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Cloud In A Bottle
To recreate cloud formations in a bottle
Hypothesis: If
2-Liter clear plastic pop bottle
¼ cup Warm Water
1. Fill the clear plastic 2-liter bottle 1/4 cup of warm water and place cap on.
Observe for any changes. Write observations before proceeding.
2. Squeeze and release the bottle and observe what happens.
Does anything happen? Write observations before proceeding.
3. If the inside of the bottle becomes covered with condensation or water droplets,
just shake the bottle to get rid of them.
4. Take the cap off the bottle. Carefully light a match and hold the match near the
opening of the bottle.
5. Blow out the match and suck the smoke into the bottle by squeezing the bottle
gently a few times.
6. Then drop the match in the bottle and quickly put on the cap, trapping the smoke
7. Once again, slowly squeeze the bottle hard and release.
8. Repeat step 7 several times.
9. Write down observations.
1. First observation after filling with warm water:
2. Second observation after squeezing bottle:
3. Third observations after squeezing bottle several times:
Analyze observations:
1. How was water vapor created?
2. What happened when smoke was added to the bottle with vapor? What role
does smoke play in creating a cloud in the sky?
3. What is air pressure and how did you change the pressure in the bottle?
4. What role does air pressure play in the creation of a cloud?
Conclusion: (Short constructed response see lab template)
• Ask the participants to recap the entire experiment and discuss what happened
in each step.
• How was water vapor created? (Water in its invisible gaseous state, can be
made to condense into the form of small cloud droplets.)
• What happened when smoke was added to the bottle with vapor? (smoke
provides the particles) What role does smoke play in creating a cloud in the
sky? (By adding particles such as the smoke enhances the process of water
condensation.)Let’s Make a Cloud Activity 1
• What is air pressure and how did you change the pressure in the bottle? What
role does air pressure play in the creation of a cloud? (By squeezing the bottle
causes the air pressure to drop. A cloud appeared when you released and
disappears when you squeeze.)
• Review the roles of vapor, smoke and pressure in creating a cloud.
• Encourage participants to listen to weather reports. Did the weather report
include an air pressure report?
• What kind of weather will we have if low air pressure is referred to? High air
Water vapor; water in its invisible gaseous state, can be made to condense into the
form of small cloud droplets. By adding particles such as the smoke enhances the
process of water condensation and by squeezing the bottle then releasing it causes
the drop in air pressure, which is like air rising to make a cloud. Squeezing the
bottle increases the air pressure, like air sinking. This creates a cloud.
Evaporation: Water evaporates. Why? The heat from the sun causes water to
evaporate and become a vapor that rises up into the atmosphere to become a
You can illustrate evaporation by boiling water in a pan over a hotplate so
participants can see the vapor rising.
Condensation: All air contains some water in vapor form. Usually, we can't see it
but we know it is there by how wet or dry the air feels on our skin as well as our
noses and mouths. As warm air rises, it carries water vapor with it. As the air
continues to raise, the warm air cools and the pressure eventually decreases
enough that the water vapor turns into liquid droplets. These droplets form or
condense on smoke and dust particles in the air. The process of changing water
vapor into liquid water is called condensation. Vapor turns into raindrops forming a
Precipitation – As more and more droplets of water form into a cloud they start
bumping into each other. Some of them stick together and grow to the size of a
raindrop (> 1mm in diameter.) As more droplets form into raindrops they get very
heavy and eventually fall out of the cloud when the updraft can no longer hold
as a cloud. The cloud bounces and shakes, or precipitates, releasing the droplets in
the form of rain, hail, or snow.Let’s Make a Cloud Activity 1
Collection: Finally, when rain falls onto land it can run off into a stream or river,
which flows to the ocean. This will happen over and over again and is called
collection. Some of the rain will fall on land where it percolates or infiltrates into
the ground becoming ground water used by humans, animals, and plants.
The Water Cycle’s Make a Cloud
Activity 1What do you see?
When you squeeze the bottle, there is no cloud. When you release the bottle, a cloud appears!
You've just made your own cloud.
How do real clouds form?
Clouds require three things to form:
Water molecules
Cloud condensation nuclei - dust or air pollution
Temperature or pressure changes
Water molecules are in the air all around us, even though we can't normally see them.
Normally, these water molecules bounce around.
Real clouds form when warm air rises in the atmosphere and cools down. Cloud
condensation nuclei, such as small particles of dust and pollution, enable water molecules to
stick together and stop bouncing around. The water molecules condense around the nuclei to
form clouds. Clouds are just groups of tiny water droplets that stick together around cloud
condensation nuclei when temperatures are low.
How does the cloud in a bottle form?
Clouds are more likely to form when it's cold. When you squeeze the bottle, the pressure
increases. This causes the temperature inside the bottle to rise. When you release the bottle,
the pressure decreases. This causes the temperature inside the bottle to fall and the water
molecules to condense. The smoke particles act as cloud condensation nuclei, allowing the
water molecules to condense and stick together around the smoke. There you go - a cloud in
a bottle!
If you use water of different temperatures, does that affect the cloud in your bottle? What if
you used something other than smoke for cloud condensation nuclei? How would that affect
cloud formation?
If you like this, have a look at Weather Labs to find out all about weather and test the
weather forecast!
Clouds on Earth form when warm air rises and its pressure is reduced. The air expands and cools, and
clouds form as the temperature drops below the dew point. Invisible particles in the air in the form of
pollution, smoke, dust or even tiny particles of dirt help form a nucleus on which the water molecules can
attach. - See more at: