Download 4i. International activities

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First names:
Martijn Johannus Hermanus
Kruislaan 1
6718 SN Ede
The Netherlands
+31-615126813 (cell)
+31-24-3614247 (Radboud University Nijmegen)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
8 August 1975
2004 - 2009
PhD in Neuroscience, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
2000 - 2004
Graduate degree in Psychology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
1999 - 2001
Open University (social psychology, biological psychology and
psychology of education), The Netherlands
1993 - 1998
Life sciences & chemistry, zoology, Utrecht, The Netherlands
1988 - 1993
High School, Sint Gregorius College at Utrecht, Subjects: Dutch,
English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The
2009 - Present
Postdoctoral fellow investigating sound localization in patients
with bone-conductive hearing aids, Department of Biophysics,
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud
University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2004 - 2009
PhD-student at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology,
University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Internship at the University of California San Francisco,
Disruption of the primary auditory cortex in the critical period,
supervisor: Mike Merzenich, USA
2002 - 2003
Studentship at the Dept. of Functional Neurobiology, Utrecht
University, The Netherlands
1998 - 2000
Animal technician at the Rudolf Magnus Institute for
Neuroscience, University Medical Center Utrecht, The
1997 - 1998
Studentship at the Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neuroscience
(central regulation of the autonomic nerve system during stress),
University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Agterber MJ, Frenzel H, Somers T, Cremers CW, Snik AF. Amplification options in
unilateral aural atresia; an (active) middle ear implant or a bone conduction device? (In
Van Loon MC, Ramekers D, Agterberg MJH, De Groot JCMJ, Grolman W, Klis SFL,
Versnel H. Spiral ganglion cell morphology in guinea pigs after deafening and neurotrophic
treatment. Hear Res. 2013;298:17-26.
Agterberg MJ, Van Opstal AJ, Hol MK, Van Wanrooij MM, Snik AF. Horizontal sound
localization abilities in the absence of binaural localization cues (In preparation).
Otte RJ, Agterberg MJ, Van Wanrooij MM, Snik AF, Van Opstal AJ. The effects of ear
morphology and age on directional hearing. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2013;14:261-73.
Dun CAJ, Agterberg MJH, Cremers CWRJ, Hol MKS, Snik AFM. Bilateral bone conduction
devices: improved hearing ability in children with bilateral conductive hearing loss.
(accepted, Ear and Hearing).
Nelissen RC, Agterberg MJH, Cremers CWRJ, Snik AFM, Hol MKS. Transcutaneous
application of bone conduction hearing aids: first results in six childrenwith the Sophono™
Alpha 1 (accepted, Otology & Neurotology).
Agterberg MJ, Snik AF, Hol MK, Van Wanrooij MM, Van Opstal AJ. Contribution of
monaural and binaural cues to sound localization in patients with unilateral
conductive hearing loss; improved directional hearing with a bone-conduction device. Hear
Res. 286: 9-18, 2012.
Agterberg MJ, Hol MK, Cremers CW, Mylanus EA, Van Opstal AJ. Snik AF. Conductive
hearing loss and bone-anchored hearing aids; restored binaural hearing? Advances In Otorhino-laryngolog. 71: 84-91, 2011.
Havenith S, Versnel H, Agterberg MJ, De Groot JC, Sedee R, Grolman W, Klis SF. Spiral
ganglion cell survival after round window membrane application of brain-derived
neurotrophic factor using gelfoam as carrier. Hear Res. 272: 168-177, 2011.
Agterberg MJ, Snik AF, Hol MK, Van Esch TE, Cremers CW, Van Wanrooij MM, Van
Opstal AJ. Improved horizontal directional hearing in bone-conduction device users with
acquired unilateral conductive hearing loss. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 12: 1-11, 2011.
Agterberg MJ, Versnel H, De Groot JC, Van den Broek M, Klis SF. Chronic electrical
stimulation does not prevent spiral ganglion cell degeneration in deafened guinea pigs.
Hear Res. 269: 169-179, 2010.
Agterberg MJ, Spoelstra EE, Van der Wijst S, Brakkee JH, Wiegant VM, Hamelink R,
Brouns K, Westerink BH and Remie R. Evaluation of temperature rise and bonding strength
in cements used for permanent head attachments in rats and mice. Lab Anim. 44: 264-270,
Agterberg MJ, Van den Broek M, Philippens IH. A less stressful animal model: a
conditioned avoidance behavior task for guinea pigs. Lab Anim. 44: 206-210, 2010.
Agterberg MJ, Versnel H, van Dijk LM, De Groot JC, Klis SF. Enhanced survival of spiral
ganglion cells after cessation of treatment with brain-derived neurotrophic factor in deafened
guinea pigs. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 10: 355-367, 2009.
Agterberg MJ, Versnel H, De Groot JC, Smoorenburg GF, Albers FW, Klis SF.
Morphological changes in spiral ganglion cells after intracochlear application of brain-derived
neurotrophic factor in deafened guinea pigs. Hear Res. 244: 25-34, 2008.
Versnel H, Agterberg MJ, De Groot JC, Smoorenburg GF, Klis SF. Time course of cochlear
electrophysiology and morphology after combined administration of kanamycin and
furosemide. Hear Res. 231: 1-12, 2007.
Plomp SG, Brakkee JH, Klis SF, Agterberg MJ. Zijn dove cavia’s actiever dan
horende cavia’s? Biotechniek. 45, 182-185, 2006 (Article in Dutch).
Agterberg MJ. Het rokend brein. Biotechniek 40, 129-144, 2001 (Article in Dutch).
1994 - 1999
Leadership scouts
2001 - 2002
Member of the board of students, neuropsychology
Kite surfing, snowboarding, handball
4i. International activities
Internship at the University of California San Francisco, USA. Disruption of the primary
auditory cortex in the critical period, supervisor: Mike Merzenich.
Invited lecture at the department of otolaryngology, UCSF, USA (Patricia Leake).
Detection of electrical stimulation of the cochlea in Dutch guinea pigs
Attending several international conferences.
4j. Other academic activities
Member of the board of students, neuropsychology
Member of the board of PhD students at the Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neuroscience
Supervision of PhD students
4k. Scholarships, grants and prizes
Grant from the William Demants og Hustru Ida Emilies Fond for a postdoc position at the
department of Otorhinolaryngology
Prize for the 3 R’s: Replacement of experimental animals by alternatives. Refinement of
housing, handling and experimental procedures to reduce discomfort, pain and stress.
Reduction of numbers of animals used.
Prize for the best article in Biotechniek (2006): Zijn dove cavia’s actiever dan
horende cavia’s? Biotechniek. 45, 182-185, 2006 (Article in Dutch).
Research Grant for visit of the University California San Francisco (Supervisor Prof. Dr.
M.M. Merzenich)