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ABSS Science Unit 2: Earth Science- Weather and Climate
Introduction: Through investigations and teacher led activities, students will explore weather patterns locally
and globally. They will collect and compare weather data to predict local weather.
Grade Level: Fifth Grade
for parents)
Suggested Unit Pacing: 30-34
During this unit students will know…
 Daily and Seasonal Changes in Weather, Wind
 Speed, Wind Direction, Precipitation,
 Temperature, Air Pressure, Weather Patterns,
 Weather Instruments, Data Collection, Weather
 Observation and Measurement
 Global air and water currents
In this unit, there are 3 clarifying objectives being addressed.
E. 1.1, the students will learn that weather changes from day to day and is described and
predicted using wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, temperature and air pressure. They
will also understand that seasonal differences occur due to latitude and placement within the
E.1.2, the students will learn that they can collect and compare data to predict the weather
using basic weather instruments such as the thermometer, barometer, anemometer, wind
vane and rain gauge. Students can also use the basic cloud types (stratus, cumulus,
cumulonimbus and cirrus) and the fronts associated with them to predict weather.
E.1.3, students will understand that local weather conditions are influenced by global factors
such as air and water currents. Global factors in this unit include the jet stream, the Gulf
Stream, the oscillation of water temperatures known as El Nino/La Nina, and hurricanes.
Possible misconceptions students may have…
It is more common for students to know that clouds are made up of tiny droplets of
water than it is for them to know that they can be made of tiny droplets of water or tiny
ice crystals.
for students)
Beware of art-related activities that use cotton balls to simulate clouds. This can lead
to the misconception that clouds are made of a cotton-like substance.
When teaching about the water cycle, be careful not to overemphasize the terms
evaporation, condensation, and precipitation at the expense of understanding what is
actually happening to the water during these processes both in terms of its physical
form and its location. Many students believe that the water evaporates to form a cloud
and is still in the form of water vapor and that rainfall is the result of condensation.
Be aware of poor diagrams of the water cycle that often show water evaporating and
rising to form a “white cloud” and then moving to a “dark cloud”. While the picture is
intended to show changes in the same cloud before it rains, to a student it looks like
two different clouds made up of seemingly different material- one made up of
evaporated water and the other made of condensed water.
“Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: Common Misconceptions About Polar Climate
and Weather”
NC Essential Standards
Understand weather patterns and phenomena, making connections to the weather in a
particular place and time.
5.E.1.1 Compare daily and seasonal changes in weather conditions (including wind speed and
direction, precipitation, and temperature) and patterns.
5.E.1.2 Predict upcoming weather events from weather data collected through observation
and measurement.
5.E.1.3 Explain how global patterns such as the jet stream and water currents influence local
weather in measurable terms such as temperature, wind direction, speed, and
The K-12 Scientific and Engineering Practices are based on those that scientists and
engineers actually engage in as part of their work. Teachers of science should
intentionally provide opportunities for students to immerse themselves in these
practices and to explore why they are central to their respective fields of study.
Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
Developing and using models
Planning and carrying out investigations
Analyzing and interpreting data
Using mathematics and computational thinking
Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
Engaging in argument from evidence
Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
These suggested learning targets were determined based on the intentions of the CCSS
and/or NCES. Teachers will need to add the criteria for success in order to create
outcome-based targets.
I can identify and use instruments that measure weather.
I can collect weather data and create graphs using current data.
I can interpret weather graphs based on weather data.
I can analyze the weather data for current trends and patterns.
I can determine the importance of temperature, air pressure, wind speed and precipitation.
I can understand what each weather instrument measures (thermometer, barometer,
anemometer, wind vane and rain gauge).
I can use basic weather instruments (thermometer, barometer, anemometer, wind vane and
rain gauge) to predict the weather.
I can create and utilize basic weather instruments (thermometer, barometer, anemometer,
wind vane and rain gauge).
I can identify and classify different cloud formations.
I can infer the different type of weather that different weather fronts may bring.
I can identify the difference between warm and cold fronts.
I can define and explain the meaning of jet stream, gulf stream, oscillation, el Niño, La Niña
and hurricanes.
I can analyze weather patterns in the Northern Hemisphere.
I understand that the jet stream moves from west to east and changes location (north to south)
based on global conditions.
I can evaluate how the movement of the Gulf Stream moderates weather along the Eastern
I can evaluate how the oscillation of water temperatures known as la Niña/el Niño impacts the
climate of North and South America.
I can distinguish between local weather patterns and weather in other hemispheres.
I can hypothesize where and when a hurricane will occur based on global weather patterns.
I can plot and track hurricane movement using a coordinate grid map.
air, air mass, air pressure, almanac, altitude, anemometer, atmosphere, barometer, barometric
pressure, Celsius, cirrus, cloud, cold front, condensation, cumulonimbus, cumulus, degree,
drought, elevation, equator, evaporation, Fahrenheit, flood, fog, forecast, freezing ,Gulf
Stream, hail,
hemisphere, humidity, hurricane, hygrometer, Jet Stream, land breeze, latitude, longitude,
meteorologist, mountain breeze, nimbus, overcast, precipitation, pressure, radar, rain gauge,
shadow, satellites, season, sea breeze, stratus, temperature, thermometer, transpiration,
breeze, vapor, warm front, water cycle, weather, weather vane, wind chill, wind vane
Student Literature:
Weather Words and What They Mean by Gail Gibbons
Flash, Crash, Rumble, and Roll by Franklyn M. Branley
Night of the Twisters by Ivy Ruckman
Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Martin
Flood: Wrestling with the Mississippi by Patricia Lauber
Tornadoes by Gail Gibbons
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett
Weather by Seymour Simon
Wild Weather by Seymour Simon
Tornadoes by Seymour Simon
Storms by Seymour Simon
The Cloud Book by Tomie de Paola
The Magic School Bus Kicks Up a Storm by Joanna Cole
Best Book of Weather by Simon Adams
Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan
It’s Snowing! It’s Snowing by Jack Prelutsky
Blizzard: The Storm That Changed America by Jim Murphy
Thundercake by Patricia Polacco
Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse
A Drop of Water by Walter Wick
The Magic School Bus at the Water Works by Joanna Cole
Eye of the Storm: Chasing Storms with Warren Faidley by Stephen P. Kramer
Hurricanes by Gail Gibbons
El Nino: Stormy Weather for People and Wildlife by Caroline Arnold
Scholastic Study Jams (short videos and slide shows on weather topics).
Discovery Education
 Weather Patterns - Multiple Resources
 Weather Data – Multiple Resources
School Tube – Weather Gale Info Bits from NC Wise Owl (Weather)
Brain Pop
The Weather Channel
Science News for Kids
Beyond Weather and the Water Cycle
Weather Wiz Kids
NC Science Live Binder
It’s a Breeze: How Air Pressure Affects You
An explanation of air pressure and how it relates to weather is highlighted on this National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) kids page. The site offers experiments,
discussion questions, a word search game, and interactive computer animations that explain
the relationship between weather and air pressure.
Weather and Atmosphere
Quick-Write Prompts
1) People have favorite weather days. Some people like sunny days, while others enjoy
rainy days. Think about your favorite weather day. Write an essay explaining why you
like this kind of weather.
2) Often, people plan for particular activities based on what the weather will be like. Write
about how your activities change with different types of weather.
3) Write a story telling about something fantastic that happens to you when you are stuck
indoors on a snowy winter day.
4) Use the interactive weather prompt generator to get a story starter:
5) Have you ever noticed that the weather can affect your appetite? On cold days, soup
sounds tasty and comforting, while on hot days, nothing hits the spot like an ice cream
cone or icy slush. Write about a time when you really enjoyed eating something as a
result of the weather.
and probes
*Construct formative assessment probes – see ‘how to’ on pages 85, 102, and
183 in Science Formative Assessment by Page Keeley.
Use formative probes: Uncovering Student ideas in Science, Volumes 1-4, by
Page Keeley
(I)Volume 3 What Are Clouds made of? p. 155
(II) Volume 3 Rainfall p.
171 (III) Volume 4 Camping Trip p. 137
(IV) Volume 4 Global Warming p. 143
Formative Assessment Probes (articles, how-to, free-online) by Page Keeley, et
See Discovery Education . Click on Builder Tools and select Quiz Builder
See Discovery Education Click on Builder Tools and select Quiz Builder
Teachers determine the learning plan while reflecting on the range of abilities, styles,
interests and needs of students. How will the work be personalized and differentiated
in order to achieve the desired learning targets?
Create a class weather data chart/station to collect daily local weather data, including
temperature, barometric pressure, cloud type & cover, rainfall. This can be a white board,
chart paper, etc. (See examples in resources)
for the Learning
Discuss the science of meteorology and the job of a meteorologist. If you want to have a local
meteorologist come in and speak to the students, this should be arranged as soon as possible.
You can contact local news stations to do this.
Discuss weather vs. climate – make sure the students understand the difference between
Review Water Cycle/Steps of the Water Cycle:
Evaporation (humidity, hygrometer)
Condensation (dew, frost)
Precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, hail)
Cloud Cover
Build off of condensation from water cycle lessons to introduce cloud cover. Teach the
weather associated with each cloud type.
Anemometer measures wind speed –create one for class. Observe different types of
anemometers. Add record of daily wind speeds to chart.
Wind Direction
Wind Vanes measure wind direction. Observe different types of wind vanes. Wind is named by
the direction from which it comes.
Thermometers measure how hot or how cold something is. Reading Celsius and Fahrenheit
on a thermometer.
Air Pressure
High Pressure – weather associated with
Low Pressure – weather associated with
Barometer Measures Air Pressure
Air moves from areas of high pressure to low pressure. Creates wind.
Types of Winds
Land Breezes
Sea Breezes
Valley Breezes
Mountain Breezes
Read/Analyze/Create Weather Graphs
Based on Weather Data to find trends and patterns.
Begin to collect weather data from chosen cities across the United States and around the
world to compare to local weather.
Air Mass Movement
Air masses are defined by temperature and moisture.
Continental – Land (hot,dry/cold,dry)
Maritime – Water (cool,moist/warm,moist)
Analyze weather patterns in the Northern Hemisphere.
Global Air Currents: Jet stream (moves west to east and changes location based on global
Other important wind patterns to cover:
Prevailing Westerlies
Polar Easterlies
Trade Winds
Teacher Reference, Student Reference and Activity Books:
Scholastic Atlas of Weather by Scholastic
Air, Water and Weather: Stop Faking It! (NSTA Publication)
Answers to Science Questions from the Stop Faking It! Guy by William C. Robertson, PhD
The Kids Book of Weather Forecasting by Mark Green
Sandwich Bag Science by Scholastic Inc.
Air Pressure Bag pg. 39
Coffee Can Science by Scholastic Inc.
Coffee Can Barometer pg. 45
Dew Point Can pg. 47
Soda Bottle Science by Scholastic Inc.
Infiltration Bottle pg. 39
Transpiration Bottle pg. 55
Soda Bottle Thermometer pg. 18
Water Cycle in a Bottle pg. 31
Hot Air Balloon pg. 33
Rain Gauge pg. 37
Weather by Learning Resources Inc.
Science Magnifier (Grades 3‐5) by Carolina Biological Supply Company
Scholastic Inc. Weather Books Activities Linking Science with Math K‐4 by John Eichinger
Exploring Evaporation pg. 144
Differentiated Instruction for K‐8 Math and Science: Ideas, Activities and Lesson Plans by
Mary Hamm
and Dennis Adams
Gases Everywhere pg. 124
Simple and Fun Science Simplified: Learning by Doing (Grades 3‐5 Book D) by Essential
Learning Products
Snowflakes and Sleet pg. 37
Equalizing Air Pressure pg. 38
Which Balloon is Heavier? pg. 39
What’s the Weather? pg. 40
Nature’s Hygrometer pg. 40
Temperature Determines Movement pg. 45
Simple and Fun Science Simplified: Learning by Doing (Grades 4‐6 Book E) by Essential
Learning Products
Weather and the Power of Wind pg. 70
Homemade Barometer pg. 75
Homemade Thermometer pg. 76
Francis Beaufort’s Scale pg. 77
Hard‐to‐Teach Science Concepts: A Framework to Support Learners, Grades 3‐5 by Susan
Koba with
Carol T. Mitchell
Global Weather Patterns
Discovery Education
Weather Smart: Global Patterns, El Nino/La Nina
CBS News: The 20th Century: El Nino
Global Climate Zones Video Segment
Types of Climates Exploration
Weather Patterns Video Segment – Prevailing Westerlies
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - El Nino
Weather Wiz Kids – Winds
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Jet Stream
Individualized assignments on Study Island, Castle Learning, and Discovery Education based
on student need. Vocabulary games and flash cards.
Individualized assignments on Study Island, Castle Learning, and Discovery
Students research types of severe weather. Students prepare a presentation to share their
findings (posters, PSAs, Prezis, songs, etc)