Download Color the skin (outside) of the frog green. Color the heart red. Color

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Color the skin (outside) of the frog green.
Color the heart red.
Color both lungs (spongy texture) pink.
Color the liver lobes dark green.
Color the gallbladder (round ball or empty, wrinkled bag) bright green.
Color the stomach (“fat” tube area) pale/light yellow.
Color the small intestine (all the thin tube) orange.
Color the large intestine (wide tube) brown.
Color the spleen (little round ball) red.
Color the fat bodies (dangly “fingers” or “tentacles”) bright yellow.
*Color the mesentery purple & the pancreas blue.
In this picture, the liver is being lifted up (like a flap) so you can see under it. The lungs have also been pulled up out of the frog
a little so you can see them too.
Color the aorta pink. The aorta is the thick tube coming out of the heart. The heart has three chambers, color all 3 chambers. The
chambers are: the ventricle, the right atrium, and the left atrium. Use a dark pen to label the chambers. Write the letter “V” over the
ventricle of the heart. Write the letters “RA” for right atrium, and “LA” for left atrium over the correct chambers. Remember, directions
like “left” and “right” always correspond to the “patient” (the frog’s left, not your left). Lightly color the heart red over the labels you
made (make sure I can still read them).
Color the lungs pink. The liver is a flat-ish thing under the heart. Cover the liver dark green. Under the liver, the little
gallbladder dangles. The gallbladder looks like a round pea (or sometimes, a deflated balloon). Color the gall bladder bright green. Some
connective tissue is shown touching the liver and the stomach (it looks like spiderweb or stretchy gummy string). Color the connective
tissue red. Where the tissue touches the stomach, there is a wrinkly section along the side of the stomach. This is the pancreas. Color the
stomach, which is the thick bag-like portion, yellow. Color the pancreas, which is the organ sticking to the side of the stomach, blue.
Look at where the stomach gets skinny; the skinny tube is the small intestine. Color the small intestine orange.
Look at where the small intestine gets larger like a thick tube. The thick tube is the large intestine. In frogs, everything exits out
of the same hole. That means all the “highways” have to merge into one road; only one road exits the frog. The baggie that connects to
the large intestine is the bladder. After they are merged together into one road, it’s called the cloaca. Color the large intestine brown.
Color the bladder green. Color the cloaca blue.
Look at the small intestine. There is some tissue connecting the small intestine to itself. This membrane is called the mesentery.
Color the mesentery purple. Connected to the mesentery, near the small intestine is a little oval organ. This bean-shaped organ is the
spleen. Color the spleen red. Look along the center of the frog. In the very back, you can see a straight rod going through the middle of
the frog. This is the spine! Color the spine grey.
Use these labels in the boxes: Aorta, Bladder, Cloaca, Gallbladder, Heart, Large Intestine, Liver, Lungs, Mesentery, Pancreas,
Small Intestine, Spleen, Stomach.