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Practice Test
You will have three hours and five ~nutes to complete this exam. The multiple choice section is fifty-five
minutes long while the essay section allows two hours and ten minutes.
Section I
Multiple-Choice Question (55 minutes)
70 questions
50 percent of final score
1. Historians often consider the Neolithic Era a turning point in the history of the world. Which of the
following events that occurred in that period best supports the contention?
Transoceanic migrations spread human populati~ns outside of the African continent.
Development of pottery and basketry increased food production.
Denser populations, specialized labor, and complex social relations gave rise to cities.
Humans abandoned slash-and-burn food production and focused on foraging.
Library of Congress
Prints and Photographs
Division LC-DIG-matpc-07399
2. The picture above of a ziggurat c. 3000 exemplifies which of the following historical
(A) Religious structures and edifices were used to control and oppress subject peoples, and they were
sometimes subjected to forced labor to build and maintain these cult symbols.
(B) Competition between different civilizations produced a sense of cultural commonality within
diverse populations.
(C) Commerce was stimulated by construction projects that governments designed to impress their
trading partners.
(D) Public works were designed to instill common purpose and impress upon common people the
power of the state, and they required a huge investment of resources and thousands of laborers.
3. Which of the following is the most important effect of the Bantu migrations c. 1000-500 B.C.E.?
(A) The establishment of agricultural societies who cultivated yams and grains throughout most of
sub-Saharan Africa.
(B) The development of monotheism served to unify different Bantu groups through sub-Saharan
(C) Interaction between the Bantu tribes and the Egyptians spread the science of irrigation through
sub-Saharan Africa.
(D) Bantu artisans perfe~ted the combination ,of tin and copper to make bronze tools necessary for
Test 11
2 I Practice
4. Which of the following is a similarity between common agricultural practices in ancient Egypt and
ancient Mesopotamia?
(A) In both societies, erratic flooding caused the consistent fear of famine.
(B) In both societies, the rulers proved unable to consistently manage water supplies, so farmers were
unable to depend on irrigation.
(C) In both societies, outside invaders diverted water supplies, leading to the collapse of these societies.
(D) In both societies, high agricultural productivity led to a rapid increase in population and forced
development and adoption of more sophisticated agricultural methods.
5. An anthropologist researching early Aryan hymns, songs, prayers, and rituals honoring Aryan gods
would most likely use which of the following sources?
(A) Data regarding horse-breeding locations, as worship of horses seems to have been at the center of
early Aryan civilization
(B) Records of trading accounts showing interactions between the Harrappan people of the Ganges
Valley and the Aryan migrants.
(C) Migratory routes followed by the Aryans as they moved south and began settling in India c. 1500
(D) The Rig veda,an oral collection of pastoral tradition that was compiled by Aryan priests between
1400 and 900 B.C.E.
Riga veda, c. 1400 B.C.E.
The Upanishads, c. 800 B.C.E.
Laws of Manu, c. 100 B.C.E.
Mahabharata, c. 400 B.C.E.
6. Ahistorian examining the blending of Aryan and Dravidian values in early India could best utilize the
sources listed above to analyze which of the following?
Reasons for the disappearance ofHarrappan settlements
The increasing focus on cattle as protected animals
The evolving nature of Hindu theology
Transference of religious ceremonial rituals from written to oral formats
7. Historians often consider c. 1000 a turning point in the history of India's caste system. Which of the
following cultural trends that occurred around that time best supports this contention?
(A) Recognition of four major varnas (colors) or castes, including brahmins (priests) and,kshatriyas
(warriors and aristocrats), as the most honorable of social groups
(B) Achieving social mobility from a lower to a higher caste never occurred in Late Vedic cultures
because there were no methods for changing social status.
(C) Development of the complicated system of subcastes, or jatis, within the four varnas gave rise to
development of matriarchy as the basis for social hierarchy. .
(D) Power of the brahmins and kshatriyas weakened as other ~astes and sub castes gained more power
through increased social mobility.
__ c.
Meche and Chimu
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8. After examining information given in the map above, which would be the most appropriate title?
"Pacific Routes of Zheng He c. 1425 C.E."
"Magellan and the Portuguese Exploration of Austronesia c. 1520 C.E."
''Austronesian Means of Migration 1500 B.C.E. to 700 C.E."
"The Exploration of Charles Darwin and the Beagle c. 1829 C.E."
"Turning the Wheel of the Law" sermon
Monasteries whose monks wore yellow robes
The Four Noble Truths and The Eightfold Path
King Ashoka's lion pillars
9. The list above best describes which of the following religious belief systems found in early India?
Aspects of Confucianism
Aspects of Hinduism
Aspects ofJudaism
Aspects of Buddhism
10. Which of the following best characterizes the role merchants played in the spread of Buddhism
c. 300 100 B.C.E.?
(A) Buddhism was attractive to many merchants who practiced and explained their religion while
traveling and transporting goods on Silk Road routes.
(B) Heavily influenced by Hinduism, early Buddhist merchant travelers rarely shared their religious
beliefs with their commercial contacts in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and China.
(C) Buddhist doctrine forbids proselytizing, so merchants played little role in the very limited spread of
Buddhism to areas outside of India.
(D) Emperor Ashoka's persistent attempts to destroy Buddhist institutions forced Buddhist merchants
to flee from persecution.
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4 I Practice
Time & Life Pictures/Getty
11. The photograph above of the life-size, terra cotta army buried near Emperor Qin Shihuangdi's tomb
best exemplifies which historical process?
(A) Imposition of an economic system on peoples subject to Qin rule who were forced to pay for burial
goods for Qin Shihuangdi when he died
(B) Religious beliefs about the needs of royalty in the afterlife spread along trade routes.
(C) The buried terra cotta army reflected the power of the state and emperor to organize society along
bureaucratic lines.
(D) Development of a rivalry between religious and secular authorities over how rulers should be
87 B.C.E.
86 B.C.E.
83 B.C.E.
46 B.C.E.
Gaius Marius seizes power in Rome and puts the republic under military rule.
Gaius Marius dies, and Romans engage in civil conflict.
Lucius Cornelius Sul1aseizes power in Rome and purges proscribed enemies.
Gaius Marius's nephew, Julius Caesar, conquers Gaul, occupies Rome, and then declares
himself dictator for life.
44 B.C.E. JuliuS Caesar is assassinated, and civil war breaks out throughout the Roman Empire
44 B.C.E. Caesar's adopted son and nephew, Octavian, began fighting a civil war with
MarkAntony, Cleopatra of Egypt, and the republicans who had murdered Ceasar.'
39 B.C.E. Octavian defeats Antony and Cleopatra at Actium in Greece, suppressing the revolt, and
then has himself declared emperor.
12. A historian examining Roman historical events during the first century B.C.E.would use the information
given above to analyze which of the following?
(A) The expansion of Roman military might throughout the'Mediterranean basin and neighboring
(B) Roman political infighting that occurred during the shift from an imperial system to a republican
form of government
(C) The instability of Roman political institutions that resulted in Egyptian influence upon Roman
(D) The evolution of Rome from a republic to an imperial form of government
13. A historian researching the organization of transregional trade on Eurasian Silk Roads would most
likelyuse which of the followingsources?
(A) Maps charting long-range land trade routes that detail the geographic challenges of traveling
various Silk Road routes
(B) Description of agricultural products and manufactured goods in demand in China as part of Silk
Road commercial activities
(C) Contemporaneous sailing charts of the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and
South China Sea ports alongmaritime SilkRoad routes
(D) Accounts of individual merchants transporting goods along one stage of a Silk Road route and then
trading those goods to merchants who transported the goods to the next stage
14. Which of the following best justifies the claim that the mid-seventh century marks a significant
evolution in treatment of women in areas where Islam was adopted?
could divorce husbands on their own initiative.
could have multiple husbands.
were not allowed to own property.
were treated in same way as Christian and Jewish women.
15. The contents of the map, "The Sui and Tang Dynasties, 589-907c.E.," are most consistent with which of
the following statements?
(A) The only external threats that the Tang dynasty faced were in the north and west where defensive
walls were constructed.
(B) The Tang dynasty included all land areas that are currently part of the People's Republic of China.
(C) The Tang dynasty interests included continued trade and diplomatic contact with states to the west,
which resulted in the occupation of territory reaching deep into central Asia.
(D) The Grand Canal played only a limited role in Tang dynasty communications, internal commerce,
and the external exchange of goods.
16. Which of the following was an important reason for the fall of the Tang and Song dynasties?
Increasing desertification of the Gobi resulted in internal migrations of displaced peasants.
The failure to occupy Java and protect the diasporic Chinese community there
Slave revolts, which resulted in commitment of armies to suppressing the slaves
Increased attacks by neighboring seminomadic peoples occurred.
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Practice Test
17. A historian who was researching the Abbasid caliphate, its capital city Baghdad, and connections to interlocking trade networks of a hemispheric scale, would most likely use which of the following sources?
(A) Written summaries of the overland travels of Abbasid merchants to Tenochtitlan and Cahokia in
North America
(B) Examples of trade goods such as woolen cloth and pewter objects from England exchanged by
Abbasid merchants with connections to trade networks in the Austronesian region
(C) Remains of caravansaries frequented by Abbasid merchants who used camels for moving goods in
Abbasid lands as well as in lands where friendly trading networks were active
(D) Charts showing the maritime routes used by Abbasid merchants to assist those merchants in
planning maritime expeditions to trade with the indigenous groups in what now is Japan
18. A historian researching Harsha, the King who ruled from 606 648 and for a time reunited much
of India after the fall of the Gupta Empire, would most likely use which of the following?
account ofXuanzang, a Chinese pilgrim and traveler who was visiting India
account of Marco Polo, an Italian merchant, diplomat, and traveler who was visiting India
accounts ofIbn Battuta, a Moroccan traveler, cleric, and traveler who was visiting India
accounts of Zheng He, a Chinese bureaucrat and admiral who was visiting India
19. Aspects of the succession to the throne of the so-called Mameluke, or slave sultans, in Egypt, who ruled
from 1260 1517 C.E.,is most comparable to which of these dynasties?
kingdom of Funan, c. first century c. sixth century C.E.
Sultanate of Delhi, 1205 1526 C.E.
kingdom ofVijayanagar, 1336 1565 C.E.
kingdom of Angkor, 889 1431 C.E.
in 640 c.L
about 1300ofDtlhi
nil II
20. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the above map?
"Major States of Post classical India, 600-1600 C.E."
"Mongol Kingdoms of Post classical India, 600-1600 C.E."
"Hindu Kingdoms of Post classical India, 600-1600 C.E."
"The Gupta Empire, 600-1600 C.E."
21. A historian researching origins of the Great Schism that split Christianity in 1054 C.E.would most likely
use which of the following sources?
(A) Correspondence between the popes in Rome and the patriarchs in Constantinople prior to
1055 C.E.
(B) Census data related to Christian populations in Europe, Southwest Asia, and North Africa
c. 1055 C.E.,especially urban centers such as Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, and Alexandria
(C) Official church biographies of bishops and archbishops in modern Italy, Greece, and Turkey
c. 1055 C.E.
(D) Letters sent by churchffien to their families in the 1050s C.E.,focusing on Western European sources
22. Which of the followingempires are most closelyassociatedwith the concept of caesaropapism?
Holy Roman Empire, 962 1806 C.E.
Tang dynasty, 618 907 C.E.
Song dynasty, 960 1279 C.E.
Byzantine Empire, 306 1453 C.E.
23. Which of the following best characterizes encounters beginning in the ninth and tenth century C.E.
between Norse mariner merchants and their trading partners?
(A) Norse merchant mariners during this time period rarely ventured beyond the Baltic Sea and North
Sea until the discovery oHcelandand Greenland.
(B) The Byzantine fleet blocked Norse merchant mariners from the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea
basins, rebuking the attempts of Norse merchant mariners to trade in those regions.
(C) Very few products from Scandinavia, Carolingian Europe, or the Byzantine Empire were valued by
Abbasid merchants; so Norse merchant maritime contacts with the Abbasids were limited.
(D) Norse merchant mariners carried Scandinavian products to the Abbasid empires, traded the goods
for silver coins, and then exchanged the silver for Carolingian goods valued in Scandinavia.
24. The Mongols resettled the literate and highly educated Uigher Turks far from their homelands to sites
where the Mongols could best make use of the conquered peoples' skills.This decision resulted in which
of die following historical processes?
Promotion of Eurasian economic integration
Separation between settled and nomadic populations
Occupation and colonization of South Asia
Diffusion of silk cultivation to East Asia
25. A historian researching pre-Columbian Andean record keeping would be most likely to use which of the
following resources?
(A) Descriptions of glyph systems used by Olmecs, Toltecs, Maya, Mexica, and other Mesoamerican
peoplesin variousformats
(B) Descriptions of the alphabetic system, which originated with the Phoenicians and then was adopted
and adapted by neighboring peoples
(C) Descriptions of the cuneiform systems used by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and other
neighboring peoples
(D) Descriptions ofIncan mnemonic devices called.quipu, which consisted of small, different-colored
cords attached to a larger cord and included various sizes and types of knots
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Test I
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8 I Practice
26. Which of the following best characterizes a central element that was responsible for expanding transSaharan trade after about 300 C.E.?
(A) Buddhist merchant communities were established in Ghana and Songhay and used human porters
to move sub-Saharan products to the Mediterranean basin.
(B) Carthaginians colonized sub-Saharan regions, including the Congo River basin and ancient
Zimbabwe, and then used elephant caravans to export products to Indian Ocean emporia.
(C) Byzantine oxen and wagons transported slaves taken in the Black and Caspian Sea regions to markets
alongthe Swahilicoast.
(D) Berbers and Romans living in North Africa used camels to transport Mediterranean goods to
sub-Saharan markets and returned home with gold procured from local sub-Saharan sources.
27. Which of the following was a reason for the successful development of extensive trade networks by the
Mexica people centered on the city ofTenochtitlan and the Italian residents of the city-state of Venice?
(A) Both cities shared the faith of Roman Catholicism that helped them build successful trade relations
with other Catholic states.
(B) Both cities specialized in silk production, selling this precious product to trading partners.
(C) Both cities maintained large standing armies that were used to occupy and colonize neighboring
mainland regions.
(D) Both cities were located on easily defended islands, freeing resources they could use to invest in
building trade networks.
28. Demographers often consider the 1340s to be a turning point in the history of population trends in east
Asia, central Asia, and Europe. Which of the following events that occurred in that period best supports
that contention?
(A) The spread of a syphilis epidemic along trans-Saharan trade routes first to the Mediterranean region
and then to regions to the north and east
(B) The spread of bubonic plague from Yunnan in southeast China, to central China, and then to regions
as far away as the Atlantic Ocean coast in Western Europe
(C) The spread of cholera from an outbreak in central Asia to east Asia, Europe, and India and then into
Eastern Africa
(D) The spread of smallpox in the Caribbean basin transported first to Europe and then to areas farther
east, including India and China by merchants and mariners
29. The desire to expand religious boundaries and the desire to profit from commercial opportunities are
two goals that characterize the motivations of which of the following regions that were involved in
maritime expansion in the era c. 1450 c. 1750?
Western Europe
East Asia
30. Which of the following comparisons regarding Portuguese and Spanish voyages of exploration
beginning c. 1300 correct?
(A) Portuguese navigators concentrated on finding a way to east Asia by exploring for a northeast
passage around Eurasia, and the Spanish navigators sought a route to Asia by trying to explore the
seas around Australia.
(B) Portuguese navigators concentrated on finding a sea route around Africa to Asia, and Spanish
navigators concentrated on finding a way to Asia by exploring west of Europe.
(C) Portuguese navigators concentrated on finding a way to Asia by using the Suez Canal, and Spanish
navigators searched exclusively for a northwest passage around the Americas.
(D) Portu~ese navigators concentrated on finding a ~ay to Asia by exploring west of Europe, and
SpanIsh navigators concentrated on finding a sea route around Africa to Asia.
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31. Which of the following did not contribute to the development of more accurate maps in the period
between 1450 C.E.and 1750?
(A) Use of the astrolabe to help European mariners accurately measure latitude by being able to make
calculations based on readings of the position of the polar star or the sun
(B) The development of steamships that allowed mariners to explore areas that had been inaccessible
before this technology was developed
(C) Use of cross-staffs and back staffs, which were based on Arabic designs and adapted by European
(D) More accurate knowledge of winds and currents that helped mariners make determinations of when
to schedule voyages
32. The expansion of western European nations c. 1492 c. 1759 facilitated the diffusion of plant and
food crops around the world. Which of the followffig events is an example of a similar process from
c. 700 1l00?
early expansion of Papua New Guinea into western South America
early expansioh of Polynesia into New Zealand
early expansion of Islam in Afro-Eurasia
early Mongol expansion into central and western Europe
33. An economic historian researching the response of c. 1500 western European capitalist entrepreneurs to.
the craft-guild system of production would most likely use which of the following sources?
(A) Accounts of how the putting-out system was used to circumvent urban craft guild restrictions by
providing raw materials to rural households where they were transformed into finished goods
(B) Letters by the heads of entrepreneurial businesses to their raw material suppliers explaining production costs
(C) Diplomatic correspondence between absolute monarchs regarding use of urban craft guilds to
create assembly line like production of unfinished goods
(D) Autobiographies of merchants from the Dutch East India Company describing the great demand
for European craft guild finished goods in China
34. Historians often consider c. 1492 a turning in the history of European population growth. Which of the
following events that occurred in that period best supports this contention?
(A) Lack of urban growth in Europe during this period was tied to the rise of the early factory system,
where birthrates fell as more people worked in the mills.
(B) Changes in nutrition based on exploitation of the North Sea and Baltic Sea fisheries made Europeans
more susceptible to infectious diseases.
(C) Introduction of American crops such as potatoes and American maize provided cheap, abundant
sources of food for Europeans and their animals.
(D) The rapid decline in European population c. 1492 was related to massive European immigration to
Africa and southeastern Asia.
35. The encomienda system instituted by the Spanish in their Latin American holdings was most like earlier
European serfdom in that
(A) both systems compelled laborers to work for the landowners, but also, in theory, they required the
landowner to provide for their health and safety needs
(B) both systems used Christianity as a justification to force participants to convert to the Catholic or
Protestant faiths
(C) both systems allowed laborers to retain their own small plots of land and then share the bounty of
that land with the landowner
(D) both systems required men to serve as militia in service to the landowner, if other landowners
attacked him
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Test I
II Practice
of Congress
Prints and Photographs
Division LC-USZ62-41678
36. The publishing of the lithograph above of a slave ship arriving in the United States c. 1860 best
exemplifies which of the following historical processes?
of imagery
of imagery
of imagery
of imagery
to promote
to promote
to promote
to promote
right of states to exercise popular sovereignty
right of slavers to import their product, slaves
right of missionaries to convert slaves
concept of abolition of slavery
37. The Spanish conquerors in South America adopted the Inca use of the mit'a, a practice that used forced
labor to complete particularly dangerous or difficult chores that free laborers would not accept. Which
of the following was a result of the Spanish adaptation of previous Incan practice?
(A) Incan rulers reduced the demand for mit'a obligations out of elite concern for the well-being and
prosperity of their subjects.
(B) Many men sought to evade mit'a obligations by fleeing to cities or to distant villages, thus influencing settlement patterns across the region.
(C) Spanish authorities required that draft laborers had to work without compensation, which formed
the foundation for seventeenth-century slavery in the New World.
(D) The Spanish government demanded that workers spend the entire year completing work that was
needed to construct and maintain defense and commercial structures.
Practice li
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38. Which of the following best characterizes a central element of the Atlantic triangular trade between
c. 1500 and c. 1800?
(A) Europe shipped manufactured goods to Africa that were exchanged for slaves; then slaves were transported to the Americas and traded for cash, sugar, or molasses to sell in Europe.
(B) American manufactured goods were transported to Africa and then exchanged for slaves that were sold
in Europe; European grain and furs were then sold to American customers.
(C) Indian and southeast Asian manufactured goods were shipped to the America, sold for sugar and
molasses, and the sugar and molasses was transported to Europe and exchanged for grain and wine.
(D) Chinese entrepreneurs monopolized the Atlantic triangular trade during this period, basing trade
routes and exchanges on earlier Chinese exploration and colonization led by Admiral Zheng He.
2 I Practice
John Want/Getty
39. The Great Wall of China pictured above, begun in the fifth century B.C.E.and intermittently expanded
through the sixteenth century C.E.,best exemplifies which of the following historical processes?
(A) Imposition of Chinese religious traditions by military conquest and forced conversion to the state
(B) Spread of religion along trade routes protected by monumental fortifications and manned by
foreign mercenaries
(C) Development of a rivalry between settled peoples with a universalized religious tradition and nomadic,
Shamanistic peoples
(D) Imperial development and maintenance of border fortifications to block incursions by nomads and to
displayimperial power
Osman Bey founds the Ottoman state in western Anatolia.
The Byzantine city of Bursa in western Anatolia falls to the Ottomans.
Gallipoli and Adrianople in Thrace become the Ottomans' first European possessions.
Constantinople falls to Ottomans under Sultan Mehmet n.
Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent besieges Habsburg Vienna.
40. A historian examining this series of events from the history of the Ottoman Empire would most likely
be studying
(A) how recruitment and use of bureaucratic and military elites such as those raised by the Ottoman
devishirme helped build and expand the Ottoman state
(B) how the resurgent Byzantine Empire allied with the Habsburgs to use superior military technology
to decisively defeat the Ottomans
(C) how visual displays of power that occurred at each of these events reinforced Byzantine and Sassanid Persian rejection of Ottoman expansion"
(D) how economic competition between western European and Ottoman commercial interests resulted
in the decline of Ottoman power by the second half of the fifteenth century
41. A historian researching the religious and political decision making of Safavid dynasty leaders would
most likely use which of the following sources?
of Sunni Islam
of Shi'ism
of Hinduism
of Sikhism
1600-1867 Diplomatic records related to international relations with neighboring states and
c. 1630s
c. 1630s
European powers.
Japanese government edicts expelled Europeans fi.-omJapanand prohibited Europeans fi.-om
trading in Japanese ports.
Japanese were forbidden to travel overseas on threatened with death.
Small numbers of Dutch and Chinese merchants were allowed in Nagasaki for
seasonal trade.
Sixty-one of seventy-four Portuguese sailors who sailed into Nagasaki harbor were
c. 1640
Japan carries on flourishing trade with Asian neighbors, including China, Korea, Taiwan,
and the Ryukyu Islands
42. A historian examining Japanese history between 1600 and 1867 could best use the information about the
events aboveto analyzewhich of the following?
Roots of the Japanese industrial revolution
Early attempts by the Japanese emperor to acquire a colonial empire
Xenophobia under the Shogunate form of government
Attempts by Japan's emperor to strength the daimyo by boycotting foreign trade
43. Simon de Bolivar's goal was to the combine the former Spanish colonies in mainland South America
into a unitary confederation similar to
United States of America
British Commonwealth
French Commune
Holy Roman Empire
c. 1760s Strict enforcement of British navigation laws requires that cargo be shipped in British ships
and that tariffs be paid.
Sugar Act places a tax on molasses imports.
Stamp Act places a tax on publishing and on legal documents.
TownshendAct placesa tax on a variety of imported items. .
Tea Act places a tax on tea.
44. A historian examining the two decades prior to the American Revolution would best utilize the information listed above to analyze which of the following?
(A) Results of Britain's defeat in the French and Indian War, part of the larger Seven Years' War also
fought in India, Europe, and at sea
(B) Mercantilist theory as applied to the settler colonies in the Americas, as well as in South Africa and
(C) Taxation within the thirteen British colonies in eastern North America as conceived and imposed by
colonial legislatures
(D) Taxation imposed upon the thirteen British colonies in eastern North America by actions of the
British Parliament
45. Increasing worker productivity, continuing economic specialization, and the ongoing growth oflargescale manufacturing are results of what historical process?
The putting-out method of production
Machine production of goods
The unionization of workers
The implementation of high tariffs
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L4 I Practice
...In how many ways do I wish, from the purest benevolence, to impress this truth on my sex; yet I fear
that they will not listen to a truth that dear bought experience has brought home to many an agitated
bosom, nor willingly resign the privileges of rank and sex for the privileges of humanity, to which those
have no claim who do not discharge its duties... Those writers are particularly useful, in my opinion, who
make man feel for man, independent of the station he fills, or the drapery of factitious sentiments. I then
would fain convince reasonable men of the importance of some of my remarks; and prevail on them to
weigh dispassionately the whole tenor of my observations 1 appeal to their understandings; and, as a
fellow-creature, claim, in the name of my sex, some interest in their hearts. I entreat them to assist to
emancipate their companion, to make her a help meet for them!...Would men but generously snap our
chains, and be content with rational fellowship instead of slavish obedience, they would find us more
observant daughters, more affectionate sisters, more faithful wives, more reasonable a word,
better citizens.
Mary Wollstonecraft,A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 1792
46. Which of the following best characterizes the period in which Mary Wollstonecraft presented these
European Enlightenment
Baroque era
Italian Renaissance
47. Which of following pairs were Enlightenment authors who contributed or expanded upon the ideas of
freedom, equality, and popular sovereignty associated with eighteenth and nineteenth century in the
revolutions of the eastern and western hemispheres?
(A) Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
(B) Toussaint Louverture and George Washington
(G;)John Locke and Baron de Montesquieu
(D) Otto von Bismarck and Napoleon
48. Historians who believe 1900 is the best choice for the transition between two major periods in U. S.
transportation history, and historians who maintain that 1865 is a better choice for that transition are
most likely to agree on the relative importance of which of the following?
The creation of subways in all major U. S. cities between 1865 and 1900
The total replacement of telegraphy by telephone communication between 1865 and 1900
The expansion in total U. S. railroad mileage between 1865 and 1900
The development of a significantly larger steamboat fleet in the Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri
River systems between 1865 and 1900
49. Which of following was not an important reason why Great Britain, the Yangtze delta region in China,
and Japan exhibited growing and dynamic economies by the mid-eighteenth century?
rising levels of sanitation and increasing use of scientific methodology in health care
increasing levels of agricultural production resulting in sigiiificant population growth
high population densities encouraging increasing levels of occupational specialization
access to navigable rivers, canals, and inland waterways
50. A historian researching reasons for the Opium Wars would most likely use which of the following
(A) Memoirs of Roman Catholic missionaries active in Japan and Korea c. 1830
(B) Notes from psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud on the use of cocaine to treat disorders such as hysteria
(C) Qing dynasty proclamations concerning overland trade with Tibet, Turkistan, and the Russian
(D) Ship logs from British and other naval vessels assigned to patrol the South China Sea
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51. Which of the following best characterizes the role played by caudillos(regional military leaders) in many
Latin American states in the nineteenth century?
(A) The deeply engrained popular belief in an elected, democratic government limited the power of
caudillosin Latin American states after independence.
(B) Most leaders in the Latin American wars of independence had been military men ready to appeal to
populist sentiments and the discontent of the masses.
(C) The Roman Catholic Church and a resurgent Spanish Empire opposed the caudillosas counterrevolutionaries backed by Spain and defeated the Latin American revolutions.
(D) Successful and long-lived federations of states, such as the United Provinces of Central America,
forced caudillosback to their barracks and out of civilian life.
52. During the period c. 1840 to 1914, which of the following reasons best explains the U. S. government's
decision to halt immigration from China and later Japan?
(A) White, native-born citizens began to feel overwhelmed by growing numbers of Asian immigrants
who had different social and cultural traditions.
(B) The United States was involved in the Russo-Japanese War as a Russian ally and wanted to strike
out against Japan and her ally, China.
(C) Increasing illegal immigration from Canada and Mexico inspired the so-called Yellow Peril, as these
migrants were seeking to avoid military service.
(D) No more immigrants were needed, as available factory and farm jobs had been filled by previous
53. Which of the following best characterizes a central element of the role of the Ottoman Empire in world
affairs in the period between 1800 and 1923?
(A) A series of reformist, liberal sultans with janissary support were able to modernize the Ottoman
bureaucracy and limit foreign involvement in the empire.
(B) In close alliance with the Russian and Austrian empires, Ottoman bureaucrats were able to expand
and stabilize Ottoman hegemony in the eastern Mediterranean.
(C) Military reverses made the Ottoman state unable to resist European economic penetration and
territorial dismemberment.
(D) The Wahabbi movement, originating in Egypt, led to adoption of Shi'ism through the Ottoman
lands, with other religious groups exiled to neighboring countries.
c. 1870s
King Leopold of Belgium establishes the Congo Free State as his personal colony.
Egypt is occupied by Great Britain to protect European financial interests and to defend
the Suez Canal.
1884-1885 The Berlin Conference on Africa is convened by twelve European powers, the United
States, and the Ottoman Empire.
1895-1896 Italy invades Ethiopia, but is defeated and forced to withdraw.
The battle of Omdurman occurs in Sudan, where British forces kill 20,000 Sudanese but
sustain minimal losses.
54. A historian examining the nineteenth-century history of Africa could best use information about the
events above to evaluate which of the following?
(A) The influences of the United States and the Ottoman Empire in limiting European colonization of
(B) The spread oflarge-scale European immigration and the establishment of settler colonies throughout the African continent
(C) The superiority of western technological innovations and industrialization over traditional African
technology and artisanal production
(D) The scramble of expansionist European powers to colonize virtually the entire African continent
by 1900
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55. The effects of European colonization of Australia are most similar to the effects of European colonization of which of the following world regions?
North Africa
North America
East Asia
South Asia
Getty Images
56. The photograph above of nineteenth-century Russian merchants clad in a mixture of traditional Russian
and western European clothing best exemplifies which of the following historical processes?
Syncretism between local and universalized cultural trends
Migration of cultural nonns through military conquest
Spread of democratic belief systems from Russia to western Europe
Development of a rivalry between religious and secular authority
57. Which of the following was not a result of the British monopoly on telegraphic communication within
their empire c. 1900?
Large profits flowed to British investors after expenses were paid
The British could quickly mobilize military forces to deal with troubles within the Empire.
British merchants could respond quickly to business or commercial opportunities
The British monarchy used the technology to spy on visitors as well as Empire citizens
58. A historian researching indentured labor migrations during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
would most likely use which of the following sources?
(A) Copies of indenture agreements signed by recruited workers from parts of Africa, Asia, and Oceania
(B) Steamship cargo records of transportation of passengers from ports of call in the Caribbean, South
America, and Southeast Asia
(C) Manumission records from Brazil and the United States when slavery was ended in those countries
(D) Parrish birth and death records from Italy, Russia, and Poland, which were prime sources of indentured labor for settler colonies
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59. Which of the following technological innovations best explain the changing nature of warfare that led
to a stalemate on the Western Front during World War I?
Airplanes and atomic bombs
Dirigibles and poison gas
Barbed wire and machine guns
Napalm and rifles
60. The cartoon above, published in 1914 by German cartoonist Walter Frier, was most likely drawn in
response to
(A) nationalist aspirations, national rivalries, and entangling alliances affecting European politics
(B) recurring religious antagonisms between Protestants, Roman Catholics, and Orthodox Christians in
Europe and elsewhere
(C) refutations of stereotypical, racist descriptions of African, Asians, and America's native peoples in the
European popular press
(D) cultural aspirations and beliefs that separated Mediterranean, northern European, and Slavic
Government promoted racist ideology and eugenics, especially the ideas of racial superiority and
Tax credits, special child allotments, and marriage loans to encourage childbearing by residents
Compulsory sterilization of residents with "hereditarily determined illnesses," including schizophrenia,
manic depression, hereditary blindness, or deafness; feeblemindness; chronic alcoholism; and physical
Government sanctioned abortions for the "hereditary ill" and "racial aliens"; the government
otherwise outlawed abortion
61. The list above best describes societal conditioning that established the societal norms that contributed
to which of the following?
Holocaust in Europe
Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire
Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia
Trail of Tears in the United States
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Digital Image @The Museum Of Modem ArtlUcensed
by SCALA I Art
62. Which of the following cultural factors most likely contributed to Pablo Picasso's creation of
Les Demoisellesd'Avignon (1907)?
of Oceania's cultural artifacts on the Romantic school of painters
of Roman and Greek cultural traditions on neoclassical painters
of African art forms on the cubist school of painters
of industrialization on the abstractionist school of painters
63. A historian studying "Yankee imperialism" would be most likely to use which of the following sources?
Conference of Berlin
Monroe Doctrine
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildalgo
Versailles Treaty
64. A historian studying the motivations for Palestinian intifada (a popular mass movement among
Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip) would be most interested in which of the
following sources?
(A) The biography of King Hussein ofJordan, ruler of that country for much of the twentieth century
and a bitter foe of Palestinian self-determination
(B) A list of legislation passed by the United Arab Republic, which united Egypt and Syria under the
rule of President Nasser
(C) Transcripts of interviews of leaders of the Palestinian Liberation Organization exiled from Israel
after the 1947 partition
(D) A copy of the Baghdad Pact, a British and U.S.-inspired military pact between those powers, Turkey,
Iraq, and Iran
On that unhappy island (Cuba), as in so many other areas of the contest for freedom, the news has
grown worse instead of better. 1 have emphasized before that this was a struggle of Cuban patriots
against a Cuban dictator. While we could not be expected to lend our sympathies, we made it repeatedly
clear that the armed forces of this country would not intervene in any way.
It is not the first time that Communist tanks have rolled over gallant men and women fighting to
redeem the independence of their homeland. Nor is it by any means the final episode in the eternal
struggle of liberty against tyranny, anywhere on the face of the globe, including Cuba itself.
Mr. Castro has said that these were mercenaries. According to press reports, the final message to be
relayed from the refugee forces on the beach came from the rebel commander when asked if he wished
to be evacuated. His answer was: "I will never leave this country." That is not the reply of a mercenary.
Power is the hallmark of this offensive-power and discipline and deceit. The legitimate discontent
of yearning peoples is exploited. The legitimate trappings of self-determination are employed. But once
in power, all talk of discontent is repressed-all self-determination disappears-and the promise of a
revolution of hope is betrayed, as in Cuba, into a reign of terror. . . .
John R Kennedy, The Lesson of Cuba, 1961
65. Which of the following factors most likely contributed to John R Kennedy's comments in May, 1961,
regarding the situation in Cuba?
(A) The Communist expropriation of casinos and other business in Cuba that were owned by members
of American organized crime
(B) The blockade of the American naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by forces under the command
of Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro
(C) The threatened deployment of nuclear weapons in Cuba by the Soviet Union under the leadership
of Nikita Khrushchev
(D) The failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion by anticommunist Cuban refugees backed by the United
States and John R Kennedy
66. Historians who consider 1945 be a turning point in modem military history would be most
interested in researching which of the following events?
the first use of the atomic bomb
the Nazi defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad
Russian deployment of nuclear weapons to Cuba
terrorist acquisition and use of "rogue nukes"
67. A historian exploring the concept of total war would be most likely to consider which of the following
sets of conflicts?
World War 1 and World War IT
The Haitian Revolution and the Russian Revolution
The Seven Years' War and the Taiping Rebellion
The Mexican War and the Russo-Japanese War
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Great Britain
68. The dates on this map most likely correspond to what historical process?
Diffusion of AIDS in Africa
Establishment of United Nations membership
Spread of Democracy in Africa
Decolonization in Africa
69. Which of the following statements is true about these three leaders?
(A) Ho, Nkrumah, and Gandhi
as their primary strategy
(B) Ho, Nkrumah, and Gandhi
throw foreign oppressors
(C) Ho, Nkrumah, and Gandhi
(D) Ho, Nkrumah, and Gandhi
converted to Christianity to inspire their followers to use nonresistance
believed that violent revolutionary struggle was the only means to overwere members of the Communist international conspiracy
led successful revolutionary struggles against colonizing powers
70. Which of the following best characterizes a central obstacle of the World Health Organization
(WHO)-an agency of the United Nations-in its work on population rates from its founding until the
(A) Global efforts to prevent excessive population growth have had mixed results as some people in
some societies have a mixture of political and religious beliefs that oppose birth control.
(B) Surging North American, European, and Japanese birthrates have frustrated WHO efforts to
minimize population growth rates and thus threaten the world's carrying capacity.
(C) India's Hindu majority and Muslim minority have supported family planning and the government's
strict one-child rule has resulted in minimal population growth in recent years.
(D) The reluctance of China's communist government to embrace birth control has resulted in massive
increases in China's population in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.