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Scientist’s Name: _____________________________
Work Hard – Get Smart – No Excuses.
Meteorologists in Training Weather Webquest!
Air Masses 1 :
1. What are Air Masses? _______________________________________________________________
2. Air masses are relatively uniform in _______________________ and ________________________.
3. What do you call the boundary that separates two different air masses? ______________________
4. What occurs along fronts? __________________________________________________________
5. What are five air masses that affect the U.S.? ___________________________________________
6. What are continental air masses characterized by? ______________________
7. What are maritime air masses characterized by? ________________________
8. Describe Continental Polar Air Masses: ________________________________________________
9. Describe Maritime Tropical Air Masses: ________________________________________________
10. Describe Maritime Polar Air Masses: _________________________________________________
11. Describe Continental Tropical Air Masses: ____________________________________________
12. On the map of the
United States below,
label the air masses:
□ Maritime Polar
□ Continental Polar
□ Maritime Tropical
□ Continental
Scientist’s Name: _____________________________
Work Hard – Get Smart – No Excuses.
Weather Fronts 1:
1. What is a Weather Front? ___________________________________________________________
2. What does the collision cause? _______________________________________________________
3. On the left, where it says “Front Types”, click each type of front separately. Watch the animation
and read the text summary above.
Front Type
How does it form?
What type of weather does it indicate?
a. Cold Front
b. Warm Front
c. Stationary Front
d. Occluded Front
4. When the weather is strong winds and severe thunderstorms, what type of front do you think is
happening and why? ________________________________________________________________
5. When the weather is light rain, humid and foggy, what type of front do you think is happening
and why? __________________________________________________________________________
6. What type of front can remain stalled for days? _______________________________________
7. In which weather front, does a warm air mass get caught between two cold air masses?
Scientist’s Name: _____________________________
Work Hard – Get Smart – No Excuses.
Meteorologists in Training Weather Webquest!
FIRST - scroll down to the information UNDERNEATH the weather map …
1. Under the section “overview”… What is weather forecasting? ______________________________
2. Under “data collection”… List at least five different things weather forecasters measure.
3. List at least 3 ways weather forecasters collect data. ___________________________________
------------------- NEXT look at the map…
1. Where is there high pressure? What does this indicate in terms of the weather?
2. Where is there low pressure? What does this indicate in terms of the weather?
3. In what states is there a cold front moving through? Which direction is the front moving?
4. In what states is there a warm front moving through? Which direction is the front moving?
5. In what states is there a stationary front moving through? Which direction is the front moving?
---------- > NEXT In the above box – “current and forecast maps”…choose 2 maps to explore. For
example “global weather”, “current temperatures”, “satellite weather”, “current radar”, etc.
1. Name of map: __________________________________
2. What did the map show you? ____________________________________________________
3. What did you learn? ____________________________________________________________
Scientist’s Name: _____________________________
Work Hard – Get Smart – No Excuses.
1. Name of map: __________________________________
2. What did the map show you? ____________________________________________________
3. What did you learn? ____________________________________________________________
------------- NEXT - Go back to the main page and click “interactive weather maps”
1. Click the symbols at the top of the map...what different things does this map tell you?
2. Click layers at the top…what can this part of the map tell you?
3. Click the play and pause buttons at the bottom…what does this part of the map show you?
4. Try typing in different locations…what can you learn from doing this?
-------------------Next Stop
FIRST - Under National Forecast chart, click “High Resolution version”
1. Where is there a cold front and what direction is it moving? _______________________________
2. Where is there a warm front and what direction is it moving? _____________________________
3. Where is there high pressure? What does this indicate in terms of the weather? ______________
4. Where is there low pressure? What does this indicate in terms of the weather? ______________
Scientist’s Name: _____________________________
Work Hard – Get Smart – No Excuses.
NEXT Scroll down…what are 6 different maps & forecasts you could look at on this website?
1. ________________________________ 4. _____________________________________
2. _________________________________ 5. _____________________________________
3. __________________________________ 6. ____________________________________
NEXT - Choose two that you are interested in exploring and tell me more!
1. Name of map: __________________________________
2. What did the map show you? ____________________________________________________
3. What did you learn? ____________________________________________________________
1. Name of map: __________________________________
2. What did the map show you? ____________________________________________________
3. What did you learn? ____________________________________________________________
FIRST - Go up to Forecasts and click “Today’s forecast”
NEXT - Enter a place you are curious about or enter Rose Hill, NC
1. You have chosen: ________________________________
2. What is the five day forecast?
NEXT – Choose a second place you are curious about.
1. You have chosen: ________________________________
2. What is the five day forecast?
Scientist’s Name: _____________________________
Work Hard – Get Smart – No Excuses.
NEXT - At the top, click maps and click “world forecast”
1. Choose a few countries and explore their weather forecasts…
Country 1:____________________________
What did you learn? ______________________________________________________________
Country 2:___________________________
What did you learn? ______________________________________________________________
Country 3:_______________________________
What did you learn? ______________________________________________________________
NEXT - At the top bar, explore “hurricane central”
1. What is going on in the world with hurricanes currently? _______________________________
2. What did you learn? ____________________________________________________________
3…2…1… Time – Summing it up!
3 Things you learned:
2 Things you found interesting:
1 Question you still have:
Scientist’s Name: _____________________________
Work Hard – Get Smart – No Excuses.
Station Models:
1. Label what each symbol and number represents on the station model:
2. What do you think is the purpose of the
station model? _______________________
3. Draw a station model of what it would like if it was….
A Temperature of 80 degrees
A Dew Point of 60
Sea Level Pressure of 110
Air Pressure trend of -5
Partly cloudy
Weather: Deep Fog
Really windy and South East Winds
4. Draw a second station model of what it would look like if it was…
□ A Temperature of 55 degrees
□ A Dew Point of 38
□ Sea Level Pressure of 90
□ Air Pressure trend of 7
□ Overcast
□ Weather: Heavy Rains
□ Really windy and North West Winds
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