Download Date Rape Drugs mini - Rock Ethics Institute

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Which of the following is
used most often to coerce
people into sex?
A. Rohypnol (roofies)
B. GBH (liquid x)
C. Ketamine
D. Alcohol
E. Ecstasy (E)
Can cause memory loss & unconsciousness
Can make it difficult to spot risky situations
Can inhibit a victim’s ability to escape
Can increase the effects of other drugs
Someone might try to use alcohol to
set up an alibi (e.g., she was drunk)
 Can’t get consent from someone who is
incapacitated, intoxicated, or high
 Without consent, risk expulsion, fines, jail
What is the name
of this drug?
A. Rohypnol (roofies)
B. GBH (liquid x)
C. Ketamine
E. Benzodiazepine
Symptoms similar to intoxication
 Slurred speech, difficulty maintaining balance,
nausea, unconsciousness, dizziness, memory
loss, death
Used to facilitate sexual coercion
 Can’t get consent from someone who
is incapacitated, intoxicated, or high
Which drug is used on animals as
a sedative and can make someone
feel detached from the situation?
A. Ecstasy (E)
B. Benzodiazepine
C. GBH (liquid x)
D. Ketamine
Clear liquid or powder, can be mixed with drinks
 Extremely dangerous when mixed with alcohol or other
 Dizziness, confusion, hallucinations, disorientation,
agitation, decreased motor skills, respiratory arrest, death
While drugged, may be aware of what is happening
but not able to move or fight back
 Can’t get consent from someone who is
Which drug causes relaxation,
euphoria, and can increase sensitivity
to touch, lockjaw, and overheating?
A. Ecstasy (E)
B. Benzodiazepine
C. GBH (liquid x)
Drug is MDMA (Molly)
 High blood pressure, increased pulse and body
temp., loss of consciousness, blurred vision,
 Can cause tremors, stroke, seizures, death
White powder, pill, or odorless liquid
 Relaxation, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea,
sweating, memory loss, slow-heart rate
 Can cause tremors, seizures coma, and death
 Feeling tired and sluggish, nausea, confusion,
 Can cause seizures, respiratory arrest, coma,
 People may sometimes appear normal but will
have no memory later
 Can’t get consent from someone who is
Generally used as anxiety or sleep medication
 Similar to Rohypnol
 Can impair victim and inhibit ability to resist
Can’t get consent from someone who is
incapacitated or high
Stop them from taking drinks from others.
Remind them to open their own containers.
Remind friends not to share drinks or drink from
a common punch bowl.
Remind friends not to leave their drinks
unattended. If they do, encourage them to get a
new one.
Ask a sober friend to watch out for
your group.
True or False?
KC isn’t paying attention and
someone slips something into her
drink. Whatever happens is her fault
because she wasn’t paying attention.
A. True
False. The fault
lies with the person who
B. Falsewith the food/drink.
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