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OUTLINE FOR POPULATION UNIT ü Problems with conducting censuses/inaccuracies ü Thomas Malthus, William Catton, Paul Ehrlich ü Demographic Transition model: Stages (1­5: Primitive/Pre­Industrial, Early expanding/transitional, late expanding/industrial, zero growth/post­ industrial, population decline) ü Dependency ratio ü cohort ü Population pyramids ü Stationary and expansive population pyramids ü China’s One Child Policy ü Carrying capacity ü Restrictive and expansive population policies ü 9 factors affecting population growth ü Population density and distribution ü Arithmetic and physiologic population density ü Total fertility rate ü Birth rate and death rate ü Replacement level ü Natural increase ü Doubling time ü Push and pull factors ü Immigration and emigration ü Refugees/internally displaced persons ü Infant mortality rate ü Population explosion/exponential growth ü ORT (oral rehydration therapy) ü Fertility rates in SE Asia article ü RX for Survival Documentary POPULATION REVIEW SHEET
Fill in the table using the data below:
Rate of Natural
Doubling Time
2) Population Pyramids a) b) c) d) e) What does the vertical axis on the population pyramid represent? _____________________ What type of population pyramid is indicative of a lesser developed country? _________________ What does a narrow base to the population pyramid indicate? ________________________ What type of population pyramid has a triangular shape? __________________________ What type of population pyramid is wider at the reproductive age than at the pre­reproductive ages. _____________________________________________ f) ____________________________ are graphs that show the age structure of a population by age & gender. g) What type of population pyramid is depicted below? __________________________ h) What characteristic of this population pyramid indicate its high death rate? ___________________
i) Is the population pyramid for Afghanistan stationary or expansive? _________________________ j) Which stage of the DTM is Afghanistan in? ______________________________________ k) Which stage of the DTM is Belgium in? _____________________ Give two pieces of evidence to support your answer. ____________________________________________________________________ 3) a) Pakistan has 41% of its population less than 15, and 4% over 65. This makes 55% (100 ­ (41+4)) between the ages of 15 and 64. What is the dependency ratio? b) New Zealand has 23% of its population less than 15, and 12% over 65. This makes 65% between 15 and 64. What is the dependency ratio? 4) Calculate the population density for the following countries:
Total Land
Area (km2)
Cultivated land
area (km2)
2973 190
1 697 000
988 700 000
1001 000
32 650
68 360 000
Population Density
5) List the nine factors that affect population growth (remember the
population growth cards!).
6) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.
A) The study of people is called _______________________.
B) A count of a population in an area is a called a
C) The movement of people to a country is called _______________.
D) The movement of people out of a country is called
E) Another term for refugees who do not leave their country’s border
is IDP which means ______________________________________________
F) An example of a push factor would be
G) An example of a pull factor would be
H) The number of people who die each year per 1000 is known as the
__________________ or ______________________________.
I) ORT stands for _____________________________________.
J) The average number of children a woman has in her lifetime is
called _________________________________.
K) The fertility rate which must be achieved to main the current
level of population if no migration were to take place is called
L) A ________________ is an age division.
M) This measures the number of dependents in a country for every 100
people of working age:_________________.
N) The number of people living on a particular unit of land is known
as the _______________________________.
O) The pattern of where people live in a country is called the
P) The movement of people from rural areas to the cities is called
Q) The relationship between access to contraception and birth rates
would be: ______________________________________________________
R) The uncontrolled and rapid growth of the world’s population is
called _______________________________.
S) __________________________ wrote a book called The Population
Bomb. which predicted that doomsday would occur when population
exceeded the number of resources on Earth.
T) William Catton coined the term ______________________; which
means that the land and its given resources can only support a
given number of people.
U) _____________________________ said the world’s food resources are
growing arithmetically while the population is growing
exponentially and that eventually we will reach a
V) _________________ imposed a restrictive population policy in 1979
that limited couples to having only one child.
W) A population policy that encourages people to have children is
called ________________________________ whereas one that prevents
people from having children is called __________________________.
X) What problems could arise from restrictive population policies?
Y) Make a list of how equality for women can reduce population
Z) What are the reasons for high fertility rates in SE Asia and what
are the effects of them?