Download Unsegmented Worm Vocabulary Defined 1. Cephalization

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Unsegmented Worm Vocabulary Defined 1. Cephalization: sensory structures concentrated in the anterior region 2. Pharynx: two-­‐way opening to digestive tract in flatworms 3. Tegument: thick cellular layer of parasitic worms to help protect their bodies from being digested by the host 4. Cuticle: thick noncellular on the outside of parasitic worms to help protect their bodies from being digested by the host 5. Ocelli: eyespots 6. Ganglia: concentration of nerves that form a simple brain 7. Cilia: tiny hairs that help with movement 8. Protozoan: microscopic, unicellular organism that flatworms eat 9. Flame cells: part of the excretory system that is connected to the outside of worms remove nitrogen waste 10. Hermaphrodite: an organism with male and female reproductive organs 11. Fragmentation: a method of asexual reproduction in which the body splits in half and regenerates missing parts to create two new organisms 12. Endoparasites: live on the inside of host 13. Ectoparasites: live on the outside of host 14. Shistosomiasis: disease caused by blood flukes 15. Scolex: anterior end of a tapeworm with hooks and suckers used for attaching to the intestine of the host 16. Proglottids: segments in tapeworms that each contain a set of egg and sperm 17. Cross-­‐fertilize: the sperm from one proglottid can fertilize the eggs in another proglottid