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Volume 11
issue 2
Fall 2013
Hearing Care, Inc.
Audiology & Hearing Aids
How Sounds Travel Through The Ear
The anatomy of the ear is precisely shaped to capture sound waves and amplify them. When sound waves enter the
subways of the ear they fo"ow what might seem like a long and arduous path. But every ‘station’ has a precise
function. This is how it works:
1. Sound waves are picked up by the outer ear, which
is made of of the pinna and the ear canal.
2. Sound is channeled to the eardrum, which vibrates
when the sound waves touch it.
6.The movement of the hair cells are transformed into
electric impulses that travel along the
auditory nerve to the brain itself.
7. The brain decodes and interprets the electronic
impulses, turning a stream of speech sounds into
separate, recognizable words.
3. The vibrations are picked up by three tiny bones
known as the hammer, anvil and stirrup, which
create a bridge from the eardrum to the inner ear.
4. The vibrations move on to the cochlea---a spiralshaped capsule housing a system of liquid-filled
5. When the sound waves reach the liquid it begins to
move, setting thousands of tiny hair cells in motion.
Join us for..
Patient Appreciation Days!!
Please join us as we celebrate our wonderful patients, friends, colleagues, and families. We
appreciate you, your referrals, and all of the kind comments we receive over the years.
Personalized Hearing Care, Inc. has been going strong for over 20 years and it is because of
your trust in our hearing health care.
Tuesday, November 19th (Westland)
Wednesday, November 20th (South Lyon)
9am to Noon
Join us for refreshments, a light brunch, memorable
conversations, complimentary clean & checks on your hearing
aids & a chance to win exciting door prizes!!
Give us a call if you can make it so we can plan accordingly!
Hello PHC Family and Friends!!
My family and I had a wonderful
summer spending time ‘up north’
with family and friends, golfing,
fishing, boating, and enjoying the
Michigan sunshine.
Nonetheless, it is that time of year again and school
is back in session for my two sons, Adam (4th grade) and
Grant (2nd). Education is truly important to me and that
it why it is critical that our patients are informed about
hearing health care and new technology.
Thank you to all who attended our Audiology 101
Course in both Westland and South Lyon and to all of
you who attended our ‘Demo Days’ of Summer Event.
I hope you came away feeling informed and impressed by
the professional, quality hearing health care that is
available at Personalized Hearing Care.
I am proud of my practice and staff. I know that we
ARE the best place to receive exceptional hearing health
care in the metro Detroit area. Our reputation proves it.
Better Hearing leads to a Better Life....
Dr. Karissa Jagacki, aka “Soccer Mom”
Better Hearing Equals Better Living
It is sad that millions of people are letting denial or vanity get in the way of treatments that can significantly
improve the quality of their lives. Hearing loss is the third most common ailment in older Americans. While there
are over 35 million Americans with hearing loss, less than 25% of those with hearing loss actually seek
According to the National Council On Aging, people with hearing loss who
use hearing aids have:
Improved interpersonal relationships with family !
Reduction in anger and frustration
Improved emotional stability !!
Reduction in depression and depressive symptom
Reduction in introverted behavior
Feelings of being in control of their lives
Reduced paranoid feelings
Enhanced group social activity
Improved overall health and pain reduction
Doctors and family members should insist that a person with suspected
hearing loss be tested and seek appropriate treatment for hearing loss. If
you or a loved one feel that your hearing isnʼt what it used to be, call
today and schedule a complete diagnostic hearing test with one of our licensed Audiologists.
Introducing the newest member to the PHC staff.....
Delia Marietti,
Practice Development Representative
Delia Marietti has been our Practice Development Representative and Marketing Specialist
since August 2012. She has a B.A. in Communications from Michigan State University and
previously worked in the finance and retail sector. Delia plays a critical role as our physician
liaison and hearing advocator. She also works within our communities promoting the
importance of treating hearing loss, as a vital part of overall health and well-being. You may
see her at various health fairs, unions, chamber events, and community activities all in support
of PHC.
Delia is married with two children who are students at University of Michigan--Dearborn. Her
hobbies include; gardening, reading, hiking, traveling and camping. Delia especially enjoys
spending time with her family and helping her parent’s antiques business.
Sharpen Your Hearing
Listen Up!! This tip will keep your ears in top shape.
Surprisingly, certain foods can impact how
well you hear. Research shows that people
who ate two or more servings of fish a week were 42% less likely to
experience age-related hearing loss than those who only had fish once a
week---and eating plenty of monounsaturated fats (found in foods like
olive oil and avocados) helps lower your risk as well. Cutting back on
sugars and processed carbohydrates (white bread, rice, pasta) is also a
smart move. All of these diet changes have one thing in common: They
boost cardiovascular health, which helps keep the blood vessels that feed
the inner ear in good shape.
Kind words are the music of the world.
--F.W. Faber
Recipe Corner:
Soup with
Crumbled Bacon
Simmer one 15-ounce can pumpkin, 2 cups of chicken broth, 1/4 cup
cream and 1/2 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice, whisking 5 minutes.
Add 2 Tablespoons of maple syrup. Cook 1 cubed apple in butter
until soft. Top the soup with the apple and crumbled cooked bacon.
My What Big
Ears You Have
Researchers have proven that ears
grow larger as you age. A study at
The Veteranʼs Administration Medical
Center and Texas Tech University
found that ear circumference
increases an average of 0.51
millimeter over year. It was found that
you could calculate the age of an
individual based on ear
circumference. The reason that ears
continue to grow after the rest of the
body stops is not known, but there
are many theories. One researcher
felt that big ears may predict survival.
On Aging
Eventually you will reach a point
when you stop lying about your age
and start bragging about it. This is so
true. I love to hear them say, “you
donʼt look that old.”
The older we get, there are few
things worth waiting in line for.
Some people try to turn back their
odometers. Not me! I want people to
know ʻwhyʼ I look this way. Iʼve
traveled a long way and some of the
roads werenʼt paved.
When you are dissatisfied and would
like to go back to youth, think of
Congratulations to Barbara Changas of South Lyon!!
She won the $200 gas card during our Summer Demo Days!
Audiology & Hearing Aids
35337 Warren
Westland, MI 48178
Ph: 734.467.5100
Fax: 734.467.5103
321 Pettibone, Suite 105
South Lyon, MI 48178
Ph: 248.437.5505
Fax: 248.437.5518
Share Your Newsletter with a Friend!!
Hear what people are saying about us!
Check out our website at :
Do YOU have hearing loss?
Answering “yes” to any of the fo"owing questions should be reason enough to
have your hearing evaluated by one of our Audiologists.
★Do you have trouble understanding
conversation in noisy environments?
★Do you notice that you can “hear” but cannot
always “understand” what others are saying?
★Do you remain quiet in conversations for fear
of responding improperly?
★Do you often ask others to repeat themselves?
★Do you avoid certain social activities because you cannot hear well?
★Do you strain to hear soft-sounding voices such as those of women
and children?
★Do your friends or family members complain that the television
volume is too loud? o Do you have a problem hearing on the
Call us! 734.467.5100 (Westland) OR 248.437.5505 (South Lyon)
We love feedback: Personalized Hearing Care, Inc. would
like to know how we could have made your experience better in our
office. If you provide us with su"estions on improvement, we wi#
give you a $ee pack of batteries for each su"estion.
Office Hours
For your convenience we are
open: Monday thru Thursday
9am to 5pm
Fridays, Saturdays by appointment
We are located in the Westland
Professional Building across from the
Westland Mall (on the corner of Yale &
Warren Roads)
We are located in the Beacon Plaza,
one block northeast of the corner of
Lafayette and Lake at the center of
South Lyon.
Dr. Karissa Jagacki,
Kim Carnicom, M.A., Audiologist
Darlene Ramey, Office Manager
Chelsea Bear, Office Assistant
Ann White, South Lyon Administrator
Delia Marietti,
Practice Development Representative