Download Earth`s atmosphere

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Earth’s atmosphere
Objectives TSWBAT:
 List the layers of the atmosphere
 Describe the characteristics of the layers of
atmosphere using chart in ESRT
 Describe what the atmosphere is composed
What is the atmosphere?
 Thin envelope of gas that surrounds the
 Extends 375 miles above sea level
 What are the elements in the atmosphere?
(pg 1)
 Nitrogen , oxygen, argon, neon, helium,
hydrogen and xenon
What did the atmosphere use to be
like 2 billion years ago?
 No oxygen, contained water vapor and
carbon dioxide
 Photosynthesis produced oxygen
 Carbon dioxide = rocks, water vapor =
What are other things that are in the
 Oxygen, Nitrogen, other
 Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane,
ozone, nitrous oxide, and CFC’s. (Varies)
Atmospheric Structure
Water Vapor
What is the ozone layer?
 Ozone – unstable molecule composed of
three atoms of oxygen that help block
Ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
 15 miles above Earth (stratosphere)
Where does all weather take place?
 Troposphere (only layer with water vapor) –
contains 90% of gases
What is an interface?
 Between each layer of the atmosphere is an
interface (boundary between 2 regions that
change properties)
 These interfaces are the tropopause,
stratopause and Mesopause
 For example, the top of the troposphere is
the “tropopause.”
Isothermal Layer
 A layer in the atmosphere where
temperature remains the same as altitude
increases (tropopause)
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