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Vaughn Lawrence
Naturopath & Herbalist
Class Nine
A. We live in a toxic world.
B. Even a healthy body requires detoxification. Adding the burden of a toxic world to the equation creates a
host of new problems and concerns.
C. The body requires a constant supply of nutrients in order to detoxify properly. Nutritional deficiencies are
common in GAPS conditions, so combining detoxification with good nutrition is critical.
D. We survive because God created a body that heals itself and has a built-in natural detoxification system. The
goal is to restore the natural detoxification systems present in every person.
E. The colon and the liver are the main detoxification organs of the body. These are normally the main focus in
every detoxification program and are the ideal way to remove the majority of toxins. (See Detoxification Class
#1 for further detail)
A. The circulatory system includes both the lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system. It is the fluid
system of the body; transporting all nutrients and removing all wastes. No organs, no glands, and no individual
cell can detoxify themselves without an exchange of fluids.
B. For this reason, fluid intake is critical. Water is an absolute must for detoxification. Minerals in the water are
critical for water to function properly and the cells to do their job. Sodium is critical for hydration whereas
magnesium, potassium and calcium all play a role in fluid balance within every human cell.
C. The Bible tells us that “the life of the flesh is in its blood.” (Leviticus 17:11) We know that blood sustains life.
Without it we get weak and tired, and if we lose too much blood, we perish. The blood is the life support of
every part of the entire of the body, bringing oxygen to every cell.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
D. Therapies that can benefit the Circulatory System:
1. Cardiovascular: When deep healing is to occur, cleaning up the blood is critical. Fasting, juicing and removing
the heavy burden of toxins and too much food are a must for cleaning up the blood. This is why Gerson therapy
and other juicing therapies are so successful in healing the body. With the help of an herbalist, useful blood
cleansing herbs can be therapeutic such as Red Clover, Burdock Root, Chaparral and Buckthorn.
2. Lymphatic: The lymphatic system runs tandem to the arteries and veins and aids in collecting fluids and
draining toxins from the body. It requires movement to function. Only through movement, such as exercise and
breathing, is the lymph able to circulate and do its job. Simple rebounding or jumping for a few minutes each
day is a great way to move the lymph. Other therapies that are helpful with lymph flow are infrared saunas,
lymphatic manual therapy and herbs such as Red root and Echinacea.
E. The blood, the lymphatic system and water (over 70% of the human body) can be accurately described as the
river of life. This river must stay clean, free flowing and clear of debris in order to nourish the body.
A. Because the lungs are a drainage organ, they will use the colon as a pathway to eliminate toxins. In order to
cleanse and heal the lungs, it is often necessary to focus first on the colon and liver. The lungs can easily
become congested if the colon is in a chronic state of congestion, such as constipation.
B. If damage has occurred through direct inhalation of a toxic substance over a prolonged period of time, lung
damage may occur. This can result from items such as cigarette smoke, smog/pollution, black mold exposure,
chemicals in a beauty salon, toxins in a factory or other work environment, etc.
C. The combination of a weakened immune system and a toxic environment can lead to a variety of lung
problems such as asthma, COPD, pneumonia, pleurisy, and bronchitis.
D. Therapies that can benefit the lungs directly include:
1. Oxygen - Directly inhaling oxygen using an oxygen tank or hyperbaric oxygen chamber is often lifesaving.
However, oxygen inhalation must always be supervised by a medical doctor. You can also bathe in 3% or 35%
food grade hydrogen peroxide at home to quickly restore oxygen to the lungs. Deep, diaphragmatic breathing
draws air into the lungs, bathing the lungs in oxygen.
2. Essential oils – The concentrated, medicinal benefits of oils can quickly open breathing passages. Try oils
such as peppermint, eucalyptus, frankincense and myrrh. Oregano and the Thieves blend is very good for
infections in the lungs as well.
3. Poultices - Poultices are packs that you can spread on your chest to heal deep infections such as pneumonia,
bronchitis, etc. A traditional mustard poultice uses a combination of flour, mustard seed powder and egg whites
spread on a cotton or flannel cloth. The mustard should not contact the skin because it is so powerful. Apply for
30 minutes daily until condition is resolved.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
4. Castor Oil – Castor Oil can penetrate the lungs and boost the immune system. Castor oil also stimulates flow
of the lymphatic system to speed detoxification. Use a heat pack to penetrate the oil deeper and faster into the
5. Herbs – There are many herbs beneficial to lung health. Garlic and oregano are great for fighting infections.
Mullein leaf has a long history of opening up the breathing passages of the lungs. In the 1800’s, Samuel
Thomson used the herbs cayenne pepper and lobelia to heal thousands of asthma and other respiratory
A. The majority of skin conditions come from within the body. The skin is often a reflection of the internal
health of the body. Examples of skin conditions resulting from an internal issue include acne, psoriasis, eczema
and skin cancer. Contrary to popular belief, skin cancer is not caused by the sun. It is an internal toxicity
condition that is manifesting outward.
B. The skin can be damaged as well through direct contact of irritants, chemicals, burns or infectious organisms.
Some examples would include direct burns, bleach or other household chemicals, poison oak/ivy and common
hospital transmitted super germs such as MRSA.
C. To heal the skin directly you can try the following techniques:
1. Ozonated Olive Oil – This is oxygen (ozone) infused olive oil. This works for almost any skin condition
imaginable. It can take away ringworm, eczema, psoriasis, skin cancers, burns, bites and more. If the condition
is mainly internal, it may provide relief, but will not likely completely resolve the issue.
2. Oxygen - Direct application of oxygen is very powerful for the skin. Almost everyone has experienced using
Hydrogen Peroxide for burns, cuts, scrapes and other wounds. You can also take a bath, adding approximately
one cup or more of food grade Hydrogen Peroxide for widespread skin conditions or serious issues such as skin
cancer. The ozonated olive oil mentioned above works for this reason as well, the power of oxygen.
3. Clays - Clays like bentonite and montmorillonite have been used for centuries for healing the skin. In fact,
many women will pay top dollar for a mud or clay pack applied to the face, arms, legs or entire body.
4. Salves - Drawing salves, such as a combination of plantain, comfrey root and olive oil can draw out toxins and
poisons from bug bites, bee stings and splinters. These types of salves also heal the skin, and can be used for
wounds, rashes and even works great for hemorrhoids.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
A. Liquid that enters the body is filtered through the kidneys. Poor diet of processed foods, excessive poorly
absorbed calcium (most calcium supplements and all processed, fortified foods) and calcium deficiency (not
eating whole, nutrient dense foods containing calcium) all contributes to kidney stones. It is estimated that
approximately 50% of all lower back pain can be attributed to kidney problems. An extremely high protein diet
is very hard on the kidneys (protein powders and too much meat). Here are some tips for kidney health and
1. Lots of water and/or herbal teas. Other liquids such as coffee, soda, beer, alcohol, and energy drinks all
weaken the kidneys and lead to dehydration. Dehydration forces the body to retain salt and retain water,
leading to edema, or swelling.
2. Sodium is the most important mineral for the kidneys. Table salt will cause problems with kidney function,
while sea salt is critical for kidney function. All electrolyte minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium and
calcium) are all very important for proper kidney function. Most people will benefit from consuming 1-2
teaspoons of sea salt per day. Salt is best absorbed when dissolved in water and consumed steadily throughout
the day.
3. To cleanse the kidneys stay hydrated with quality water. Add minerals, especially electrolytes to the water.
Sea salt added to the water is incredibly beneficial. Add lemon or lime to your water to break down and prevent
kidney stones. Avoid processed sugar, white flour, beer, alcohol and other items that steal minerals from your
body. Exercise to keep the blood flowing. Herbs that are beneficial include Chanca Piedra (stone breaker),
stinging nettle, juniper berries, hydrangea, gravel root and uva ursi.
4. To remove kidney stones, try the following:
- Eat watermelon (seeded preferred) and drink watermelon seed tea only for 3 days. This is called a mono-diet
where you eat only one food for a period of time.
- Alternatively, you can do a three day vegetable juice fast. The vegetable juices should contain high amounts of
- Every day take regular baths with magnesium to open up and dilate the kidneys
A. Recent studies have emphasized the importance of a healthy mouth. In a world where almost everyone
seems to have a combination of cavities, crowns, root canals, braces, retainers and false teeth it almost seems
normal to have poor teeth.
B. Dr. Weston A Price researched and lived with thirteen cultures around the world in the 1930’s. While
Americans were dealing with the above mentioned cavities, braces, etc. Dr. Price found none of these problems
among these native cultures. In fact, they all had strong, fully formed jaws and room for all of their teeth. There
was no tooth decay or need of dental work. None of these cultures had even heard of or seen a toothbrush.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
C. The answer to a good healthy mouth will never be found in a toothbrush, dental floss, mouth rinse or in a
dentist’s chair; a healthy mouth is found only with good nutrition. Dr. Price made the obvious conclusion, and
wrote a 500 page book called Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Every Dentist in America should read this
book in school, yet none do, and few even know of him. It makes you wonder why the American Dental
Association does not recognize this vital research.
D. The health of the teeth, gums and mouth as a whole is a true reflection of the health of the body. There are
2 miles of nerve roots connected to every single tooth distributed throughout the rest of the body. This is why
specific teeth can be linked with specific organs and subsequent health issues. Keeping the mouth healthy is
E. Here are some tips to a healthy mouth and gums:
1. Nutrition makes or breaks a healthy mouth. Avoid all processed foods including white flour, white sugar,
artificial chemicals in packaged foods, soda, coffee and even most natural sugars. Fruit and honey should be
your limited choice of sweet as an occasional treat.
2. Avoid fillings, root canals and everything related to the dentist chair. In today’s world of poor nutrition,
dentistry has become necessary, but ideally we do everything we can to avoid going to the dentist.
Unfortunately, it has come to light that many dentists are dishonest and will give you a mouth full of
unnecessary and dangerous work.
3. Eat nutrient dense foods. Teeth are bone and made of minerals. Gums are tissue and made of proteins, fats,
minerals and other nutrients. Bone broth soups, eggs, cod liver oil and vegetables will give you the nutrients
you need for a strong, healthy mouth.
4. Oil pulling has been used for centuries to pull deep infections out of the mouth. Take 1-2 teaspoons of
sesame oil, coconut oil or olive oil and swish in your mouth for 10-15 minutes. Spit the oil out when finished.
This can save many from a root canal who have deep infections.
5. For toothpaste, use natural ingredients and avoid chemicals, especially sodium lauryl sulfate and fluoride.
Fluoride is not good for your teeth, despite years of false lies and propaganda. Look for a natural toothpaste
with ingredients such as essential oils, baking soda, sea salt and herbs like clove, myrrh or peppermint.
6. Use a good mouth rinse to kill infections and keep bacteria out of your mouth. We must understand that
cavities, gum disease and root canals are all a result of bacteria eating away at your tissues. To destroy mouth
bacteria, rinse with products that contain a combination of ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide, sea salt and
essential oils.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
A. Detoxify your life - There are toxins throughout our environment and in almost everything we use in today’s
world. We have toxins in cleaning supplies, clothing and building materials. It is extremely important with GAPS
to remove the burden of chemicals from your daily life. When the colon, liver and other detoxification pathways
are compromised, any additional toxins can be very dangerous and will slow the healing process. Here are some
ideas to detoxify your life:
1. Switch your cleaning supplies. There are lots of alternatives at health food stores for soap, chlorine bleach,
laundry supplies, glass cleaners, etc. You can also easily make your own using natural soaps and essential oils.
Lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar are all easy cleaning alternatives.
2. Switch your personal care items. It is quite unnecessary to spend money on expensive brand name chemicals
to be used for personal care. Deodorants, after shave lotions, body lotions, perfumes, toothpaste,
mouthwashes, and hairsprays are all extremely toxic. Parabens, phthalates, and sodium lauryl sulfate are three
of the most commonly used chemicals in mainstream personal care items. Aluminum in deodorants has been
clearly linked with breast cancers for example. We must remember everything that touches the skin goes
directly into the bloodstream. Coconut oil by itself is extremely effective for after shave and body lotion, and
very affordable at the same time.
3. Switch your soap. There is a huge difference between being clean and being sterile. Being clean is important.
Being sterile is extremely dangerous. You want to watch out for triclosan (Microban), which is a registered
pesticide used in a variety of anti-bacterial wipes, gels, soaps as well as many other baby care items. Instead,
look for natural soaps such as castile, Miracle Soap and others. The main focus is to avoid anything antibacterial.
4. Switch your makeup. Lots of heavy metals in makeup have caused various health issues over the years. Lead
in lipstick has caused injury and death for many people, yet the FDA still has no standard on lead in cosmetics. It
would be wise to do your research on cosmetic lines. There are some out there better than others (Mac and
Mary Kay are two of the worst). Better options would be Aveda and Bare Minerals.
5. Switch your food. Besides chemicals in the food supply, we also have pesticides, herbicides and other
agricultural toxins on our foods today. Buying from local farmers who do not spray or buying organic foods are
better choices.
6. Switch your water. Tap water is filled with traces of prescription drugs, fluoride and chlorine. Get a quality
filter and drink purified, filtered water. Also avoid chlorinated swimming pools. Sea salt or ozonated pools are
available, so keep an eye out for them or have them installed at your home.
7. Switch your way of communicating. EMF’s (Electro-magnetic Frequencies) have been studied extensively and
many researchers are calling EMF’s “the next cigarette.” These frequencies from cell phones (ipads are the
worst), lap tops, radio towers and other communication devices are already linked to cancer and infertility.
Choices are to avoid wireless by ditching your cell phone and getting a land line and using other hardwire
options such as internet cables. Grounding technologies have also been shown to offset the dangers of EMF’s.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
B. Heavy metal detoxification - Heavy metals are commonplace in today’s world, and thousands have suffered
the unfortunate effects. Heavy metals often deposit in glands and organs. Let’s look at some of the most
common metals and their sources, and then discuss some methods to eliminate them from the body.
Mercury - Common sources are amalgam (silver) fillings in dental work, seafood, cosmetics, pesticides, paint,
fabric softener, floor waxes, laxatives, tattoos, hair dyes, batteries, pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and mercury
Lead - Dyes, gasoline, lead based paints, plumbing, cigarettes, exhaust, car batteries, canned juices, crayons,
hair colorings, air pollution and mascara
Aluminum - Soft drink cans, cookware, baking powder, deodorant, white flour, tap water, antacids, toothpaste,
laxatives, aluminum foil, beer, cigarettes, artificial colorings, dental fillings and vaccinations
Arsenic - Tap water, coffee, exhaust, herbicides, pesticides, detergents, table salt, chicken, wine
Cadmium - Cigarettes, coffee, gasoline, steel pans, tap water, batteries, candy, refined cereals, soda, plastics,
evaporated milks, motor oil, oysters, paint and pharmaceutical drugs
Strategies to remove heavy metals include:
1. Fermented foods - Eating sauerkraut, kim-chi, kefir, yogurt, kombucha and other fermented foods have the
ability to chelate metals and remove them from the system.
2. Vegetable juices – The effects of juicing on the colon, kidney and liver all create a detoxification effect on the
body that will also remove heavy metals.
3. Egg whites – Although the yolk is known for its dense nutrition, the egg white is high and protein and has the
ability to pull metals from the system. Eat as many eggs daily as you desire.
4. Chlorella and cilantro – The combination of chlorella (a nutrient dense algae) and cilantro (the popular herb)
have a powerful detoxifying effect on heavy metals. There have been numerous studies done using this specific
combination of ingredients to remove various metals from the body.
5. IV (Intravenous) Chelation - Although some have benefited from this type of therapy, it has been extremely
damaging and dangerous for thousands of other people. It can lead to kidney damage, mineral deficiencies and
other problems. If considering IV Chelation, do your homework and check the doctor’s track record.
6. GAPS Diet - The great thing about the GAPS Diet is that it naturally removes and detoxifies heavy metals
from the body. The nutrient dense foods including the above mentioned eggs, fermented foods and vegetable
juices all make the GAPS Diet perfect for healing from heavy metal contamination. In the GAPS Diet book, it is
recommended to follow the GASP Diet for a minimum of 6 months before trying any other heavy metal detox.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
C. Parasite Cleanses - Parasites are a part of environment, our world and our bodies. Everybody is exposed to
parasites at some time or another through animals, food or poor sanitation. What is important is the health and
ability of the body to keep infections from spreading. If exposed to something foreign overseas or if there is an
environment in your body that is favorable to parasites, this can grow into a problem. Parasite infections are a
much larger problem in America than one might think. Most parasite infections are in the gut, but can spread
into other organs as well. Here are some strategies for parasite cleanses:
1. Diet - Parasites love sugar and starch as their main food sources. Vegetable juice fasting is often used to
starve parasites, especially tapeworms. When the parasites are in a weakened state, they are easier to kill using
herbs and other methods.
2. Brandy and Castor Oil - This is an age old remedy. Parasites have hooks, claws and teeth capable of holding
on to the intestinal tract at various locations. The Brandy will literally make the parasites “drunk” and loosen
their grip. The Castor Oil flushes them right through and out. Parasites are most active around the full moon,
which is the best time to try this type of cleanse. Dosage includes equal parts of Brandy and Castor Oil, from 1oz
to 3oz depending on size. The mixture should be combined and drank at 3am for three consecutive nights
surrounding the full moon cycle.
3. Parasite herbs - Herbs commonly used to kill parasites include wormwood, cloves, black walnut and pumpkin
seeds. You can take any combination of these herbs for parasites. It is good to take the herbs for about 5 days,
then take 2 days off and repeat for 7-8 cycles.
D. Detoxification Baths - Because the skin is the largest organ, baths are a great way to pull toxins out through
the skin. The baths can also allow nutrients into the body through the skin. Examples of great nutrients to use
in baths include bentonite and other clays, sea salts, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and
E. Saunas and sweating - Sweating is a method the body naturally uses to remove toxins and to regulate body
temperature. The body uses fever to heat up the internal body temperature and kill pathogenic organisms.
Hippocrates said “Give me a fever and I’ll cure any disease.” Far infrared saunas are the best method to induce
a sweat and remove toxins from the body. Exercise is great as well to get a good sweat going. This is great for
circulation and the lymphatic system.
F. Sunshine - Sunshine shouldn’t be optional, it should be required. Sunshine is critical for building a strong
immune system. God created this beautiful sunshine and without it, life would be impossible on this earth. For
thousands of years, humans have lived, worked and played outside in the sun. Only recently, have we switched
to an indoor lifestyle. To make matters worse, supposed “experts” will tell you the sun is dangerous, causes
cancer and you should limit your time in the sun. This advice is what is truly dangerous and could not be further
from the truth. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of this powerful resource, safely:
1. Start with 5-10 minutes or whatever your tolerance. Slowly work up to one hour or more daily.
2. The darker the skin color, the longer you need to be in the sun to receive the benefits.
3. NEVER get burned. This is common sense. The sun is extremely powerful.
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204
4. Never wear sunscreen. It causes skin cancer by burning toxic chemicals into your skin. You can use natural
sunscreens, but you must re-apply often because they don’t have powerful toxic chemicals like the commercial
5. Wear light, white, long-sleeved clothing and large brimmed hats for protection from the hot sun.
6. Protect yourself with anti-oxidants. Take Astaxanthin every day and you can stay in the sun much longer
without burning, and you will actually tan beautifully! Other nutrients that help with receiving benefits from the
sun include vitamin A (from cod liver oil, butter, eggs, and beta carotene sources like spirulina, sweet potatoes,
carrots, etc.), Vitamin C and Vitamin E.
7. When able, do not wear sunglasses, eyeglasses, contact lenses or anything else that would block the sun from
getting directly into your eyes. Also if you are behind glass or anything else, you will miss valuable benefits from
the sun. You want full exposure to as much skin as possible and nothing obstructing your eyes.
8. Research the benefits of sun gazing upon sunrise or during sunset.
9. Look into using full spectrum UV lights and light bulbs for your home that have therapeutic effect.
10. Avoid misguided advice and sunscreen marketing. Remember that God did not make a mistake in creating
the sun for us. Yes, we need to exercise caution with this powerful source of energy, but we do not need to live
in fear of it.
G. Exercise! It is important to keep the body moving. This was not a concern when most everyone lives and
worked on farms. With the invention of desk jobs and other sedentary work positions, exercise has taken a back
seat. Unless we purposefully work it into our schedules, it is often forgotten. Exercise is important to keep
blood flowing, lymph flowing and to bring oxygen into the body. Exercise will greatly speed detoxification. Here
are some exercise tips:
1. Start slow and work your way up. Simple walking in the sunshine is extremely beneficial and should never be
2. Consider interval training. This is where you do 30 seconds of maximum effort and then take a 90 second
rest break. You can do 30 seconds of intense biking, elliptical, running, jumping jacks, etc. as hard as you can
possibly go, then rest 90 seconds. This is one of the most effective ways to exercise.
3. JUMP! Rebounding works every cell of your body and strengthens every muscle. It is simple, low impact and
extremely effective. Look into Cellerciser rebounders. Cheap rebounders can cause physical harm and damage
to the body. An effective rebounder may be the only piece of exercise equipment you ever need to buy. 10-15
minutes 2-3x daily is very effective to move the lymph, blood and to strengthen and tone the entire body.
4. Tennis, jogging, swimming, biking, hiking, just move… There is no recipe for perfect exercise, just be active
and watch it change your life.
A. Read attached articles
B. Recipe – Make a squash related dish
9341 W 75th St
Overland Park, KS 66204