Download David Cole earned a doctorate from Harvard University and has

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David Cole earned a doctorate from Harvard University and has taught literature and drama at
Harvard, New York University, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Yale College,
where he ran the undergraduate Theatre Studies program. While serving on the faculty of Yale
University in the mid-1970s, he published his most acclaimed book of dramatic theory, The
Theatrical Event. His articles on dramatic theory have appeared in The Drama
Review and Tikkun magazine. Dr. Cole also wrote several plays, including The Moments of the
Wandering Jew, which was performed in 1979 at the Theatre of the Open Eye in New York.
Many of his scripts have received staged readings at the Circle-in-the-Square, the American
Place Theatre, The Theatre Company of Boston, the McCarter Theatre, and Emory University.
He has lectured on Judaism and Drama at the 92nd Street YM-YWHA in New York. David
Cole received the 1992-93 George Jean Nathan Award for Acting as Reading: The Place of the
Reading Process in the Actor’s Work.
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