structure of economy; e.g.
Cyclical unemployment
a situation in which an individual is looking for a job
arises when economic activity declines; e.g. in a recession
can be long-term / usually disappears when an economy recovers
1. ............................ frictional or structural unemployment, cyclical unemployment is
generally defined as a situation where an individual is looking for a job. ............................ ,
there are specific differences between the three.
2. Frictional unemployment is caused by people who change jobs because they want to find
something better or more profitable. ............................ , structural unemployment is
caused by changes in the structure of the economy.
3. ............................ structural or cyclical unemployment, frictional unemployment is socially
desirable because it promotes geographical and occupational mobility.
4. Frictional unemployment is generally short-lived, ............................ structural
unemployment has long-term and serious consequences.
5. Structural unemployment is ............................ undesirable ............................ cyclical
6. ............................ structural unemployment is caused by structural changes in the
economy, cyclical unemployment happens when the economy declines.
7. ............................ cyclical unemployment usually disappears when an economy recovers,
the same cannot be said for structural unemployment.
8. ............................ structural and cyclical unemployment can last for a long time.
B. Now use the notes from the theory on p. 1 OR any ideas of your own to write a short
paragraph (80-100 words) on this topic: "What is the difference between
macroeconomics and microeconomics?"
i. Use a topic sentence, i.e. the first sentence of the paragraph which gives a general
idea of what you plan to say in the paragraph.
ii. Then develop the arguments of the paragraph, giving details and examples for
each one.
iii. Use comparison and contrast connectors.
iv. Use time or other connectors if necessary, like: First, Second, In addition … Finally.
Write an 80-100 word paragraph on this topic:
“Describe the four types of inflation: demand-pull, cost-push, expected and unexpected.”
Make a plan of your paragraph, using a topic sentence and 3-4 arguments.
Use examples and details to support your arguments.
Use comparison and contrast connectors.
Use ideas from the text in Unit 3 – Inflation.
Exercise A
1. Like / However
2. However
3. Unlike
4. while / but / whereas / however
5. as / as
6. Although / While
7. Although / While
8. Both
Exercise B (suggested answer)
Macroeconomics and microeconomics are two different branches of economic theory.
Macroeconomics comes from the Greek word ‘macro’ which means ‘big’, while
microeconomics comes from the Greek word ‘micro’, which means ‘small’. Although
macroeconomics deals with totals (aggregates) in the economy, microeconomics deals
with parts. In addition, these two branches of economics focus on different
relationships. Microeconomics is interested in the behavior of individuals (firms,
people, etc) whereas macroeconomics is interested in the behavior of aggregates,
like national income, tax revenue, interest rates, etc. This is not to say that one is
less important than the other. In fact, both macroeconomics and microeconomics are
used for determining a country’s economic policy.