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Biology 01 Exam 1 REVIEW
1. The movement of molecules form an area of higher concentration to an area of lower
concentration is called
a. diffusion
b. endocytosis
c. catalysis
d. active transport
e. osmosis
2. In osmosis, water always moves toward the _______ solution, that is, toward the solution with
the _____ solute concentration
a. isotonic .....greater
b. hypertonic .....greater
c. hypertonic .....lesser
d. hypotonic ......greater
e. hypotonic .....lesser
3. Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called
a. active transport
b. osmosis
c. exocytosis
d. passive transport
e. facilitated diffusion
4. A plant cell is placed in a solution whose solute concentration is twice as great as the
concentration of the cell cytoplasm. The cell membrane is selectively permeable, allowing
water but NOT the solutes to pass through. What will happen to the cell?
a. no change will occur because it is a plant cell
b. the cell will shrivel because of osmosis
c. the cell will sell because of osmosis
d. the cell will shrivel because of active transport of water
e. the cell will swell because of active transport of water
1. To enter or leave a cell, substances must pass through
a. a microtubule
b. the Golgi apparatus
c. a ribosome
d. the nucleus
e. the plasma membrane
2. Which of the following would not be considered part of a cell’s cytoplasm?
a. a ribosome
b. the nucleus
c. a mitochondrion
d. a microtubule
e. fluid between the organelles
3. Organelles involved in energy processing are the
a. rough ER and Golgi apparatus
b. nucleus and smooth ER
c. nucleus and chloroplast
d. lysosome and ribosome
e. mitochondrion and chloroplast
4. Seth notices that his friend Jon had grained a little weight during the holidays. He
commented, “Storing up some ___________ for the winter, I see”
a. polysaccharides
b. triglycerides
c. nucleotides
d. polypeptides
e. steroids
5. All organisms have which of the following in common
a. They respond to stimuli
b. They store genetic information as DNA
c. They utilize energy
d. They reproduce
e. All of the above
4. An ion is formed when an atom
a. forms a covalent bond with another atom
b. gains or loses an electron
c. becomes part of a molecule
d. gains or loses a proton
e. gains or loses a neutron
4. The most concentrated source of stored energy is a molecule of
a. DNA
b. cellulose
c. fat
d. protein
e. glucose
4. Which of the following holds atoms together in a molecule?
a. ionic bonds between atoms
b. transfer of protons from one atom to another
c. sharing of electrons between atoms
d. loss of neutrons by atoms
e. sharing of protons between atoms
5. How does DNA differ from RNA?
a. DNA is larger
b. One of their nitrogenous bases is different
c. They contain different sugars
d. DNA consist of two strands in a double helix
e. All of the above are differences
6. You would expect a cell with an extensive Golgi apparatus to
a. make a lot of ATP
b. secrete a lot of material
c. move actively
d. perform photosynthesis
e. store large quantities of food
7. Biologist group living things into _______domains
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
5. The four main categories of macromolecules in a cell are
a. proteins, DNA, RNA, and steroids
b. monosaccharides, lipids, polysaccharides, and proteins
c. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids
d. nucleic acids, carbohydrates, monosaccharides, and proteins
e. RNA, DNA, proteins and carbohydrates
6. Which of the following correctly matches a structure with its function?
a. mitochondrion ---> photosynthesis
b. nucleus ---> cellular respiration
c. ribosome ----> manufacture of lipids
d. lysosome ---> movement
e. central vacuole ---> storage
7. You use a product such as “Jet Dry” in your dishwasher to keep water from clinging to dishes
and causing spots. Jet Dry must work by interfering with
a. cohesion
b. covalent bonding
c. evaporation
d. adhesion
e. ionic bonding
8. Which group is involved in manufacturing substances needed by the cell?
a. lysosomes, vacuole, ribosome
b. ribosome, rough ER, smooth ER
c. vacuole, rough ER, smooth ER
d. smooth ER, ribosome, microtubule
9. Which of the following consist of prokaryotic cells?
a. plant and animals
b. bacteria and archaea
c. plants, fungi, bacteria, and archaea
d. animals
e. plants, bacteria and archaea
9. The “building blocks” of nucleic acid molecules are called
a. polysaccharides
b. amino acids
c. fatty acids
d. nucleotides
e. DNA and RNA
1. ______ Lipids manufactured here
2. ______ Small structure that makes proteins
3. ______ Contains chromatin
4. ______ Sac of digestive enzymes
5. ______ Numerous ribosomes give it its name
6. ______ May store water, needed chemicals, wastes, pigments in plant cells
7. _____ Phospholipid bilayer with proteins, controls flow in and out of cell
a. Nucleus
b. Transport vesicle
c. Central vacuole
d. Smooth ER
e. Lysosomes
f. Golgi apparatus
g. Rough ER
h. Ribosome
i. Plasma membrane
8. ______Site of lipid synthesis
9. _____ Defective in Tay-Sachs disease
10.______ Cell control center