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Mission Viejo High School Model United Nations
33rd Annual Conference
“Orbis Unum"
Novice Crisis 1
The Great Schism- Roman Papacy
Hello Delegates! My name is Hannah Butterbaugh, and I will be your head chair for this year’s annual
conference at MVHS. This will be the third year of my involvement in MUN. I try to participate in as many
activities as I can here at. Mission. I am involved in ASB, Pep Squad, Track and Field, and a few clubs.
Although my plate is packed full with AP classes and extracurriculars, I still find time to volunteer weekly at
my church as a middle school leader, go on runs, and enjoy concerts with my friends. I cannot wait to meet all
of you and make this weekend a success! Feel free to email me at [email protected]
if you have any questions or concerns.
Hello, my name is Kalynn Harris, and I will be your Vice Chair for the 33rd Annual Mission Viejo High school
MUN Conference. I am eager to spend my weekend with each and everyone of you to figure out a solution to
this crisis. I have been involved in MUN for two years at MVHS; I am involved in various clubs and athletics
such as cross country and track & field along with volunteering in my community. Regardless of taking several
AP courses I love being involved with my school, travelling, and meeting new people. If you have any
questions I can be contacted at [email protected]
The Great Schism, also known as the Western Schism or Papal Schism, was an era that took place
between the years of 1378-1417 that led to the split of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1305, Clement V of
France was elected into papacy. The outcome of the election stirred up the emotions and opinions of the people
of Rome. Pope Clement, being French himself, decided to reside in Avignon, France to escape the disapproval
of the Romans. During the time period of March of 1309 through January of 1377, all of the future Popes
remained in Avignon, France instead of Rome, which formerly was the traditional location of the popes. As a
result of the appointment of Pope Clement V of France, the next six Popes were French as well. The authority
and power that had been shifted from Rome to France had caused tension in Europe. In 1370, Pope Gregory XI
held power. Severely feeling the pressure to return back to the tradition location of Rome, Pope Gregory
returned in 1377. There he faced hostilities and eventually died in 1378, which ended the Avignon papacy.
Romans felt a sense of domination once again and advocated that the next Pope should be Roman. However,
Pope Clement VII of France was appointed Pope and reestablished papacy in Avignon. . This motion divided
the Church between Rome and Avignon. Diplomatic issue chaos arose. Europe was torn between this issue.
II. Possible Solutions
The resolutions to this problem must compensate each side of this situation. The main goal of the
solution is to bring peace to the issue and balance along with stability to the Church. One possible solution is to
vote whether or not John XXIII, Benedict XIII, or Gregory XII will become the Pope and be power. If this
decision is taken into consideration one Pope will emerge as the true Pope to end the schism. However, it is
possible that instead of voting between the two preexisting Pope’s a new Pope can be elected. Another
resolution is to advocate and suggest mutual resignation to each Pope to step down. This would also allow a
new pope to become the leader of the church.
III. Bloc Positions
Mission Viejo High School Model United Nations
33rd Annual Conference
“Orbis Unum"
Roman Papacy: As supporters of pope Urban VI the Roman papacy wishes for the papal residence to remain
in Rome. The Roman papacy truly believes pope Urban VI withholds true legitimacy opposed to the Avignon
Papacy’s Clement VII. The Roman Papacy is attempting to denounce rid the Church of its competitor: the
Avignon Papacy
Avignon Papacy: This papacy supports Pope Clement VII and believes the papal residence should preside in
Avignon. In the past, the Church lost its power due to manipulation and corruption of the people of the Church
and is trying to better itself. In order to gain support the Avignon papacy is attempting to gain support through
the people to allow themselves a chance for a new reputation. Ultimately, the Avignon Papacy is attempting to
rise above the Roman Papacy and reclaim the (brief) power it once had.
IV. Questions To Consider
1. How could peace be made between Rome and Avignon?
2. What are solutions that satisfy both Rome and Avignon?
3. Which Pope has the best ideas and morals that would benefit Europe the best in the long run?
4. What are possible solutions that could be formulated to unite Rome and Avignon?
Works Cited:
1. Oakley, Dr. Francis. "1378 The Great Papal Schism." Christian History. Christian Today, 01 Oct. 1990.
Web. 06 Nov. 2015. <>.
2. The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. "Western Schism | Roman Catholic History." Encyclopedia
Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
3. Richard McBrien. "The End of the Western Schism." The End of the Western Schism. National Catholic
Reporter, 7 Nov. 2011. Web. 06 Nov. 2015. <>.
4. "The Avignon Papacy." Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
5. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2015.
6. Nelson, Lynn Harry. "The Great Schism, 1378-1415." Lectures in Medieval History. VLib, 3 Dec. 2003.
Web. 20 Nov. 2015. <>.