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1 Interesting reads in US History… The Underground Railroad An Ever‐Evolving 'Path' to Freedom How many hundreds of
heroes go unheralded
from the days of the
Underground Railroad?
While we celebrate such
important figures as
Harriet Tubman and
Frederick Douglass,
numerous others were
needed to make the
operation of the "railroad"
a success. Runaway
slaves had to be given
shelter from weather and
from search parties. The
tale of this awesome
phenomenon is one of cooperation,
coordination, and brotherly love.
The Underground Railroad operated as a secret
organization dedicated to assisting runaway
slaves from the South. The Railroad should not
be thought of, however, as one cohesive body.
It was in fact an ever-evolving organization
devoted to one cause: protection of one's
fellow men and women. It actually began
during the colonial period. However, it reached
its height in the decades preceding the
American Civil War. Acts such as the 'Fugitive
Slave Act of 1850' increased railroad activity
and popularity. The ultimate goal of the
Underground Railroad was to accomplish the
safe arrival of runaway slaves to Canada where
the long arm of the law could not reach them.
Laws such as the Fugitive Slave Acts of 1793
and 1850 allowed slave owners to recapture
escaped slaves and bring them back to
bondage in the South.
Some historians believe
this courageous
organization was began
by Quakers in
Pennsylvania and New
Jersey. Over time, the
backbone of this
organization became the
numerous free blacks of
the North. They were
essential to the successful
operation of the
Underground Railroad. In
most cases, fleeing slaves traveled by any
means necessary and often on their own in an
effort to reach freedom in the North. After
arriving in the North the people of the
Underground Railroad would provide assistance
and supplies in an effort to get them to the
guaranteed freedom of Canada.
Article Taken From
history/a/under_railroad.htm Background of the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution (1820‐1870) was of great importance to the economic development of the United States. However, there were actually two Industrial Revolutions. The first occurred in Great Britain during the late eighteenth century, and the second began during the mid‐
nineteenth century. The Second Industrial Revolution centered on the United States and Germany. Important The Industrial Revolution itself Inventions Year Steam engine 1712 refers to a change Flying shuttle 1733 from hand and Cotton Gin 1793 home production Steamboat 1807 to machine and Telegraph 1836 factory. The first Telephone 1876 industrial Microphone 1878 revolution was Light bulb 1879 important for the Diesel Engine 1892 inventions of Model‐T 1908 spinning and weaving machines operated by water power which was eventually replaced by steam. This helped increase America’s growth. However, the second industrial revolution truly changed American society and economy into a modern urban‐industrial state. Second Industrial Revolution The real impetus for America entering the second Industrial Revolution was the passage of the Embargo Act of 1807 and the War of 1812. Americans were upset over an incident with the Chesapeake whereby the British opened fire when they HISTORY NEWS 2008
2 were not allowed to search the ship. They also seized four men and hung one for desertion. This resulted in much public outrage and the passage of the Embargo Act which stopped the export of American goods and effectively ended the import of goods from other nations. Eventually, America went to war with Great Britain in 1812. The war made it apparent that America needed a better transportatio
n system and more economic independence. Therefore, manufacturing began to expand. Industrialization in America involved three important developments. First, transportation was expanded. Second, electricity was effectively harnessed. Third, improvements were made to industrial processes such as improving the refining process and accelerating production. The government helped protect American manufacturers by passing a protective tariff. 3 Article Taken From