Download Mary Jo Ignoffo Study Guide #2, HIST 17C W17

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Mary Jo Ignoffo
[email protected]
Welfare Capitalism
Harlem Renaissance
Scopes Trial
Ku Klux Klan
Bonus March
Dust Bowl
Fireside chats
Frances Perkins
Dr. Francis Townsend
Wagner Act
Court packing
Social Security Act
Nye Report
Cash and Carry
Tripartite Pact
Executive Order 9066
Korematsu Decision
Bataan Death March
Double V Campaign
Bracero Program
Study Guide #2, HIST 17C W17
Iwo Jima
Battle of the Bulge
“final solution”
Nuremberg Trials
Winston Churchill
Joseph Stalin
Manhattan Project
Enola Gay
Cold War
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
United Nations
Berlin Airlift
Iron Curtain
Domino Effect
General Douglas MacArthur
Third World
Military industrial complex
1. What was the New Deal and how did it evolve throughout the 1930s? Include in your answer
how it changed over the decade. (5 points). Identify two supporters of the New Deal and explain
what role they played in the Roosevelt Administration (10 points). Identify two opponents of the
New Deal, and explain how they influenced New Deal policies (10 points).
2. One of the most important strategic questions confronting the Allies was when and where to
open a second front against the Nazis. Explain the point of view of Winston Churchill, Franklin
Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin. (10 points). Describe the 1943 Italian campaign, and identify the
American military regiment most associated with the invasion of Italy (5 points). What was the
significance of D-Day, when did it occur, and who was its commander? (10 points)
3. What was the Marshall Plan? Was it successful or a failure? (10 points). The Truman Doctrine
shaped American foreign policy for almost half a century. What was it, and why did it become
the dominant feature of American foreign policy after World War II? (10 points). Who coined
the term “iron curtain” and what does it mean?” (5 points)
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