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Intro to Psych Vocabulary Chapter 9
1. Classical conditioning
2. Neutral stimulus
3. Unconditioned response
4. Conditioned stimulus
5. Conditioned response
6. Discrimination
7. Extinction
8. Operant conditioning
9. Reinforcement
10. Primary reinforcer
11. Secondary reinforcer
12. Fixed-ratio schedule
13. Variable-ratio schedule
14. Fixed-interval schedule
15. Variable-interval schedule
16. Shaping
17. Response chain
18. Aversion control
19. Negative reinforcement
20. Escape conditioning
21. Social learning
22. Cognitive learning
23. Latent learning
24. Learned helplessness
25. Modeling
26. Behavior modification
Psych Questions Chapter 9
How do people develop taste aversions?
Differentiate between neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus.
How are generalization and discrimination related to classical conditioning?
Under what conditions might a conditioned response become extinct?
How is operant conditioning different from classical conditioning?
Explain how the four schedules of partial reinforcement work.
Differentiate between escape conditioning and avoidance conditioning.
How do positive and negative reinforcement affect a teenager’s choice and purchase of clothes? Provide an
9. How can learned helplessness cause depression?
10. How does observational learning differ from disinhibition?
11. What role does the environment play in social learning?
12. How is a token economy an example of behavior modification?
13. What principles of modeling should parents consider when rewarding and punishing their children? Provide
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